Project Background

The Fingal Development Plan outlines numerous policies and objectives to plan and develop a route that integrates a coastal pedestrian and cycle route with sensitive natural and built heritage sites whilst achieving a balance between conservation of such sites and public uses such as leisure, recreation and tourism. It also identifies a number of proposed cycle routes within the study area which may overlap with the Fingal Coastal Way.
An indicative route for the Fingal Coastal Way is also included in the Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan. However, the emerging preferred route of the Fingal Coastal Way scheme is not restricted to the outlined indicative route.
The proposed scheme will form the northern most part of the Fingal Coastal Way and will directly link to the Broadmeadow Way scheme in Newbridge Demense. This will eventually form a complete pedestrian and cycling route along the coast of Fingal between Balbriggan and Howth.
Benefits of the Scheme
The Fingal Coastal Way will have a range of benefits including:
- Respecting and managing recreational activity through sensitive environment and heritage sites;
- Promoting recreational activities;
- Promoting physical activity, health and wellbeing;
- Improving connectivity between Newbridge Demesne, Donabate, Rush, Loughshinny, Skerries and Balbriggan and the wider North Fingal area;
- Providing a safe and attractive walking and cycling route for leisure, tourist and commuting purposes;
- Facilitating a shift to sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport;
- Encouraging tourism to support both local and regional economies;
- Fulfilling regional and national development plan objectives.