Planning Applications with Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Development Management
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F24A/0324 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen M50 Skip Hire and Recycling Ltd. was for a development at Unit 8, Advance Business Park, Swords Rd, Santry, Co. Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
Apply for Planning Permission to extend the existing Materials Recycling Transfer Facility (MRTF). The development will consist of the construction of a lean-to extension, to the exterior of the existing Materials Recycling and Transfer Facility, this extension will increase the existing units gross floor area by 111.1 sq.m. This extension enables an additional 25, 000 tonnes per annum of dry waste to be handled at the facility. The planned total capacity of waste to be handled on site is 50, 000 tonnes per annum. All recycling activities will occur indoors only at the existing Materials Recycling and Transfer Facility. This is to include all associated site works.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) will be submitted to the Planning Authority as part of the application.
AI Received 29/11/2024
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 31-Jan-2025.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F24A/0324 in the planning reference field.
LRD0039/S3 - Application by Glenveagh Living Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number LRD0039/S3 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Glenveagh Living Limited was for a development at Lands at Ballymastone, Donabate, Co Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
No1.The construction of 364 no. new residential dwellings consisting of 158 no. houses, 82 no. duplex units and 124 no. apartment units set out follows:
• Construction of 158 no. 2-storey houses (54 no. 2-beds, 99 no. 3-beds, 5 no. 4-beds).
• Construction of 82 no. 2 to 3 storey duplex units (8 no. 1-beds, 33 no. 2-beds, 41 no. 3- beds), with balconies on all elevations.
• Construction of 3 no. apartment blocks, ranging from 3 to 6 storeys in height, with balconies on all elevations, green roofs, and external amenity courtyards, providing a total of 124 no. apartment units (48 no. 1-beds, 66 no. 2-beds, 10 no. 3-beds).
2. The scheme provides c. 17% public open space of the net site area comprising 2 no. small parks and 1 no. pocket park which total c. 13, 646 sq.m. These parks are located centrally within the site providing a series of north-south linear spaces linking to permitted Ballymastone Phase 1 (FCC Ref. LRD0008/S3 & ABP Ref. 315288) to the south.
3. A total of 278 no. car parking spaces are provided (in-curtilage for the houses and in a mix of both on-street and communal car parking areas for apartment and duplex units). A total of 1, 457 no. cycle spaces are provided for residential units (comprising 1, 353 long-stay/ resident spaces and 104 no. short-stay/ visitor spaces).
4. The development provides for vehicular access from The Links Road, Donabate Distributor Road (DDR) and permitted Ballymastone Phase 1 (FCC Ref. LRD0008/S3 & ABP Ref. 315288).
5. A north-south pedestrian/ cycle route is proposed within the site connecting permitted Ballymastone Phase 1 (FCC Ref. LRD0008/S3 & ABP Ref. 315288) and future development lands to the north. A series of east-west pedestrian/ cycle routes are proposed connecting the site to permitted Ballymastone Recreational Hub to the east (PARTXI/004/21).
6. Proposed new foul pump station located to the north-east of the site.
7. The proposed application includes all site enabling and site development works, landscaping works, PV panels, bin stores, plant, boundary treatments, ESB Substations, lighting, servicing, signage, surface water attenuation facilities and all site development works above and below ground.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement have been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The application may also be inspected online at the following website set up by the applicant:
AI - received 8/7/24
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 28-Aug-2024.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. LRD0039/S3 in the planning reference field.
F23A/0103 - Application by SK Biotek Ireland
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F23A/0103 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen SK Biotek Ireland was for a development at SK Biotek Swords Campus, Watery Lane, , Townparks, Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 AY91.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
SK Biotek Ireland intend to apply for planning permission for development at part of the SK Biotek Swords Campus, Watery Lane, Townparks Swords, Co. Dublin (bounded by Waterey Lane to the north and west and the Ward River to east). The proposed development will consist of the construction of a modern c.1, 010m 2 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturing facility with a parapet height of c. 14.63m (with handrail and plant above), located in the south-eastern part of the campus. The proposed development will replace part of an existing API building (to be demolished in accordance with Reg. Ref. F22A/0673 and will employ the latest industry technology with no change to the nature of operations undertaken (which will be similar to those previously used in the API building area that is to be demolished and elsewhere throughout the overall site.) The proposed development represents a modification to a SEVESO (lower tier) site and relates to development which comprises an activity requiring an industrial emissions (IE) LICENCE. (The site currently operates under IE Licence No P0014-04, and will comply with any future revisions to that licence. ) The application includes an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS).
AI rcvd 28/11/2023
SAI received 06/12/23
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 07-Feb-2024.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F23A/0103 in the planning reference field.
