Comhairle na nÓg Co-ordination
Community Participation
Fingal Comhairle na nÓg has been coordinated by Foróige since 2018 who work closely with Fingal County Council in the facilitation of Comhairle and have a steering committee consisting of statutory agencies representatives, local councillors and young members of FCNN.
FCNN also has a young person representative on the CNN National Executive Committee.
FCNN hold monthly meetings for their young members, training workshops and organise an AGM each year with a particular theme.
FCNN focusses on recruiting young people as members that reflect the diversity of the county of Fingal with an aim to target the harder to reach communities of the county.
Check out their latest video from the FCNN 2023 Youth Conference held in Blanchardstown.
Check out their latest video from the FCNN 2023 Youth Conference held in Blanchardstown
For more information contact FCNN co-ordinator Aoife Genocchi.
Email: [email protected]
Ph: 086 6008574