Bonfires Material Removal
Litter Management
The disposal of waste by uncontrolled burning is an offence under both the Air Pollution Act, 1987 and the Waste Management Act, 1996 as amended.
Notice on Prohibition of Burning Waste
Bonfires and the burning of waste are illegal and should be reported to Fingal County Council at 890 5000 and ask for the relevant Operations area:
- Balbriggan/Swords Ops
- MalahideHowth Ops
- Castleknock/Mulhuddart Ops
The lighting of bonfires is prohibited.
Please remember: bonfires are dangerous, cause injury to children each year and cause damage to your environment.
When we make staff available to clean up after bonfires and reinstate open spaces, they can’t carry out normal maintenance duties.
Don’t leave out materials for use in bonfires.
Don’t allow a bonfire on your local open space.
Remember, it’s your local environment – protect it.