FW23A/0250 - Application by HPREF Dublin Office Dev Co 1 Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW23A/0250 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen HPREF Dublin Office Dev Co 1 Limited was for a development at Horizon Logistics Park (on lands known as Site P2), off the R108, at the townland of Silloge, St. Margaret's, Swords, Co. Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The proposed development is located to the south of the development permitted under Reg. Ref.: FW20/0187 (known as the Site N development), and to the east of the Development Permitted under Reg. Ref.: FW21A/0180 (known as the Site P1 development)
The proposed development consists of the following:
The construction of 1 no. light industrial unit, including ancillary office use / visitor centre / staff facilities / reception areas over two levels (Unit P2) with a gross floor area (GFA) of
c. 10, 106 sq.m (including 1, 424 sq.m of ancillary welfare, reception, visitor, and office space). The proposed building will have a main parapet height of c. 16.9 metres, and c. 9.2 metres for the office / reception areas.
Provision of 105 no. car parking spaces, including disabled parking spaces, electrical parking spaces, bicycle parking spaces within bicycle shelter structures (102 no.), and motorcycle spaces;
Provision of an ESB substation and switchroom (with a GFA of c. 35.8 sq.m) to the northeast of the main light industrial building,
Provision of a service yard and loading bays to the west of the main light industrial unit.
Provision of 2 no. sprinkler tanks, a pumphouse (with a GFA of c. 30 sq.m), a storeroom with a GFA of c.
37.4 sq. m, a recycling, and bin store to the west of the proposed service yard.
Provision of access arrangements to the proposed development including an access from the estate road to the east of the site, and grasscrete fire tender road to the north of Unit P2.
Provision of signage zones on the proposed light industrial unit and signage to include 2 no. stand-alone totem signs associated with the proposed unit and a flagpole located along the eastern boundary.
Provision an additional area of integrated constructed wetland to the east of the main application site area, including connections to the proposed drainage network for Unit P2.
The proposal includes landscaping and planting, PV panel zones at roof level, boundary treatments,
plant within screened plant areas, site lighting, security fencing and gates, and all associated site services and development works, including underground foul and storm water drainage network and sustainable urban drainage systems.
A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the planning application.
AI rcvd 20/10/2023
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 12-Dec-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW23A/0250 in the planning reference field.
FW23A/0237 - Application by Gas Networks Ireland
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW23A/0237 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Gas Networks Ireland was for a development at Abbotstown AGI, Dunsink Lane, Castleknock, Dublin 15.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The development will consist of a capacity upgrade within an existing Above Ground Natural Gas installation. The capacity upgrade will consist of a 101.25m2 pressure reduction kiosk, 51.8m2 boiler kiosk, road extension and all ancillary services and associated site work.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 02-Oct-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW23A/0237 in the planning reference field.
F17A/0746/E1 - Application by Pat Rooney
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F17A/0746/E1 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Pat Rooney was for a development at Jordanstown & Wolganstown, Oldtown, Co Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
Permission to construct 4 No. Poultry Houses together with roofed/enclosed service yard, 1 No. office, 1 No. Generator Store, and 1 No. Bin/General Purpose Store along with all ancillary structures (to include gas storage tanks, soiled water tanks, meal storage bins, etc.) and associated site works (to include upgrading the existing agricultural site entrance and internal laneway) associated with the above development.
This application relates to a development, which is for the purposes of an activity requiring a Licence under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Agency Acts 1994 - 2013.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (E.I.A.R.) will be submitted with this application.
Add Info (including E.I.A.R. Addendum) received 3rd May 2018.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to REFUSE EXT. OF DURATION OF PERMISSION for the above development on the 21-Sep-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F17A/0746/E1 in the planning reference field.
FW22A/0308 - Application by Universal Developers LLC
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW22A/0308 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Universal Developers LLC was for a development at Cruiserath Road, Dublin 15..
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
Universal Developers LLC, intend to apply for a seven year planning permission for development on a site at Cruiserath Road, Dublin 15. The application site is located to the north of the data centre permitted / constructed under An Bord Pleanála Reg. Ref.: PL06F.248544 / Fingal County Council Reg. Ref.: FW17A/0025, to the west of the two data centres permitted under Fingal County Council Reg. Ref.: FW19A/0087, and to the north and west of the 220kV Gas Insulated Switchgear substation permitted under An Bord Pleanála Reg. Ref.: 306834-20. The site is within an overall landholding bound to the south by the R121 / Cruiserath Road, to the west by the R121 / Church Road and to the north by undeveloped land and Cruiserath Drive.
