Environmental Issues

Noise Pollution Complaint Reporting

Noise Control

Complaints of noise from various sources include: loud music, barking dogs, DIY, burglar alarms and noise from pubs, clubs, factories and building sites

If you have a problem with noise often the best approach is to contact the person responsible and explain that you are being bothered by the noise.


In many cases people do not realise they are disturbing anyone and will be more considerate in future. 


If you wish to make a complaint about noise we recommend that you keep a record of the noise nuisance.


This will show how often the noise is occurring, how it is affecting you and may be used as evidence in any legal action under section 108 of the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992.


See forms below.

If you wish to make a complaint about noise from a commercial site we recommend that you keep a record of the noise nuisance.


This will show how often the noise is occurring, how it is affecting you and may be used as evidence in any legal action.


However, when making a complaint, it helps our investigation if you have a contact name and address of the site/premises at hand so we can deal with the complaint more promptly.

Construction sites, by their very nature, can create a great deal of noise, with some activities, e.g. pile driving, causing particular disturbance.

To make a complaint about a noise issue at a construction site, please email [email protected] or phone 01-8905000.

In the event of an investigation by Fingal County Council, our aim will be to see if the works on site comply with the principles of best practice with regard to minimising noise.

Hours of operation on construction sites are often specifically conditioned at the planning permission stage, you can search for a planning application here: View or search planning applications .

Contact Us

Environment Section

Fingal County Council

County Hall

Main Street


County Dublin

K67 X8Y2

Email: [email protected]

Telephone : (01) 890 5000