Environmental Issues

Historic Landfills Management

Waste Management

There are two old landfills in the Fingal area – Balleally and Dunsink. Both have stopped accepting waste and are undergoing restoration and aftercare.

Balleally landfill from above.jpg

Balleally Landfill


Balleally landfill near Lusk has been in operation since 1971 and closed for waste acceptance on May 15th 2012.  

Restoration works consist of capping the cells with artificial liner (polyethelene and bentonite materials) and soil of the landfill followed by landscaping of the finished profile and aftercare of the site. These works are required under our waste licence from the EPA. 


Dunsink Landfill

Dunsink landfill is now in its aftercare phase. This requires environmental monitoring and management. The Environmental Protection Agency supervises the Council’s management of the closed landfill under a waste licence issued in 2004.

Gas is collected on site and used to generate electricity which is fed into the national grid.

Details of the environmental management of the site can be found on the EPA’s website under licence number W0127-01.