The proposed development consists of the following:
• Construction of three data centre buildings (Data Centre E, Data Centre F, and Data Centre G), with a gross floor area (GFA) of c. 1, 425 sq.m, c. 20, 582 sq.m, and c. 20, 582 sq.m respectively, each over two levels (with Data Centre F and G each including two mezzanine levels);
• Data Centre F and G will be located in the north-western portion of the overall landholding, with a primary parapet height of c. 19.8 metres and each will accommodate data halls, associated electrical and mechanical plant rooms, a loading bay, maintenance and storage space, office administration areas, with plant and solar panels at roof level;
• Data Centre E (which will be ancillary to Data Centre F and G) will be located within the south-western portion of the overall landholding, with a primary parapet height of c. 13.1 metres and will accommodate data halls, associated electrical and mechanical plant rooms, a loading bay, maintenance and storage space, office administration areas, with plant at roof level;
• Emergency generators and associated flues will be provided within compounds adjoining each of the three data centre buildings (1 no. for Data Centre E, 19 no. for Data Centre F, and 19 no. for Data Centre G);
• The development includes one diesel tank and two filling areas to serve the proposed emergency generators;
• Provision of ancillary structures including two MV buildings, water storage tanks and three bin stores;
• Construction of access arrangements and internal road network and circulation areas, footpaths, provision of car parking (105 no. spaces), motorcycle parking (12 no. spaces) and bicycle parking (56 no. spaces), hard and soft landscaping and planting (including alteration to a landscaped berm to the north of proposed Data Centre E), lighting, boundary treatments, and all associated and ancillary works including underground foul and storm water drainage network, and utility cables.
An EPA-Industrial Emissions Directive (IE) licence will be applied for to facilitate the operation of the proposed development. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the planning application and the EIAR will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority.
AI received 03/08/23
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 18-Sep-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW22A/0308 in the planning reference field.
FW18A/0110/E1 - Application by Garlandbrook Ltd
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW18A/0110/E1 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Garlandbrook Ltd was for a development at Zone 7 'Railway', Hansfield Strategic Development Zone, Barberstown, Hansfield, Dublin 15.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
618 no. apartments, comprised of 56 no. 1 bed apartments, 513 no. 2 bed apartments and 49 no. 3 bed apartments, crèche and 3 no. retail/commercial units, all accommodated in 10 no. blocks. Block A is comprised of 3 no. 4-5 storey buildings containing 106 no. units. Block B is comprised of 2 no. 4-5 storey buildings containing 76 no. units. Block C is comprised of 4 no. 6-7 storey buildings containing 135 no. units, along with crèche (334.84m²) and 3 no. retail / commercial units (596.06m²) at ground floor. Block D is a 5-6 storey building containing 24 no. units. Block E is a 4-5 storey building containing 41 no. units. Block F is a 4-5 storey building containing 35 no. units. Blocks G, H & I are 3-4 storey buildings containing 23, 23 & 30 no. units respectively. Block J is comprised of 3 no. 5-6 storey buildings, over a podium car park, containing 125 no. units. Access to the development will be via roads permitted under Reg. Ref.s FW16A/0123 & FW17A/0078 to the north/north-east and from Station Road to the west. The proposed development also includes for all associated site development works, car parking (at surface (197 no. spaces) and basement (538 no. spaces) levels), hard and soft landscaping, open spaces, public lighting, foul and surface water drainage / attenuation and water supply. The proposed development is located on lands within the boundaries of Hansfield Strategic Development Zone as defined by Statutory Instrument No. 273 of 2001. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report, which also constitutes an Environmental Impact Statement for the purposes of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, and the Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2018, has been prepared in respect of the proposed development and accompanies this application.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT EXTENSION OF DURATION OF PERM. for the above development on the 12-Sep-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW18A/0110/E1 in the planning reference field.
F23A/0034 - Application by MacHale Partnership
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F23A/0034 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen MacHale Partnership was for a development at Staffordstown Business Park, Turvey, Swords, Co. Dublin..
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The construction of 2 no. industrial/ warehousing units on an overall applicable site area of approx. 6.25ha.
Unit A consists of an industrial building of approx. 9, 555 sqm with 638 sqm of ancillary office and staff facility space, together with 82 no. car parking spaces and 72 no. cycle parking spaces. Overall height of approx. 18.3m.
Unit B consists of an Industrial building of approx. 7, 775 sqm with 824 sqm of ancillary office and staff facility space, together with 83 no. car parking spaces and 48 no. cycle parking spaces. Overall height of approx. 15.3m.
Approximately 445m long, 7.5m-9m wide carriageway for the internal road layout to the future phase of Staffordstown Business Park and associated future industrial/commercial units (subject to separate planning application).
A 1.5m footpath on both sides of the road (approximately 980m in length); and grass verges.
