Planning and Development

Planning Application Observations Submission

Development Management

Anybody other than the applicant can make a submission/ observation on a planning application.

Points to Note:

  • Fee is €20. 

    (Submissions will not be validated until payment has been received)

  • All submissions/observations are published on our website
  • You must submit your submission/ observation within 5 weeks of the application registered date.  You can withdraw your submission/observation by letter within the same 5 week period, however your letter of withdrawal along with your submission/ observation will remain on file.  All valid documents we receive are viewable on the website and the public file.
  • You can only comment on planning and development issues. Any issues that do not meet the guidelines will not be considered. The planning authority may only consider objections relating to planning issues and not those based on personal dislikes, grievances or opinions.
  • Letters must contain your name, address and the planning application Reg. Ref. number.
  • Important Note: “payment process failure”
  • In the unlikely event that the payment process fails while making an online submission, please immediately alert Planning staff by sending an email to   [email protected]  and/or by telephoning (01) 8905000. It is important to have this matter rectified as soon as possible due to strict statutory time limits imposed in which to make a submission/observation.
  • Once a decision has been made on the application, we will inform you within 3 working days


Persons making a submission/observation on a planning application should be aware that comments involving allegation of any kind against a named or otherwise identifiable person or organisation may be viewed as defamatory by the subject of the comments.  Persons may be sued directly for any defamatory allegations in any submission/observation and should avoid making such allegations.  Any submission/observation made to the Planning Authority is made available for public inspection both in the hard copy file and on the Council’s website.  In the event of any potentially defamatory allegation giving rise to legal action against it, the Planning Authority may seek indemnity from the person making the allegation.

Data Protection:

The planning process is an open and public one.  In that context, all planning application documents are made available for public inspection.  This information may also be placed on the Council’s website.

Not Happy with the decision?

The applicant or anyone who made an observation / submission to the original planning application can appeal a planning decision.

You can appeal a decision within four weeks of the planning decision date. Check dates here

Contact us by telephone on (01) 8905724 if you have lost your observation / submission acknowledgement letter as you need this to make an appeal.

An Bord Pleanála checklist

Guide to fees payable

If you are not an Original Objector but want to appeal, you can do so in some circumstances which are set out here: Guidelines for leave to appeal

You can send your appeal to An Bord Pleanála at:

An Bord Pleanála
64 Malborough Street


Contact Us

For more information on submitting and observation/ submission on a planning application

Email:   [email protected]                                           


Fingal County Council does not assume legal or other liability for any inaccuracy, mistake, mis-statement or any other error of whatsoever nature contained within the documentation submitted to the Council in respect of any planning application or any submission by way of comment or objection in respect of any planning applicatIon. Fingal County Council hereby formally disclaims liability in respect of such aforesaid matters.


Fingal County Council is not responsible for the mis-appropriation of copyright or other intellectual right to the rightful owners which may occur in the submission of any document in respect of a planning application. All submissions and documentation in respect of any planning application is accepted by the Council in good faith. Any breech of copyright or other intellectual rights in respect of the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000, is a civil matter. Fingal County Council hereby formally disclaims liability in respect of such aforesaid matters.


Defamation Notice

Those making submissions/observations to Fingal County Council in respect of any planning application should be aware that comments involving allegations of any kind against a named or otherwise identifiable person or organisation may be viewed as defamatory by the subject of the comments. Those making submissions/ observations, which could be viewed as defamatory, may be sued directly for any defamatory allegations in a submission and should avoid making such allegations.

Please be advised that submissions/observations made to the Council are published to the Council’s website for public inspection in accordance with the requirements of the Planning & Development Acts 2000-2015 and the Planning & Development Regulations.  Should the content of the submission/observations be considered potentially defamatory/libellous, the submission/observation shall be held confidentially and only planning matters in the submission/observation shall be considered by the Planning Authority in its determination of the planning application.

The Council shall only make such redactions to submissions made to it in respect of any planning application, as are necessary to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulations 679/2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018.

Please note that, in the event of any potentially defamatory allegation giving rise to legal action against it, the Council may seek indemnity from the person making the allegation. It should be understood that the Council is only concerned with planning issues relevant to the application in question and not comments that are not relevant to its deliberations in making a planning decision.

Fingal County Council is seeking to ensure that every effort is being made to make certain that the planning system continues to operate effectively as possible, in the context of the most up-to-date public health advice during this COVID-19 Emergency. Click here for more information.