
Commercial Rates

Commercial Rates

Rates are a property based tax levied by Local Authorities on the occupiers of commercial or industrial properties.  Income from commercial rates pays for a wide range of services including street lighting, maintenance of roads and footpaths, libraries, parks and playgrounds, sports and recreation facilities, economic development, community development and environmental protection.


On the 3rd of December 2024, Fingal Councillors determined the Annual Rate on Valuation (ARV) at 0.1796 for the County of Fingal for 2025.

The person(s) who must pay rates is the occupier of the premises. 

If there is a change in occupation during the year, then the rates are liable on a pro-rata basis between the relevant occupiers.

If the property is unoccupied, then the owner is liable.

Rates are calculated by multiplying the valuation of your property by the annual rate on valuation [ARV]. The Commissioner of Valuation is responsible for valuations and the Local Authority for the ARV. Both of these terms are clarified as follows: Valuation: Determined by Commissioner of Valuation – the basis of valuation is known as NAV (Net Annual Value) i.e. the open market rental value of the property at 15th September 2017 Fingal). For further details on valuations and the valuation process, please visit (

The Annual Rate on Valuation is a multiplier and is determined by the Local Authority at its Annual Budget Meeting. The ARV for 2024 is 0.1796. Both the Valuation and ARV are shown on your rates bill and a sample calculation would be made as follows:


€100,000 X 0.1796 = €17,960

Your rate assessment for 2025 is due in full on the 1st of January 2025, along with any balance carried forward from 2024.

You have an option of paying monthly by Direct Debit over the entire year. Please see the back of your rates bill for methods of payment and contact details.

  • Cash/Cheque/Postal Order payable to Fingal County Council at Cash Office, Main Street, Swords, Co Dublin.
  • Standing Order: Contact Rates Office to set up payment.
  • Direct Debit: Contact Rates Office to set up payment.
  • E.F.T. Our Bank Details are BIC: AIBKIE2D IBAN: IE98AIBK 932523 06985297


You must quote your rate account number on all correspondence.

There is a duty on property owners / their agents and occupiers of commercial property to inform the Council of any change in their status as a liable person for Commercial Rates purposes within 10 days of any such change. For example: (a) if you were liable for Commercial Rates at a premises but no longer are or (b) if you have now become liable for Commercial Rates at a property.

A change of tenancy / ownership form should be completed and returned to the Council in relation to any changes within the 10-day timeframe.  Failure to do so, could lead to prosecution and if found guilty – to a fine up to 5,000 euro.


The owner of a rateable property must notify Fingal County Council when there is a change in the occupation of their property, i.e. where a property is being sold or there is a change in tenancy, including where a property becomes vacant.  You must do this within 10 days of the change taking place.  If you don’t notify us within 10 days, you may be liable to a fine of up to 5,000 euro.

A change of tenancy / ownership form should be completed and returned to the Council in relation to any changes within the 10-day timeframe.  Failure to do so, could lead to prosecution and if found guilty – to a fine up to 5,000 euro.

The owner or the person legally entitled to occupy a property (e.g. lessee) is required to pay the commercial rates charge. 

If you are the owner of a vacant property upon which rates are liable, you may be entitled to a partial abatement of rates in limited circumstances.  This partial abatement is up to a maximum of 30% for vacancy which occurred in 2024.

To qualify for an abatement, your premises must have been unoccupied and vacant for one of the following reasons:

  • Vacant for letting.
  • Vacant for additions or alterations.
  • Vacant pending demolition or redevelopment.

A maximum percentage abatement rate of 0.00% for vacancy occurring in 2025 was adopted by the Council’s Elected Members at the 2025 Budget Meeting held on 3rd December 2024.  In effect this means that no abatement of Rates is available for any vacancy occurring during 2025.

Vacancy Abatement Scheme 2024
Vacancy Abatement Application Form 2024