The road, grass verges and footpath will extend to connect to the existing road constructed under Reg. Ref. F07A/1477. The site and access road levels will be raised and compensatory storage provided. The proposed development will also consist of a new watermain connection, proposed surface water drainage and foul sewer drainage connections and underground attenuation tank. Together with all ancillary drainage and site development works associated within the proposed development.
A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with this planning application.
The planning application and NIS may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin, during its public opening hours.
AI received 8/6/2023
Ai deemed significant **
Revised Public Notices received 16/6/2023
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 10-Aug-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F23A/0034 in the planning reference field.
F22A/0372 - Application by WSHI Unlimited Company
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F22A/0372 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen WSHI Unlimited Company was for a development at Deer Park Hotel And Golf, Deer Park Howth Co. Dublin;, Within the grounds of Howth Estate, Deerpark, Howth, Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The development will consist of the demolition of the existing "Deer Park Hotel" building and all associated structures; and the construction of 1 No. 4 storey building including lower ground floor (Gross Floor Area of c.10, 833m2 plus ancillary plant), and consisting of: 1 No. hotel comprising 142 No. bedrooms at 1st to 3rd floor levels incorporating balconies/terraces; a bar, restaurant, gym/spa facllity including swimming pool, retail use and back of house facilities at ground floor; meeting rooms, bar and function area at lower ground floor; a restaurant and bar including external dining areas at 3rd floor; photovoltaic panels and sedum roof at roof level and 1 No. ESB substation at ground floor level. A new vehicular access, beginning north of St. Mary's Church (a Protected Structure, RPS Ref. 0594) to proposed hotel, the provision of 170 No. space car park to south of proposed hotel; and all associated hard and soft landscape and boundary treatment works, provision of SUDS measures, associated lighting, site services (foul and surface water drainage and water supply); and all other associated site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground.
AI received 6/6/2023
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 31-Jul-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F22A/0372 in the planning reference field.
FW22A/0204 - Application by Kilshane Energy Ltd
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW22A/0204 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Kilshane Energy Ltd was for a development at Kilshane Road, Kilshane, Finglas, Dublin 11..
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The proposed development will consist of the following:
1. The construction of a new Gas Turbine Power Generation Station with an output of up to 293 Megawatts. The proposed station will consist of 1 no. Gas Turbine and 1 no. 28 m high Exhaust Stack partially enclosed by a 12 m high acoustic wall. 1 no. single storey Admin Building and Warehouse (c. 926 m2), 1 no. single storey Packaged Electronic/Electrical Control Compartment (PEECC) (c. 72 m2), 1 no. single storey Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Shelter (c. 14.8 m2), 1 no. 16.2m high x 024.4m Fuel Oil Tank, 1 no. 15.3m high x 09.2m Raw/Fire Water Tank, 1 no. 16.2m high x 018.3m Demin Water Tank, and miscellaneous plant equipment.
2. The demolition of a detached residential dwelling (c. 142 m2 GFA) and associated farm buildings (c. 427 m2 GFA) located in the north west corner of the subject site to facilitate the proposed development.
3. Road improvement works to 493.34 m Kilshane Road (L3120), including the realignment of a portion of the road (293.86 m) within the subject site boundary and the provision of new footpaths, off-road cycle ways, together with the construction of a new roundabout linking the proposed realignment of Kilshane Road back to the existing road network to the northeast of the subject site and to the proposed internal road network to serve the proposed development.
4. The construction of entrance gates, low wall and railings fronting the realigned Kilshane Road and a private internal road network providing for vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian access to serve the development. Construction of 3 m high security fencing within development.
S. Total provision of 26 no. car parking spaces including 1 no. disabled persons parking space and 2 no. EV electrical charging points.
6. Provision of security lighting columns to serve the development and the installation of Closed-Circuit Television System (CCTV) for surveillance and security purposes.
7. Provision of 20 no. sheltered bicycle parking spaces.
8. Provision of hard and soft landscaping works, tree planting and boundary treatments including 3 m high security fence along Kilshane Road and the perimeter of the subject site boundary.
9. Provision of new on-site foul sewer pumping station to serve the development.
10. Provision of underground surface water attenuation areas to serve the development.
All associated site development and excavation works, above and below ground, necessary to facilitate the development.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development. This application relates to a development that will require an Industrial Emissions Directive licence from the Environmental Protection Agency. A subsequent application will be submitted for an Above Ground Installation (AGI) compound, underground gas supply installation and a subsequent Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) Application will also be submitted for a Gas-Insulated Switchgear Substation (GIS), Air Insulated Switchgear Substation (AIS) and grid connection to serve the development.
AI received 11/01/23
SAI received 18/01/23
CAI Recieved 24/04/2023
SAI received 03/05/23
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 23-Jun-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW22A/0204 in the planning reference field.
