Annual Budget
The revenue budget deals with the day to day expenditure of maintaining and providing services throughout the county.
The 2024 Budget was adopted by the elected members on the 7th of November 2023.
O. Hunt
Head of Finance
The Council Revenue Budget is funded from the following sources:
Commercial rates
Local Property Tax
Government grants
Irish Water
Pension contributions
Rents/loan repayments
Income from goods and services
Each year the Council is legally obliged to prepare and adopt a budget projecting income and expenditure streams for the following year. The budgets are prepared by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Corporate Policy Group. However, it is the role of your local elected Councillors to adopt the budget with or without amendments.
There is a statutory timeframe within which the budget must be adopted. This is decided by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. The budget is sub-divided into 8 divisions, as follows:
Division A - Housing and Building
Division B - Road Transport and Safety
Division C - Water Supply and Sewerage
Division D - Development Incentives and Controls
Division E - Environmental Protection
Division F - Recreation and Amenity
Division G - Agriculture, Food & The Marine
Division H - Miscellaneous Services
These Divisions are further broken down into services and sub-services which can be seen in the detail of the budget book.