Project Overview

Fingal County Council has awarded Jon’s Civil Engineering Co. Ltd the contract for construction of the Harry Reynolds Road Pedestrian and Cycle Route in Balbriggan.  

Construction works are scheduled to start in June 2023 and are expected to finish in the second half of 2024.

The main objective of the project is to create a walking and cycling route that links local schools, amenities such as shops and community centres, and homes in Balbriggan.  

To improve the experience of walking and cycling in Balbriggan, this route includes:

Segregated Infrastructure: The project will include new dedicated cycle tracks and footpaths that are physically separated from motor traffic. By separating those walking and cycling from faster moving motor traffic, we will make it a safer to cycle and walk and help more people choose Active Travel to get around the town, particularly children and older people who are more vulnerable on our roads.

Traffic Safety: The project includes new pedestrian crossings, raised tables, and other measures to slow down motor traffic along the route. We are making these changes to improve overall flow of people, with walkers and cyclists given the highest priority.

Roundabouts and Crossings: The route features pedestrian and cycle-friendly roundabouts and crossings. These will be designed with safety and accessibility in mind, ensuring that everyone using the route will be able to navigate them smoothly. 

Landscaping and Greenery: Extensive landscaping is being undertaken as part of the project, including the planting of trees and hedgerows. This new greenery will enhance the look of the route and contribute to a more pleasant and environmentally friendly travel experience by improving air quality and biodiversity.

• Measures for School Areas: The project will ensure targeted traffic calming and safe cycling measures on the approach roads to the Argillan Community College and Bracken Educate Together school campus. These measures will create a safer environment for students and encourage Active Travel to and from school.

This project will provide a well-designed and inclusive cycling route that puts the safety and comfort of cyclists and pedestrians first.

The project fits in with the "Our Balbriggan 2019-2025 Rejuvenation Plan" by Fingal County Council and supports our commitment to enhancing the local community through sustainable transportation initiatives.

Regular updates will be provided on progress, upcoming works and changes to traffic management throughout the project.