FS5/033/23 - Application by Frankie McGann
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FS5/033/23 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Frankie McGann was for a development at 14 Turnberry, Warrenhouse Road, Dublin 13, D13 PY11.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
Single storey rear extension to existing 2 storey house.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to IS Exempted Development for the above development on the 22-Jun-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FS5/033/23 in the planning reference field.
F22A/0670 - Application by Glenveagh Homes Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F22A/0670 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Glenveagh Homes Limited was for a development at (on lands of c. 6.29 ha.) relating to: 'Phase 3' to be known as 'Ladywell', within the townlands of, 'Clonard or Folkstown Great', 'Clogheder' & 'Flemingtown Balbriggan, Co. Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The development will consist of Phase 3C as well as roads, services and public open space relating to the overall Phase 3 Ladywell lands as follows:
A) 75 no. dwellings comprising 68 no. houses consisting of 22 no. 2 bedroom dwellings (House Types E1, E2, E4, E6, E7, E8, E9, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5], 41 no. 3 bedroom dwellings (House Types D1, D2, F1, F2, F3, F4, F4A, F5, F5A, N1, N2, N3], 2 no. 4 bedroom detached dwellings (house type M1] - all 2-storey), & 3 no. 5 bedroom detached dwellings [House Type K1 - 2.5 storeys - 3 floors), (in a mixture of semi-detached, terraced, end of terrace and detached units); all with associated private open space; B) 7 no. 1 bedroom apartment units consisting of 3 no. 1 bedroom triplex units (T1, T2, T3] in a 3-storey building, 4 no. 1 bedroom Maisonettes [Apartment Types P1 & P2] in 2 no. 2-storey buildings, (all with private open space); provision of single storey cycle parking; bin stores; and ESB substations, solar panels on roofs; as well as 238 no. surface car parking spaces;
C) Public Open Space of c. 1.34 hectares (Phase 3C -c. 0.38 ha), (with additional 0.48 hectares of incidental open space) as well as communal (c. 0.06 ha) and private open space; all associated landscaping and drainage works (including attenuation] with public lighting, planting and boundary treatments, including regrading/reprofiling of site where required;
D) Provision of Class 1 Public Open Space (c. 0.65 hectares), with play equipment (accessed from Hamlet Lane) located to the west of Bremore Pastures and Hastings Lawn, south of Flemington Lane, [proposal includes alterations to part of the Class 1 public park and associated works approved under Reg. Ref. F15A/0550];
E) Provision of roads and services infrastructure (surface water, foul and water supply) to facilitate the development of the remainder of Phase 3 lands (Phases 3A, 3B & 3D) including public lighting, SuDS drainage and services infrastructure, as well as vehicular and pedestrian connections to the 'Boulevard Road' and all associated landscaping and ancillary site development works;
F) Signalised upgrade of the junction of Boulevard Road and the Clonard Road (R122) as well as pedestrian crossings along Boulevard Road;
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application.
Glenveagh Homes Limited, intend to apply for a 10-year planning permission for development (on lands of c. 6.29 ha.) relating to: 'Phase 3' to be known as 'Ladywell', within the townlands of 'Clonard or Folkstown Great', 'Clogheder' & 'Flemingtown', Balbriggan, Co. Dublin - (Phase 3 lands bounded generally by undeveloped lands to the north, undeveloped lands to the south, Boulevard Road to the east, and undeveloped lands to the west (to the rear of local road L1130). The proposal includes a separate site of Class 1 Public Open Space of c. 0.65 hectares in the adjoining townland of Flemington to the north (accessed from Hamlet Lane, Bremore Pastures Drive, Balbriggan).
AI received 06/04/23
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 31-May-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F22A/0670 in the planning reference field.
LRD0016/S3 - Application by The Shoreline Partnership
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number LRD0016/S3 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen The Shoreline Partnership was for a development at GA3 Lands at Baldoyle (adjacent lands fromerly known as the Coast), Baldoyle, Dublin 13..
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The proposed development seeks to amend the SHD permitted under ABP Reg. Ref. 311016 resulting in an overall reduction of 97 no. units from 1, 221 (as permitted) to 1, 124 no. units (as proposed) within GA3 lands. The proposed amendments consist of:
* Block G1 - reduction in height from 10-4 no. storey building (as permitted) to 7-4 no storey building.
* Block G2 - reduction in height from 10-4 no. storey building (as permitted) to 7-4 no. storey building.
* Block G3 - reduction in height from 15-7 no. storey building (as permitted) to 10-6 no. storey building.
* Block G5 - reduction in height from 10-4 no. storey building (as permitted) to 7-4 no. storey building.
