Housing Loans Payment
Housing Loans Management
If you are currently experiencing difficulty in paying your mortgage with Fingal County Council due to Covid-19 loss of income of loss of employment you will be entitled to apply to the Housing Department for a temporary payment break on your mortgage.
The maximum time allowed for a temporary payment break is not to exceed 9 months in total and is to be applied for in batches of 3 months. The latest date you can apply for your first temporary mortgage payment break is December 23rd 2020
Below you will find some Frequently Asked Questions and an application form which you can complete and return to our offices by email with any supporting documentation (please note that you will be required to print, sign and submit a copy of the form)
You will be expected to pay an amount that is in line with your affordability and must cover the apportionment of your loan instalment that covers your Mortgage Protection Insurance.
If you have any queries please email lo%[email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected] and a member of the mortgage support team will contact you back as soon as possible.
See Frequently Asked Questions here: FAQs
Complete or Download the Online Arrangement to Pay Form
Loan payments can be made in the following ways:
- Sepa Direct Debit. This differs from standing orders in that you are instructing your bank to deduct variable amounts form your bank account every month. If you would like to set up a direct debit to repay your loan, please print and fill out the SEPA Direct Debit Form and send it back to us. Our contact details are at the end of this page. By signing the instruction to your bank, you are acknowledging that the monthly instalment will be debited from your bank on the 1st of every month.
- Standing Order. To pay by Standing Order through your bank, print and fill out the Loans Standing Order Form and send it to your bank.
- Post office – Payments of certain loans (Accounts numbers beginning with letters S,T & V) can be made at the post office free of charge and must be made using a payment card available from our Loan Accounts Section.
- Payments office: Payments can be made by cash, cheque, bank draft, and credit & debit card. You can post cheques or drop into our payment office in County Hall, Swords, Co. Dublin or at Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.
- Phone payments: If you wish to pay by credit or debit card, please call our payments office.
Telephone: (01) 8905309 or (01) 8905154.
The payments office is open from 9.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday.
- The minimum lump sum that you can pay is €1,000.00. If you make a Lump sum payment, your monthly payment will be reduced; your loan term remains unchanged. There are no penalties in making a lump sum payment. If you want to make a Lump Sum payment, please contact us, you will also need to complete a Lump Sum payment request form. Lump Sum Payment Form 2015
If you want to check your loan balance (redemption figures) you need to print and fill out a Redemption Quotation Form, and send it back to us. Our contact details are at the end of this page. We will post a copy of your balance (redemption figures) to you within 3 to 5 working days.
If you bought a home under our Affordable/Shared Ownership Scheme you may qualify to convert the rented portion of your loan to a full mortgage. Our contact details are at the end of this page.
If you want to sell your affordable home you need to let us know in writing. Please include details of your estate agent and the asking price. When we receive and approve a copy of the signed sale agreed contract from your solicitor,we will then post a copy of your balance (redemption figures), including clawback figures. Our contact details are at the end of this page.
When you bought your affordable home, you got it at a discount to other similar properties on the market. The clawback is based on the percentage discount you got when you bought your affordable home. If you decide to sell your home, we apply this percentage to the price you get for the sale, depending on the current value of the property. Depending on the value of your property when you sell it, the calculation of the clawback may vary. You can also read our Living in an Affordable Home and Clawback Leaflet.
We allow you to rent your affordable property in certain circumstances, for instance should you take up employment abroad. To apply, you need to print and fill out an Application for Consent to Let an Affordable Property Form and send it back to us. Our contact details are at the end of this page.
We will post a mortgage statement out to you once a year, usually in January/February. However, you can request a statement at any time by contacting us. Our contact details are at the end of this page.
To apply to have your credit/overpayment paid off your outstanding loan balance, you contact the Housing Department.
If you are now married, or are in a new relationship, and want to add a name to your loan; print out, fill in and send a copy of the Transfer of Loan from Sole Name to Joint Names to our loan accounts section. Contact details are at the end of this page.
If you are now separated/divorced and want to remove a name from your loan; print out, fill in and send a copy of the Transfer of Loan from Joint Names into Sole Name to our loan accounts section. Contact details are at the end of this page.
If your loan is the subject of a court order, or a person named on the loan has died, you will also need to send a copy of the court order/death certificate to Land Registry.
Contact Land Registry
By post: Land Registry
The Property Registration Authority
Chancery Street
Dublin 7
By email:
[email protected]
Contact Us
By Post: Fingal County Council
Loan Accounts Section
Grove Road
Dublin 15
By Telephone: (01) 8905590
By Email:
[email protected]