Harry Reynolds Road - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

The footpath runs alongside the road in this location to facilitate school buses dropping off children at the new school bus laybys so children can safely exit from the bus without stepping in front of a bicycle on the cycle path. In all other areas of the scheme the cycle path will run alongside the road.

These areas are shared surfaces. On a shared surface pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users, and they have priority but cyclists are also permitted to use the same space. Shared surfaces occur at road crossings and bus stops. The shared areas are designed to meet the required safety and design standards such as the National Transport Authority’s “National Cycle Manual” and the “Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets” (DMURS).

The recently updated “National Cycle Manual” published by the National Transport Authority, in conjunction with the National Council for the Blind of Ireland (NCBI), states that a kerb should be provided between the cycle path and the footpath to assist people who are blind or have reduced vision in identifying the cycle path, the footpath and the transition between the two.

The roundabout has been modified in accordance with the requirements of national design standards such as the “Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets” (DMURS) to help reduce traffic speeds and improve road safety for all road users. The space available for vehicles has been tightened to slow traffic but the design also allows larger vehicles to turn if needed. Standard traffic will use the outer area – the blacktop/tarmacadam area, which will help to keep traffic speeds within the speed limit. Larger transport vehicles such as articulated trucks, large construction vehicles, fire tenders and buses can also pass by using the concrete area as an overrun space if they require more turning space than standard vehicular traffic.


There are a number of these types of roundabouts in the area that have been in operation without issue, such as the one above Millfield Shopping Centre. The new overrun area on this roundabout has a red textured finish. The surfacing at the roundabout is currently unfinished while works are ongoing. The road will be resurfaced when construction of the remainder of the project is substantially complete.

Parking of construction staff associated with the Harry Reynolds Pedestrian and Cycle Route project is monitored and care is taken to ensure that parking by construction staff is not carried out in an inappropriate manner. Any infringements are brought to the attention of the Contractor. Should inappropriate parking associated with construction workers for the project occur, the issue is raised with the Contractor and resolved as quickly as possible.