* Block E1 - reduction in height from 8-5 no. storey building (as permitted) to 7-5 no. storey building.
Facade and building form enhancements are also proposed.
This results in an overall 830 no. units within the application site. All other elements of the GA3 lands remain as permitted under SHD ABP Reg. Ref. 311016.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 25-May-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. LRD0016/S3 in the planning reference field.
FW22A/0300 - Application by Alexion Pharma International Operations Ltd.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW22A/0300 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Alexion Pharma International Operations Ltd. was for a development at College Business & Technology Park, Blanchardstown Road North, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
Expansion of the existing Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Campus, located at College Business and Technology Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15. The proposed expansion will include;
(i) a new 5 storey Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturing building (c. 10, 315 sqm and maximum height 41.225 m)
(ii) a new 2 storey chemical materials store (c. 1, 071 sqm and maximum height 15.12m)
(iii) a new 4 storey laboratory building (c. 5, 148 sqm and maximum height 27.35m)
(iv) extensions to the existing warehouse building (c. 6, 236 sqm and maximum height 24.00 m), including alterations to the previously permitted extension to the warehouse (planning ref. FW21A/0174)
(v) a bunded solvent tank storage area including tanker loading and unloading yard
(vi) a chemical materials yard including liquid nitrogen storage tank, scrubbers and a thermal oxidiser abatement unit complete with c.46 m high flue stack
(vii) a manufacturing building utilities yard including chillers and other miscellaneous plant and equipment
(viii) a medium voltage electrical building (c. 190 sqm and maximum height 4.717 m) and solvent area control building (c. 89 sqm and maximum height 4.717 m)
(ix) an extension to the existing high level pipe rack connecting all existing and new buildings and yard areas
(x) 2 No. new diesel generators and 2 No. new bunded diesel storage tanks
(xi) modifications to site infrastructure, including; addition of 200 new car park spaces on the eastern side of the site, expansion of the site's existing storm water attenuation/fire water retention pond, and alterations and extensions to internal site roads, paving and underground services
(xii) enhancements to the site internal and boundary landscaping
(xiii) provision of a temporary contractor's compound and parking area on lands to the east of the site for the duration of the construction works.
This application relates to development which comprises an activity which holds and Industrial Emissions Directive Licence (Reg no P1030). The application relates to the provision of an establishment to whihs the Major Accident Regulations apply. An environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) has been prepared and submitted to the planning authority with the application.
AI received 15/03/23
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 04-May-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW22A/0300 in the planning reference field.
FW23A/0028 - Application by Cloughwater Plastics Ireland Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW23A/0028 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Cloughwater Plastics Ireland Limited was for a development at Unit 8a, Rosemount Business Park, Ballycoolin Road, Dublin 11, D11W024.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The development will consist of the retention of the use of the external area of the existing Waste Plastics Recycling Facility at this site for product and materials storage and pre-processing activity and all associated ancillary development, including staff and visitor car parking. The site is licensed under Waste Facility Permit WFP-FG-08-0002-05.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to REFUSE PERMISSION FOR RETENTION for the above development on the 03-Apr-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW23A/0028 in the planning reference field.
F22A/0581 - Application by Kinwest Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F22A/0581 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Kinwest Limited was for a development at Lands at Auburn House (Protected Structure), and Little Auburn, off the R107 Malahide Road/Dublin Road, Malahide.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The preservation and protection of the existing Protected Structure of Auburn House and its stables as 1 no. residential dwelling; the conversion of the existing stables of Auburn House to provide for storage space for the main Auburn House and the construction of 92 no. residential units (45 no. houses, 34 no. apartments and 13 no. duplex apartments) comprising 45 no. houses (3 no. two storey 2-bedroom houses, 17 no. two storey 3-bedroom houses, and 25 no. two storey 4-bedroom houses) comprising detached, semi-detached, terraced and courtyard type houses, and all with associated car parking; Apartment Block 2 comprising 1 no. four storey block consisting 17 no. units (4 no. 1-bedroom units and 12 no. 2-bedroom units and 1 no. 3-bedroom unit) all provided with private balconies/terraces and refuse store, bicycle parking and plant at ground level; Apartment Block 3 comprising 1 no. four storey block consisting 17 no. units (4 no. 1-bedroom units and 13 no. 2-bedroom units) all provided with private balconies/terraces and refuse store, bicycle parking and plant at ground level; Duplex Apartment Block 2 comprising a 3 storey block consisting of 6 no. units (3 no. 1 bedroom unit and 3 no. 3 bedroom units) with balconies/terraces and associated car parking and bicycle parking; Duplex Apartment Block 3 comprising a 3 storey block consisting of 6 no. units (3 no. 1 bedroom unit, 1 no. 2-bedroom unit and 2 no. 3 bedroom units) with balconies/terraces and associated car parking and bicycle parking; Duplex Apartment Block 4 comprising a 2 storey block consisting of 1 no. 2 bedroom unit above an undercroft car park with a balcony and associated car parking (with a total of 147 no. car parking spaces) and bicycle parking; the proposed development shall also provide landscaped public and communal open spaces, public lighting, 1 no. ESB unit substation; 1 no. new foul pumping station; proposed foul sewer works along Back Road and Kinsealy Lane, the part demolition of a stable block at Little Auburn; closing of the existing vehicular entrance at the R107 Malahide Road serving Little Auburn; and all associated ancillary site development infrastructure including foul and surface water drainage, internal roads, cycle paths and footpaths, and boundary walls and fences. Vehicular access to the proposed development is to be via a new signalised entrance at the R107 Malahide Road/Dublin Road junction, with the existing entrance to Auburn House from the R107 Malahide Road/Dublin Road to be maintained as a shared vehicular access to serve Auburn House and 'Bellmont', 'The Lodge', 'Bellview', and 'Elgin'. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement have been prepared in respect of the proposed development. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) are available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the Planning Authority.
