Biodiversity in Fingal

biodiversity action plan

Biodiversity or 'biological diversity' is the variety of all life. Biodiversity includes all living things from the smallest of creatures such as ants to the mighty basking shark and from the tiniest algae to the giant oak trees. Biodiversity is not restricted to rare or threatened species, but includes the whole of the natural world from the commonplace to the critically endangered. Biodiversity also includes the range of places where plants and animals live, from the local park just around the corner to the world's deepest seas and oceans.

Although we may not readily appreciate it, biodiversity provides us with many of the essentials that sustain our lives - our oxygen, clean water, food, clothing and places to relax in. A rich biodiversity underpins economic development and prosperity and it makes our environment more resilient to the impacts of climate change. It is important that we protect the wealth of wildlife and habitats in Fingal because we are depended on these for our survival and well-being.

Despite the important role biodiversity plays in everyday life, there is a serious concern for biodiversity in Ireland and throughout the world. The pattern of biodiversity loss in Fingal mirrors the global pattern as our local habitats are lost and species numbers have declined. The loss of biodiversity is considered a threat of equal size to the climate emergency. The main drivers of biodiversity loss in Fingal are habitat loss & fragmentation due to development, recreational disturbance, climate change, water pollution, lack of habitat management and alien invasive species.

The Biodiversity Action Plan puts forward an ambitious programme of 100 actions to reverse the decline of habitats and species in Fingal by 2030. The plan outlines a vision for nature in 2030 and includes the strategies, and actions needed to achieve this vision. It also translates international and national biodiversity & climate change commitments into action on the ground. The actions in this plan are centred around six topics;

  1. Delivery of the Ecological Network across Fingal
  2. Building for Biodiversity and Managing Open Space for Biodiversity
  3. Climate change adaption and mitigation
  4. Agri environment schemes and rewilding
  5. Research & monitoring
  6. Raising awareness

Annual reports will be prepared to report on progress regarding the implementation of the Biodiversity Action Plan and achieving the targets set out in the plan.


Fingal Biodiversity Action Plan 2023-2030

Fingal Biodiversity Action Plan 2023-2030 - Executive Summary

A Fingal Biodiversity Forum has been established to oversee the implementation of the Fingal Biodiversity Action Plan. The forum includes representatives of various Council Departments, state agencies, nature conservation NGO’s, PPN, Councillors and community groups. Forum members identified the priority actions for the 2023-2026 period and they meet twice a year to discuss how best to progress the actions in the Biodiversity Plan.


Implementation Plan 2023-2026 - Fingal Biodiversity Plan 

Click here to access the Fingal Biodiversity events brochure for April - June 2024.

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