
16 Mar 2022

New councillor co-opted to Fingal County Council

Angela Donnelly of Sinn Féin has been co-opted by the members of Fingal County Council to replace Cllr Aaron O’Rourke who resigned as a councillor due to time pressure. She will represent the Ongar Local Electoral Area.

14 Mar 2022

Fingal shows solidarity with people of Ukraine

In a gesture of solidarity with the people and the country of Ukraine, the Ukrainian national flag was raised today at County Hall, Swords, by the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Seána O Rodaigh, in the presence of the Ukrainian ambassador to Ireland, Her Excellency Ms Larysa Gerasko.

11 Mar 2022

Awards for Fingal’s Newest Leaders at She Leads Fingal Ceremony

A new network of leaders were presented with Certificates of Achievement at the She Leads Fingal Awards Ceremony on Monday night by AnnMarie Farrelly, Fingal County Council Chief Executive and Cllr Karen Power, Chairperson of Fingal County Council Women’s Caucus.