Lands at Auburn House (Protected Structure), Little Auburn and Streamstown off the R107 Malahide Road/Dublin Road and Carey's Lane (accessed via Streamstown Lane), Malahide, Co. Dublin. The lands are generally bound by the R107 road to the east, 'Beech Lodge' to the south, Clairville Lodge to the south (off Carey's Lane), by dwellings known as 'The Coop', 'Halstead' and 'Rockport House' to the south west (off Carey's Lane) and Abington to the west
AI Received 03/02/2023
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 29-Mar-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F22A/0581 in the planning reference field.
F22A/0580 - Application by Kinwest Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F22A/0580 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Kinwest Limited was for a development at Lands at Auburn House (Protected Structure, and Little Auburn) Malahide Co. Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The preservation and protection of the existing Protected Structure of Auburn and its stables as 1 no. residential dwelling; the conversion of the existing stables of Auburn House to provide for storage space for the main Auburn House and the construction of 98 no. residential units (53 no. houses, 37 no. apartments and 8 no. duplex apartments) comprising 53 no. houses (5 no. two storey 2-bedroom houses, 13 no. two storey 3-bedroom houses, 1 no. 1.5 storey (dormer) 3-bedroom house, 33 no. two storey 4 - bedroom houses and 1 no. 2.5 storey (dormer) 4-bedroom house) comprising detached, semi-detached, terraced and courtyard type houses, all with associated car parking, and 1 no. three storey duplex apartment block (Duplex Apartment Block 1) consisting of 8 no. own-door duplex units (4 no. 1-bedroom units, 2 no. 2-bedroom units and 2 no. 3- bedroom units), and 2 no. four storey apartment blocks consisting of 37 no. units comprised of the following: Apartment Block 4 is a 4 storey block (4 no. 1-bedroom units and 15 no. 2-bedroom units), all provided with private balconies/terraces and refuse store, bicycle parking and plant at ground level, Apartment Block 5 is a 4 storey block (4 no. 1-bedroom units and 14 no. 2-bedroom units), all provided with private balconies/terraces and refuse store, bicycle parking and plant at ground level; associated car parking and bicycle parking (with a total of 153 no. car parking spaces). The proposed development shall also provide landscaped public and communal open spaces, public lighting, 1 no. ESB unit substation; 1 no. new foul pumping station; proposed foul sewer works along Back Road and Kinsealy Lane, The demolition of the modern bungalow dwelling known as 'Little Auburn' and associated outbuildings and stables; Closing of the existing vehicular entrance at the R107 Malahide Road serving Little Auburn; and all associated ancillary site development infrastructure including foul and surface water drainage, internal roads, cycle paths and footpaths, and boundary walls and fences. Vehicular access to the proposed development is to be via a new signalised entrance at the R107 Malahide Road/Dublin Road junction, with the existing entrance to Auburn House from the R107 Malahide Road/Dublin Road to be maintained as a shared vehicular access to serve Auburn House and 'Bellmont', 'The Lodge', 'Bellview', and 'Elgin'. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement have been prepared in respect of the proposed development. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) are available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the Planning Authority.
Lands at Auburn House (Protected Structure), Little Auburn and Streamstown off the R107 Malahide Road/Dublin Road and Carey's Lane (accessed via Streamstown Lane), Malahide, Co. Dublin. The lands are generally bound by the R107 road to the east, 'Beech Lodge' to the south, Clairville Lodge to the south (off Carey's Lane), by dwellings known as 'The Coop', 'Halstead' and 'Rockport House' to the south west (off Carey's Lane) and Abington to the west
AI Received 03/02/2023
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 29-Mar-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F22A/0580 in the planning reference field.
