Litter Regulations Enforcement
Litter Management
All littering offences can be reported to the Litter Management Unit on our Free Phone number 01 890 6799 or you can contact us between 9:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Thursday and between 9:00am and 4:30pm on Friday or you can email: [email protected]
If you see someone littering or dumping rubbish a litter fine can be issued on foot of your report. If the fine remains unpaid we will pursue the matter in the District Court where a Judge will make an independent ruling. To get a prosecution in court, you will be requested to act as a witness.
Please complete the Witness Statement Form , while the incident is fresh in your memory and return it to the Litter Management Unit as soon as possible.
If you suspect that any illegal waste activity is taking place at a site or location in Fingal you should contact us on 01 890 6799 or email env%69r%6f%[email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected] . If you want to make a complaint about Environmental Protection please use the following form.
Illegal Dumping and Pollution Complaint Form
Members of the public can also report illegal dumping to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) via a 24 hour Lo-call telephone number 1850 365 121.
Waste Enforcement Policy on Illegal Waste Activity 2017
The Environment Division’s functions include the regulation of activities under the Waste Management Acts 1996 as amended, in addition to the supervision and monitoring of permitted facilities in relation to the performance of their statutory environmental protection functions. The Environment Division will work with all Regulators (The Waste Enforcement Regional Lead Authority (WERLA), other Local Authorities, the EPA, An Garda Siochana etc.) to ensure efficient use of resources and coherent enforcement of environmental law. The Environment Division is committed to enhancing the effectiveness of all participants by sharing information and adopting a co-coordinated approach to environmental enforcement. The Environment Division provides information and advice via published guidance to those it regulates and to members of the public to secure environmental improvement and compliance with environmental legislation.
Download the report here Waste Enforcement Policy on Illegal Waste Activity 2017