Planning applications referred to the Aircraft Noise Competent Authority

The 2019 Act requires the Planning Authority to refer planning applications at Dublin Airport to the Competent Authority for an assessment of the potential impact of aircraft noise.

Planning applications may be for proposed development at the airport or for the amendment of an existing planning condition that have an aircraft noise impact.

Notices of the Opinion of the Competent Authority to the Planning Authority

Planning Applications 2025
Proposal Description Link to Planning Authority File Competent Authority  Report
The Application seeks planning permission to replace the 32mppa Conditions with a limit that a maximum of 36 million air passengers will be permitted to use the infrastructure at Dublin Airport per annum (36mppa) F25A/0094E Documents

The Demolition of 2 Spiral

Ramps at Terminal 1, Dublin Airport

F25A/0011E Documents  
Planning Applications 2024
Proposal Description Link to Planning Authority File Competent Authority Report
An increase in passenger numbers per annum at Dublin Airport as follows:
• An increase in the capacity of the airport from the permitted combined capacity of Terminal 1 together with Terminal 2, of 32 million passengers per annum (32mppa) (as referenced by condition no. 3 of ABP Ref. No. PL06F.220670 (F06A/1248) and condition no. 2 under ABP Ref No. PL06F.223469 (F06A/1843) - collectively referred to as the 32mppa Conditions)) - to 36 million passengers per annum (36mppa).
F24A/1178E No further consideration is being given to this application by ANCA in view of the decision that the application is invalid.  
Provision of apron bus access facilities at Terminal 2, Dublin Airport. F24A-0965E Documents 
Construction of Taxi Rank Set down Area at Dublin Airport, Terminal 1 Arrivals, Terminal Complex, Collinstown, Swords, Co. Dublin F24A-0824E Documents
Construction of 950 car parking spaces for airport staff at Harristown FW24A-0253E Documents
Provision of an Aircraft Observation Facility at Old Airport Road (Collinstown Lane) F24A-0512E Documents
Installation of an aircraft noise monitoring terminal on a standalone, tiltable mast structure. FW24A/0175E Documents
Temporary 7-year permission for the provision of infrastructure to facilitate the charging of electrical buses for Dublin Airport.  F24A-0309E  Documents
Installation of 15 no secure bicycle lockers at 2 locations adjacent to Terminal 2 F24A/0160 Documents

The development of 2 illuminated signs and associated works.

 F24A/0139  Documents
Planning Applications 2019-2023
Proposal Description Link to Planning Authority File Competent Authority Report

The development will consist of: a 2 -storey airside operations building

F23A/0786 Documents
Application for development at Dublin Airport encompassing an increase in passenger capacity and infrastructure projects.


The proposed development includes upgrades to existing drainage infrastructure and construction of additional drainage infrastructure to improve performance of the surface water management system at Dublin Airport  F23A/0636 Documents
For Plannning permisson for development on land within the grounds of Ballyboughal  National School Co. Dublin. The development will consist of the installation of an aircraft noise monitoring terminal on a standlone tiltable mast structure (6m in height) along with assoicated works including electrical connection. F23A/0430 Documents
Planning permission for development on land within the grounds of St. Anne's Church, Strand Road, Burrow, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of the installation of an aircraft noise monitoring terminal on a standalone, tiltable mast structure (6m in height) along with associated works including electrical connection. F23A/0414   Documents
The proposed development will consist of: (1) the reconfiguration and expansion of the existing 2-storey US Customs and Border protection (CBP) pre-clearance facility. F23A/0301 Documents
The development will consist of the installation of an aircraft noise monitoring terminal on a standalone, tiltable mast structure (6m in height) along with associated works including electricity connection. F23A/0258 Documents
The development on land within the car park of Ardgillan Community College, Castleland, Balbriggan, Co Dublin.  the development will consist of the installation of an aircraft noise monitoring terminal on a standalone, tiltable mast structure (6m in height) along with associated works including electricity connection. F23A/0253 Documents
The proposed development will also consist of: the demolition of the existing internal airport roadway on site and the development of new site access arrangements; external covered bin storage and chemical storage; new substation; provision of 20 no. airside vehicle parking spaces; new service connections; and all other associated site and development works, all on a site to the north of Hangar 6 and North Apron, west of Castlemoate Road, and south of Gatepost 1B, in the townlands of Cloghran and Corballis, Dublin Airport, Co. Dublin. F23A/0245 Documents

The development will consist of an extension to the existing North Apron, to include the construction of new apron pavement and the rehabilitation of existing apron pavement (Total area of paving: c. 0.99ha.), along with associated ancillary development including surface water drainage and attenuation, electrical infrastructure, road markings and signage and elevated airfield lighting. The Planning appilcation is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement.

