Balrothery Active Travel Strategy

Cartoon of people walking and cycling

Fingal County Council is developing an active travel strategy for Balrothery that will identify projects to provide the infrastructure to support and encourage active travel. This webpage will be updated throughout the project.


The Strategy

The objective of this strategy

This strategy will identify projects in the Balrothery area to provide the infrastructure that will support and encourage members of the public to use active travel modes such as walking, cycling, and scooting for short-distance journeys and provide links to access to public transport for medium-distance journeys.

These projects might include changes to the road layout, locations for cycle parking or improvements to public spaces. The extents of the project are show on the map.

Map of Balrothery boundary

Why is this important?

Fingal Council is committed to creating well-serviced and well-connected communities with reduced travel distances between home, work, education, and services that allow more people to undertake local journeys actively. This supports the health and well-being of residents and supports climate action by reducing vehicle emissions. The council is also committed to enhancing and developing Fingal’s inherent sense of place, identity, and character, ensuring that individual communities remain distinctive and improving the quality of life for residents. The council is also committed to ensuring that these improvements to local neighbourhoods are inclusive and cater to all abilities, genders, and age groups including children, older people, and people with a range of disabilities.

Active Travel Strategy Timeline

Timeline graphic Balrothery Active Travel Strategy

The Active Travel Strategy for Balrothery will be developed through 4 stages. At each stage, the community will be able to feed into the developing strategy. Fingal County Council feels it is important to co-develop a strategy with the Balrothery community to ensure that it is appropriate to the particular needs of residents, business owners, and visitors in the village. 

Current Stage: Stage 1 - Understanding Balrothery - Reviewing feedback

In this first stage the project team will build a detailed understanding of active movement around Balrothery. They will do this through mapping and travel survey data, but they also want to gather the community's experience and opinions on:

  • the current way that people travel around Balrothery and the surrounding areas;
  • the existing active travel infrastructure;
  • the destinations people are travelling to and from to meet their daily needs; and
  • the barriers that different people in Balrothery experience to travelling more actively. 
  • opinions on opportunities to enhance existing linkages, create new routes and create new public spaces.

The community can give their feedback in this first stage in two ways.

  1. Give feedback through the interactive activities on this website. 
  2. Give feedback in person at our upcoming session to be held: from 3pm-8pm on 20 February 2024 in the Balrothery Heritage Centre.

Please note that all of the information will be used to inform publicly available reports. We will not be collecting personal information and please do not provide any personal information.

PLEASE NOTE: This stage of the consultation has ended. An update will be issued shortly. (14/03/24)

Get creative on what you'd do to make Balrothery a Perfect Active Travel Village


This project is being led by The Active Travel Unit of Fingal County Council and supported by the international consultants Ramboll. The project team will email registered community groups to update them on the project's progress. If you would like to be emailed with updates about this project or have any questions about the project, then please get in contact by emailing:  [email protected]

Fingal County Council is being supported by the international consultants Ramboll to develop an active travel strategy for Balrothery. Ramboll is a foundation-owned consultancy of over 17,000 experts worldwide whose ethos is to partner with our clients and collaborators to drive sustainable change. Ramboll’s experts create memorable and lasting places that embed long-term sustainability and generate value for future generations.

For further information see Ramboll website.

ramboll logo
Cartoon of people waling and cycling