Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) Grant
Heritage and Conservation

Fingal County Council is inviting applications under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) for works to be undertaken in 2025. Significant changes have been made to the operation of the scheme in 2025. The closing date has been brought forward and is now set nationally for 27 September 2024. The range of grant funding has been increased with the maximum level of funding now €50,000. This increased funding level under BHIS replaces Stream 1 of the Historic Structures Fund.
Built Heritage Investment Scheme Funding Levels: Minimum €2,500; Maximum €50,000
The BHIS 2025 offers financial assistance towards the repair and conservation of the architectural heritage of Fingal. Applications can be made for:
- Protected structures or Proposed Protected Structures
- Structures in Architectural Conservation Areas where the works enhance the character and appearance of the ACA (see Appendix 5 of the Fingal Development Plan 2023-2029 for a list of the ACAs in Fingal and the individual boundary maps for these)
- Non-protected Vernacular Structures (max grant for these is €30,000)
- Historic Shopfronts
- Thatched Buildings (Ring Fenced Thatching Fund) – Funding is available for conservation repairs to historic thatched structures, helping owners offset other costs. The allocation to Fingal under the Ring-Fenced Thatch stream is limited but applications for thatched properties can also be considered under the normal BHIS allocation
All BHIS applications will be assessed and prioritised on the basis of:
- Significance of the Structure
- Efficacy of the Works (effectiveness of proposed works to conserve the structure)
- Quality of Works Proposed (specification or method statement for works meets best conservation practice)
- Contribution to Public Amenity (improvement to streetscape or landscape)
Applicants can seek up to a maximum of 80% of public funding for individual projects, however, it may not always be possible to allocate the maximum level. The maximum public funding percentage level must take into account all allocations from any other public agency such as SEAI, Heritage Council, LEADER. Therefore other sources of funding must be noted on the application form.
A method statement is required as part of the application documentation and so it is important that a Conservation Professional designs, specifies and oversees the works on site. Where the specific expertise lies with a practitioner or contractor such as a thatcher or stone mason then they can be put forward as fulfilling the role of the conservation professional and can set out the method statement.
The Application Form and Guidance Documents on the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025 are available to download below.
- BHIS 2025 Application Form
- BHIS 2025 Application Checklist
- BHIS Direction on Qualifying and Non-qualifying Works
- BHIS 2025 Booklet Guidance for Applicants
- BHIS 2025 Circular for Planning Authorities
- BHIS 2025 Sample Application Form
CLOSING DATE: The deadline for receipt of applications for this scheme is 5pm on Friday 27th September 2024.
Application forms and relevant supplementary material should be emailed to [email protected] in either Word or pdf format. The size of the email with all attachments should not exceed 15MB.
Notification of Approval: Applications will be evaluated during October and November with a list of projects forwarded to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage for formal approval. Successful applicants will be notified by January 2025.
NOTE: Fingal County Council operates a separate scheme, called the Stitch in Time Grant, for small repairs/maintenance works that would fall below the minimum grant level of BHIS i.e. for grants under €2,500. The 2025 Stitch in Time Grant will be open for applications later this year. You can email [email protected] if you wish to be request an application form for this.