
24 Nov 2023

Free Saturday Parking for Christmas Shopping

Free parking in the following Pay & Display towns across Fingal for 3 Saturdays in December in the run up to Christmas. Balbriggan, Rush, Skerries, Swords and in Malahide (Bridgefield Carpark only).

17 Nov 2023

Virtual Reality comes to Fingal Libraries

Blanchardstown Library was the home to a golf course, a racket ball court, loads of graffiti, and the historically famous house of Ann Frank on Tuesday 14th of November, as virtual reality (VR) enthusiasts helped launch the VR for Libraries project.

15 Nov 2023

2024 Funding for conservation works and repairs in Fingal

Fingal County Council is now inviting applications under several schemes for works to be done in 2024 for small, medium or large-scale repairs or conservation projects to Protected Structures and in certain circumstances to buildings that enhance Architectural Conservation Areas within the Fingal area.  The closing date for receipt of applications is FRIDAY 19th JANUARY 2024