Ward River Regional Park
The revitalisation of Ward River Regional Park will have many long-lasting benefits

The second phase of the Ward River Regional Park Development Project public consultation will continue in the community with an in person design development display at the Chapel at Swords Castle on Friday 28th 5pm - 7pm and Saturday 29th of April 1pm - 4pm. This will be an opportunity for you to have your say on the emerging design of the park. We look forward to seeing you there.
Please click here to give feedback on the design development survey.
Fingal County Council would like to create a sustainable vision for the Ward River Regional Park that is built upon its existing natural, cultural and historic character to create a place that is healthy, connected and engaged with locals and visitors alike.
To ensure the park is designed with the insights of the local communities that surround, live and use the park, we have been undertaking a community engagement programme to get the public's ideas and views that will help create a space that will benefit all users on the doorstep of Fingal’s county town.
As part of that consultation process we have already conducted a community survey, and held the first of our community-based workshops in October 2022 to gather local input for the design of the park from people that use it park regularly. Around 70 people attended the workshop, while 650 people completed a survey questionnaire on how they use the park and what they would like to see in the park in the future.
Analysis of the feedback from the survey shows a number of key themes emerging, including:
- Uses of the park
- Biodiversity
- Accessibility
- Improved routes
You can read the full report and findings here.
Watch the Public Consultation Webinar that took place on Wednesday 26th April below.
Ward River Regional Park Webinar

Building on the valuable contributions and feedback to date, a second phase of consultation will take place in the first half of 2023 to further develop the preliminary design proposals. Fingal County Council and the design team look forward to working with the community to develop an exciting new vision for the park.
In the meantime, the following graphic sets out where we currently are in the timeline and what the next steps are: