Community Facilities Management Support Unit – Staying Connected During Covid-19

Over the past few months the Community Development Office through the Community Facilities Management Support Unit has worked very closely with the 32 community facilities supported by Fingal County Council and the Fingal Community Facilities Network. The focus during Covid is to keep the channels of communication open across the network to ensure that community facilities do not become isolated with the aim of developing a framework to promote consistency and shared thinking and collaboration. The CFMSU also provides information and support on a wide range of funding initiatives and opportunities that will improve service delivery and open up further opportunities for staying connected.
Fingal Community Facilities Network
The FCFN set up a steering group during Covid to work on several key projects to keep our community facilities connected across the county and to provide a support structure that would enable managers and board of directors to tap into support and tap in to the wide range of information and capacity development supports.
The following projects were set up to focus on challenges facing community facilities such as remobilisation, sustainability, staying connected and developing new ways of working.
Remobilisation working group
The remobilisation working group developed a framework that linked in to the guidelines set out under the road to recovery. The group developed a communication structure that enabled all members of the network to keep connected and consistent and avail of shared information and support.
Digital enhancements:
This project has a twofold approach whereby a website is currently being developed that will combine all the information available on each facility engaged in the network and will be provide a platform to develop new online resources and supports that can be shared across all communities. The second project is improving wi-fi closed and public in all facilities. Fingal County Council owned facilities will be prioritised in phase one of this project. This project is being rolled out in conjunction with the FCC Digital Strategy Manager. This collaboration will ensure that the enhanced services will meet the long-term digital needs of community centres. Each centre is currently looking at innovative ways to stay connected with their communities of interest.
Community Facilities connecting communities, boards and volunteers during Covid
In the early part of Covid it became apparent that volunteers disconnected with their boards due to technology issues. Two boards of management took on a pilot to provide volunteers / board members with the technology to support them to keen in touch as their role and point of views are so important during this time. This project has been very successful and have increased the number of volunteers reconnecting with their community centres. The equipment is on long-term loan to board members who wish to avail of the additional IT supports. Facilities are also setting up training hubs whereby tutors can hire a room and the necessary equipment to run their classes on line.
Connecting with Seniors:
Parslickstown House and Blakestown Community Centre were successful in securing funding to roll out a project entitled “getting seniors on line” this project aims to provide seniors in the local community with the training and supports necessary to enable them to keep connected. The meal project run during the first lock down and identified a number of older and vulnerable living alone with limited access to technology. The project will reach out to these identified individuals and encourage them to avail of training and supports to enable them to stay connected.
Light up the community for Christmas:
Community Centres stand tall in the heart of their communities. Each facility is exploring ways in which to be creative and to try to add additional lights and cheer to the external parts of their buildings. The hope is that this will cheer up people and reduce the feeling of isolation as they pass by and will show that community centres are there to help. The hope is to provide external lights to light up trees and to project a Christmas theme on the outside of the building during the festive season.