F23A/0132 Documents

Permission for development at a site of c.361.5m2 on the north-western part of the roof ( Level 40) of the T1X building at Terminal 1, Dublin Airport, Collinstown, Co. Dublin. The proposed development will consist of an extension to the existing rooftop plant room to provide a rooftop plant unit of c.185m2. The proposed development will accommodate additional mechanical equipment, including 2no. extract cowls, ducting , and 3no. roof cowls, all to serve a new food and beverage unit inside the T1X building on the Departures Level (Level 20) , and will be screened with a louvre cladding to match the existing rooftop plant room in terms of elevational treatment and height. An external condenser unit is also proposed to be located immediately to the north-west of the proposed plant room extension.



Permission for Airside Operation Facilities (Reg. Ref. F19A/0426) which approved the development of an animal welfare facility, airside operation facilities and the provision of a substation.

F23A/0121 Documents

PERMISSION for development at this site address: DUBLIN AIRPORT, CORBALLIS, CO. DUBLIN. The development is a modification to a previous permission for Airside Operation Facilities (Reg. Ref. F19A/0426) which approved the development of an animal welfare facility, airside operation facilities and the provision of a substation.

F23A/0039 Documents

The development will consist of: a 2-storey airside operations building of c.1,700sq.m and c.7.5m in height accommodating a passenger reception centre for airside emergency incidents and primary support function for the airport to include operations, maintenance and storage facilities required for the airfield's foreign object debris and snow bases. North Apron Airside Support (NAAS)

F23A/0023 Documents
Alterations to the Dublin Port to Dublin Airport fuel pipeline F22A/0682   Documents

Construction of a subterranean Underpass of Runway 16/34

F20A/0460 Documents
Construction of a detached ticket sales kiosk located on footpath between terminal 1 & multi-storey car park. F22A/0411 Documents
Permission is sought for the permanent continuation of use of the Pre - Boarding Zone building, and associated canopy and covered pedestrian walkway, permitted for a temporary period of 7 years under Pl Ref F16A/0483 F22A/0366 Documents

The installation of the Thermal Storage tank permitted under Planning Reg Ref. F19A/0084 at a revised location to the east of the Terminal 2 Energy Centre, along with all associated site works including the erection of a new boundary fence around the Thermal Storage Tank.  The tanks dimensions (16m x 4.8 m) and capacity (250m3) will remain unchanged.  It will, as previously permitted, be used to store excess heat and improve the energy efficiency of the existing combined Heat and Power Plant serving Terminal 2.

F22A/0316 Documents

Change of use of the existing vacant core aviation office use building (as granted planning permission under F18A/0436) to new use as Minor Injury & Wellness Clinic (urgent Care service).

F22A/0097 Documents

Planning permission for a new solar photovoltaic solar farm at site bounded by Harristown Lane (L3151), St Margaret’s Road (R122), and South Parallel Road (R108) in the townland of Sanganhill Td, Finglas ED, Co. Dublin.

FW22A/0021  Documents

Rehabilitation works to existing 'Purple Zone' staff car park to include resurfacing, lighting, road markings and signage, ducting for EV charging points, and all associated site works and ancillary development.

F22A/0029  Documents
The proposed development will consist of replacement of the permitted horizontal storage vessel with vertical Thermal Storage Tanks arranged in series connection and all associated site works on a site of 418.68 sq.m. F21A/0706 Documents

The proposed development will consist of the construction of a new vehicle access and agricultural gate to existing land within daa ownership.

