Community and Sport

Community Centres Management

Community Development

Community Facilities throughout Fingal

We have lots of Community Facilities throughout Fingal;

Meeting Room & Hall Use Policy

Beartas maidir le hÚsáid Seomra Cruinnithe agus Halla le haghaidh Saoráidí arna

The Fingal Community Facilities Network provides a networking support structure for managers, staff and volunteers of community facilities across the county of Fingal. The Fingal Community Facilities Network promotes the work of the 31 Fingal County Council supported community facilities and community centres.  We want to show you what facilities and services are available across Fingal and encourage you to find out what’s going on in your local community centre and to take part in activities. There is something for everyone, and we are sure you will find something that interests you.  Check out the network here: Fingal Community Facilities Network - Connecting Communities

Address: Castleview Lawn. Bunbury Gate Road, Swords, Co Dublin

Telephone: 01 807 9582



Address: Baldoyle Community Hall, Main Street, Baldoyle, Dublin 13

Telephone: 01 839 5338




Address: Blakestown Way, Dublin 15

Telephone: 01 820 3096




Address:  Littlepace Road, Clonee, Dublin 15

Telephone: 01 811 8670

Address: Castleknock, Beech Park, Castleknock, Dublin 15

Telephone: 01-820 0968

Email:  [email protected]



Address: Castlelands, Balbriggan, Co Dublin

Telephone: 01 690 5168

Email: [email protected]


Address: Blackcourt Road, Dublin 15, D15 X383

Telephone: 01 820 2490

Address: Blackcourt Road, Corduff, Dublin 15

Telephone: 01 823 5000



Winner of Local Sports Club of the Year 2015 & 2016

Community & Council Awards (IPB Insurance and LAMA)

Address:  Portrane Road, Donabate, Co Dublin

Telephone: 01 843 4546


Address: Diswellstown Road, Carpenterstown, Dublin 15

Telephone: 01 823 5555

Address: Drynan, Swords, Co Dublin

Telephone: 01 895 6276

Email: [email protected]



Address: Hamlet Lane, Balbriggan, Co Dublin

Telephone: 01 841 5070


Address: Hartstown Road, Dublin 15, D15 CY60

Telephone: 01 820 2777

Email:  [email protected]

Address: Holywell Community Centre, Holywell (Beside Holywell Educate Together), Swords, Co Dublin

Telephone: 01 897 1010




Address: Huntstown Way, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15

Telephone: 01 822 0847




Address: Porterstown Road, Clonsilla, Dublin 15, D15 DY29

Telephone: 01 817 9896

Email:  [email protected]  


Mountview Fortlawn Community Youth and Sports Hub ClG

Address: Lohunda Drive, Clonsilla, Dublin 15

Telephone: 01 821 8665


Email:  [email protected]  

Address: 11 Whitechapel Crescent, Mountview, Dublin15

Telephone: 01 820 6171

Address: Mourne View, Skerries, Co Dublin

Telephone: 01) 849 5270

Address: Church Road, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15

Telephone: 01 821 5120

Email: span><span>[email protected]</span>


Address: Ongar Road,Dublin 15

Telephone: 01 826 0366


Address: Ladyswell Road, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15

Telephone: 01 820 6416



Address: Blackwood Lane, Portmarnock, Co Dublin

Telephone: 01 846 2122

Email: <span>[email protected]/span>


Address: Phibblestown Road, Phibblestown, Dublin 15.

Telephone: (01) 827 0378

Address: Rivervalley, Swords, Co Dublin

Telephone: 01 - 840 9018

Email: [email protected]


Address: Beechpark Lane, Castleknock, Dublin 15, D15 P82

Telephone: 01 815 7854

Email:  [email protected]

Address: Church Road, Lusk, County Dublin, K45 VE83

Telephone: 01 895 4180

Email:  [email protected]  

Address: Holbstown Road, Tyrrelstown, Dublin 15

Telephone: 01 827 4046


Address: Channel Road, Rush, Co Dublin

Telephone: 01 843 9349

Email: <span>

Community Facilities Booklets
Age Friendly Facilities

Fingal County Council signed the Dublin Declaration on Age Friendly Cities and Communities, a World Health Organisation Initiative in 2011 and proceeded to develop an Age Friendly Strategy 2012-2017.  Fingal Age Friendly Facilities is an initiative that commits Fingal County Council to letting older people know that we value their contribution to our society and that we are committed to serving them.  The project establishes our community facilities as Age Friendly and in doing so supports the development of practices that improve the experience with our community centres for older people.

Fingal Age Friendly Facilities is a natural progression for us as a local authority. Fingal Age Friendly Facilities targets the older sector of which there are 42,804 (Census 2011) living in the county of Fingal and which is constantly increasing. (Increased by 14% between 2006-2011)

It is vital for Fingal County Council to plan to meet changing needs as the population age profile of the county changes.  Older people have an extremely valuable contribution to make to society and to their communities and it is important to facilitate this for the benefit of all.

Fingal Age Friendly Facilities grew from Age Friendly Ireland’s Business Recognition Programme and is an initiative that commits Fingal County Council to ensuring that older people know that we value their contribution to our society and that we are committed to serving them.  The project establishes our community facilities as Age Friendly Facilities and in doing so supports the development of practices that improve the active and healthy ageing experience within our community centres for older people. 

In every Local Authority community facilities play a hugely significant role in local communities where members can come together as a group to enjoy group activities, social support, public information and many other purposes that will with enrich the lives of citizens.  They are a vibrant hub hosting activities that promote active and healthy ageing across all ages enriching people's lives and occupying their time with many activities that bring together large diversities of people from within the community.  Crèches, Classes, Meals on Wheels and other vital community services address social exclusion and diversity.

Fingal Age Friendly Facilities are places where older people may enjoy the best possible local facilities as they grow older.  Fingal County Council firmly believes that it is important that older people should be able to live healthily and independently and be active participants within their own communities.  This project is about empowering and enabling and above all it’s about facilitating older people to be active within and to benefit from our community facilities and in turn to support their own active and healthy ageing process.

 Community Facilities receiving Charter Award


Blakestown Community Resource