Homelessness Information and Advice
Homelessness Support
If you are homeless, rough sleeping or at risk of homelessness, and your last permanent address is situated in the Fingal County Council area, contact the Homeless Services Team directly by phone at 01-8905000 or email [email protected] . A Homeless Assessment will be completed and if you are deemed homeless, temporary accommodation can be organized through the Central Placement Service, Dublin Regional Homeless Executive (DRHE).
Fingal County Council’s Homeless Services Team understand this can be a challenging, and difficult time for anyone going through unhousing, or unsheltered experiences. Our dedicated team act responsively, diligently and with care. All information provided is treated with utmost confidentiality and privacy.
Homeless Assessments will be arranged by the Homeless Services Team. Please send these documents to the Homeless Services Team via email ( [email protected] ) or bring them with you, if presenting at the Customer Care Unit for assessment:
- Photo ID (for example driver’s license, passport, GNIB card)
- Proof of income (for example recent payslips and Statement of Liability, if in employment or, 52 weeks Statement of Social Welfare)
- Proof of last permanent address (for example utility bill/bank statement)
- Proof of homelessness (for example notice to quit, statutory declaration, validation letter of Notice from Threshold or court order)
Fingal County Council Homeless Services Team opening hours: Phonelines are open from 9:00am – 5.00pm, Monday to Thursday, Friday 9.00am - 4.30pm. Outside of these hours, please call the Homeless Helpline on FREEPHONE 1800 707 707.
If you are not a resident of Fingal County Council and your local connection is in another Dublin Area, you can call directly to their offices at:
- Dublin City Council: Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Tel: 01 222 2222, email: [email protected]
- South Dublin County Council: County Hall Tallaght, Dublin 24. Tel: 01 414 9364, email: [email protected]
- Dun Laoghaire Rathdown: County Hall, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Tel: 01 205 4700, email: [email protected]
Tenants that are at risk of losing their home and/or are concerned or worried about the risks of being displaced or losing their home, please contact Threshold directly. Threshold provides free, independent, confidential advice to anyone in Ireland with tenancy problems.
- Threshold helps prevent homelessness by providing free advice to people in housing difficulty and campaigning for a fairer housing system.
- Threshold focus on prevention as a solution to homelessness focusing on the right to an affordable, secure, suitable, and good quality home.
- Threshold support action to keep people safe and in their homes.
Reasons to contact Threshold:
- Being issued with tenancy notice, or asked to leave rented accommodation before lease is up
- Renewing your lease after an increase and/or a change of financial circumstance that places you at risk of defaulting on payments
- Landlord decides to sell or requires the home
- Advice being sought on Social Welfare Allowance rent supplement
Call Threshold for direct support on 1800 454 454 or visit Threshold preventing homelessness www.threshold.ie/get-help/
Further information can also be found on the Dublin Region Homeless Executive’s (DRHE) website: https://www.homelessdublin.ie/
The Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) are an independent, public body and their role is to register tenancies, operate a dispute resolution service and regulate the residential rental sector in Ireland. The RTB offer advice on managing your tenancy and dispute resolution. https://www.rtb.ie/
Please click here and tell us the location so that we help the person access accommodation. This service is operated by Dublin Simon Community on behalf of Dublin Region Homeless Executive. The main goal of the service is to move people into temporary homeless accommodation and encourage those who are rough sleeping to access homeless services and avail of supports.
Dublin Street Outreach Service on 01 872 0185 and operate between 7am to 1am. The DRHE in partnership with Dublin Simon Outreach Team are assertively working on the streets offering accommodation to all rough sleepers. The service operates 365 days a year, until 1am.
The support of emergency accommodation is assessed and may be provided if there is no alternative accommodation available to you. Please be advised that the majority of emergency accommodation is located within Dublin City Centre and not located within the Fingal Administrative Area. Please note that Fingal County Council determine your eligibility for emergency accommodation and that all emergency accommodation is allocated based on availability by the DRHE on behalf of the four Dublin Local Authorities.
Fingal County Council’s Homeless Services Team support in outlining each step of the process. Circumstances that arise for those seeking emergency accommodation may include:
- Having nowhere to stay, or nowhere to go that provides the basic needs of shelter and safety
- Having been sheltered, but this support or right to stay has been withdrawn, or come to an end
- Being harmed or at risk of harm in your current accommodation with personal safety and well-being at risk
- Unable to financially support or source safe accommodation or shelter
If you are not a resident of Fingal County Council and your local connection is in another Dublin Area, you will be required to open a case to your local housing authority where you lived prior to your change in circumstances. Being from outside of the Fingal Administrative Area, please contact the Central Placement Service by Freephone on 1800 707 707.