F21A/0659  Documents

The proposed development will consist of the construction of a new vehicle access to the Naul road and agricultural gates to existing land within DAA ownership. The new access is required to provide additional access for lawn cutting vehicles to existing land within DAA ownership at Naul Road and at land close to the junction of Naul Road and Forrest Road.

F21A/0673  Documents

Permission for continuation of use of the existing site office structure at "The Green", Dublin Airport Central, Dublin Airport, Swords, Co Dublin, K67 X4X5. The application seeks permission for the continuation of the existing use of the structure as a Covid Testing Centre for a period of up to 3 years.

F21A/0594 Documents

The proposed development will consist of a new vehicle access to the Naul Road. New access required for lawn cutting vehicles to existing land within daa ownership at the junction of the Naul Road and Forrest Road.

F21A/0556 Documents

Permission for alterations to section of the existing internal road network and associated works, on the Departures routes to and from the Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 forecourts in the townlands of Corballis and Collinstown, Dublin Airport, Co. Dublin.

F21A/0518 Documents

The construction of a new vehicle access and agricultural gate to existing land within daa ownership at Dublin Airport, Co. Dublin, in the townland of Forrest Great.

F21A/0363 Documents

The construction of three new vehicle new vehicle accesses and agricultural gates at each site within daa ownership at Dublin Airport, Co. Dublin, in the townland of Millhead.

F21A/0364 Documents

Site A- Erection of a new part 3-, part 11- and part 12-storey terminal-linked 410 bedroom hotel

Site B - Removal and replacemnt of weather radome and support structure from its rooftop location at Skybridge House

Site C&D: Temporary use of sites as construction compounds

F21A/0255 Documents

Development of a temporary (5 year lifespan) construction contractor 'West Compound' on a 5.9 ha site adjoining the R108 public road.

F21A/0232 Documents

Development of an airside single-storey free-standing General Aviation dispatch hut and Tug Shelter and storage shelter (approx. 10.7m x 9.9m).

F21A/0008 Documents

A proposed development comprising the taking of a ‘relevant action’ only within the meaning of Section 34C of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, at Dublin Airport, Co. Dublin.


The regulatory decisions open to ANCA can be viewed at this link


New standalone 8-12 -storey (over partial basement) hotel at Radisson Blu Hotel, Corballis Way / East Link Road, Dublin Airport, Swords, Co. Dublin.

F20A/0638 Documents

Construction of a 1-6 storey extension (over lower ground) to the existing hotel at Radisson Blu Hotel, Corballis Way / East Link Road, Dublin Airport, Swords, Co. Dublin.

F20A/0636 Documents

Installation of a new facade and thermal envelope to all elevations of the upper two storeys of the original Terminal 1 building.

F20A/0553 Documents

For full planning permission to extend the North Apron in the Airfield at Dublin Airport, Co Dublin.

F20A/0550 Documents

Retention planning permission and planning permission is sought by St. Margaret’s Recycling & Transfer Centre Ltd. at St. Margaret’s Metal Recycling, Sandyhill, St. Margaret’s, Co. Dublin.

FW20A/0029 Documents

Permission for alterations to sections of the existing internal road network and associated works, on the Departures routes to and from Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 forecourts.

F20A/0455 Documents
The proposed development will consist of a Petrol Fililng Station. FW20A/0120 Documents

Development at an existing bus stop at Lane 2, east of terminal 1 Multi-storey car park and development at an existing taxi rank at Lane 1, East of Terminal 1.

F20A/0394 Documents

The temporary continuance of use of the existing 2,700 long-term car parking spaces.

F20A/0331 Documents

Permission for a single-storey free standing c.5m tall substation.

F20A/0295 Documents

Amendment to Planning Permission reference F19A/0049 as granted.



A covered walkway over the existing private IAA footpath.



The removal of all existing portacabins and the construction of a vehicle maintenance building.



The demolition of 3 no. existing single storey sheds, the removal of the surface of the existing yard, and the construction of (1) a part single (double height), part two-storey machinery/salt storage building.



Proposed change of use to provide for an increased combined passenger capacity for all passenger buildings.



Animal Welfare Facility - a single storey equine inspection facility.