Fingal County Council’s Homeless Services Team require:
- Photographic identification, such as a driver’s licence or passport and GNIB/IRP Card (if applicable) to open a case for emergency, or temporary accommodation.
- Financial details will be required to support the assessment of needs.
- Supporting documents such as pay-slips and Statement of Liability, social welfare statement, or sources of financial income will support the timeliness of this procedure.
- Documentation from your Landlord such as Notice to Quit, Statutory Declaration, validation letter of Notice from Threshold and RTB receipt of Notice or other evidence of homelessness.
If you are not in receipt of social welfare, and require emergency accommodation, you are required to contact:
Homeless Persons Unit, 41 Castle Street, Dublin 2, for women and families
Homeless Persons Unit, 212-213 Oisin House, Pearse Street, Dublin 2 for men
An eligibility assessment for mainstream social welfare payments will be carried out. The Homeless Persons Unit may support with additional payment under the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme and will give advice on your entitlements. The Homeless Persons Unit is by appointment and will be confidential and private. First contact 1800 724 724 to arrange an appointment.
The International Protection Accommodation Service (IPAS) is responsible for the provision of accommodation and related services to people in the International Protection (‘asylum’) process https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/d9f43-international-protection-accommod… To get in touch with IPAS please contact [email protected]
You should contact the Department of Social Protection’s, Homeless Persons Unit (HPU). The HPU provides payments under the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme and offers advice on your social welfare entitlements.
Homeless Persons Units – Dublin
Homeless Persons Unit for men
Community Welfare Service, Department of Social Protection, North Cumberland Street, Dublin 1. Clinic times by appointment: Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 12pm. Freephone 1800 724 724 to make an appointment.
Homeless Persons Unit for women and families and new communities
Community Welfare Service, Department of Social Protection, North Cumberland Street, Dublin 1. Walk-in service: Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 12pm, or phone 1800 724 724 for an appointment.
The Health Service Executive (HSE) has responsibility to respond to your needs if you are homeless and aged under 18 years. A social worker with the HSE will help you. If you become homeless or are at risk of homelessness, go to your local area health office.
If contacting after 5pm (i.e. the local area health office is closed), go to your local Garda Station and the Gardaí will contact the on-duty Social Worker for the HSE Area so that emergency accommodation and supports can be arranged.
In order to apply for Social Housing Supports and join the Fingal County Council housing list, a Social Housing Application must be completed and submitted to [email protected] . To see if you are eligible to apply for Social Housing with Fingal County Council, please check here.
Homeless HAP paperwork and payments are processed by Dublin City Council, following Homeless Assessment and determination of eligibility by your Local Authority. See contact details below:
Phone: 01 222 6955
Email: [email protected]
Address: Dublin City Council, Floor 2, Block 2, Civic Offices, Dublin 8.
- Online at https://happayments.limerick.ie/#/login
- By phone with HAP Limerick on 061 556 600
- Get a HAP Bill Pay Card. HAP Bill Pay Card (issued within 10 days of start day) in any Post Office or any shop displaying the sign to pay your weekly rent. Your local PostPoint shop can be located on https://www.postpoint.ie/
Homeless Services available in Dublin
If you contact a day service, they will assist you in linking in with the relevant local authority to ensure that you have temporary emergency accommodation and that your needs can be assessed.
The following are some of the day services that are available:
Merchants Quay Ireland Open Access Service
River Bank Court,
Merchants Quay,
Dublin 8.
Phone - 01 524 0923 / 01 524 0924 or https://mqi.ie/.
Peter McVerry Trust
12/13 Berkeley Street,
Dublin 7.
Phone - 1800 140 244 or https://pmvtrust.ie/services/homeless-services/#dublin
Focus Ireland Coffee Shop
15 Eustace Street,
Temple Bar,
Dublin 2.
Phone - 01 671 2555 or https://www.focusireland.ie/get-help/the-coffee-shop/
Capuchin Day Centre
29 Bow Street,
Dublin 7
Phone - 01 872 0770 or https://www.capuchindaycentre.ie/Capuchin_Day_Centre_2013/Capuchin_Day_…
Crosscare Housing and Welfare Information
1 Cathedral Street,
Dublin 1
Phone - 01 872 6775 or https://crosscare.ie/services/homeless-housing-welfare-support/
Dublin Simon Community
5 Red Cow Lane,
Dublin 7
Phone – 01 6715551 or https://www.dubsimon.ie/get-help/