F22A/0579 - Application by Kinwest Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F22A/0579 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Kinwest Limited was for a development at Lands at Auburn House, Malahide, Co. Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The preservation and protection of the existing Protected Structure of Auburn House and its stables as 1 no. residential dwelling; the conversion of the existing stables of Auburn House to provide for storage space for the main Auburn House and the construction of 69 no. residential units comprising 35 no. houses (1 no. single storey 2-bedroom house, 8 no. two storey 3-bedroom houses, and 26 no. two storey 4-bedroom houses) comprising detached, semi-detached and terraced type houses, all with associated surface level car parking, and 1 no. four storey apartment block (Block 1) consisting of 34 no. units (comprising 10 no. 1-bedroom units, 20 no. 2- bedroom units and 4 no. 3- bedroom units), all provided with private balconies/terraces and associated surface level car parking and bicycle parking with refuse stores, bicycle store and plant at ground floor level; landscaping; the preservation of existing follies and walls associated with the existing Walled Garden with amendments to the existing Walled Garden proposed to accommodate the proposed development; boundary treatments; public lighting; 1 no. ESB unit substation; the construction of a new vehicular and pedestrian/cycle access from Carey's Lane
{off Streamstown lane), which is to be created from the adaption of an existing vehicular entrance off Carey's Lane; a total of 110 no. car parking spaces; the proposed development will also be served by the utilisation of the existing Auburn House vehicular entrance access and road off the Malahide/Dublin Road (R107) for pedestrian and cycle route only and with the existing entrance to Auburn House from the R107 Malahide Road/Dublin Road to be maintained as a shared vehicular access to serve Auburn House and 'Bellmont', 'The Lodge', 'Bellview', and 'Elgin'; new boundary treatment to retain vehicular access to the existing dwellings 'The Coop', 'Halstead' and 'Rockport House'; the demolition of detached stable/shed building off Cary's Lane; and stable block at Little Auburn; all associated site infrastructure and engineering works necessary to facilitate the development including 1 no. new foul pumping station, public lighting; proposed foul sewer works along Back Road and Kinsealy Lane. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement have been prepared in respect of the proposed development. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement {NIS) are available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the Planning Authority.
Lands at Auburn House (Protected Structure), Little Auburn and Streamstown off the R107 Malahide Road/Dublin Road and Carey's Lane (accessed via Streamstown Lane), Malahide, Co. Dublin. The lands are generally bound by the R107 road to the east, 'Beech Lodge' to the south, Clairville Lodge to the south (off Carey's Lane), by dwellings known as 'The Coop', 'Halstead' and 'Rockport House' to the south west (off Carey's Lane) and Abington to the west
AI Rec 03/02/2023
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 29-Mar-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F22A/0579 in the planning reference field.
F22A/0526 - Application by Glenveagh Homes Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F22A/0526 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Glenveagh Homes Limited was for a development at Phase 3 to be known as 'Ladywell' within the townlands of Clonard or Folkstown Great, Clogheder & Flemington, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
Apply for a 10-year planning permission for development (on lands of c. 6.70 ha) relating to: 'Phase 3' to beknown as 'Ladywell' within the townlands of Clonard or Folkstown Great, Clogheder & Flemingtown, Balbriggan, Co Dublin. (Phase 3 lands bounded generally by undeveloped lands to the north, undeveloped lands to the south, Boulevard Road to the east, and undeveloped lands to the west (to the rear of local road L1130). The proposal includes a separate site of Class 1 Public open Space of c. 0.65 hectares in the adjoining townland of Flemington to the north (accessed from Hamlet Lane, Bremore Pastures Drive, Balbriggan). The development will consist of Phase 3B as well as roads, services and public space relating to the overall Phase 3 Ladywell lands as follows: A) 95 no. dwellings comprising 79 no. 2-storey houses consisting of 20 no 2 bedroom dwellings (House Types E1, E1A, E2, E4, E5, E6), 59 no. 3 bedroom dwellings (House Types D1, D1A, D2, D2A, F1, F1A, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6) all with associated private open space (in a mixture of semi-detached, terraced and detached units), 16 no. 1 bedroom Maisonettes (Apartment Types P1, P1A & P2, P2A), all with private open space; in 4 no. 2 storey building, single storey cycle parking; bin stores; and ESB substations, solar panels on roofs; as well as 305 no. surface car parking spaces; B) Public Open Space of c. 1.34 hectares, (with additional 0.48 hectares of incidental open space along riparian corridor) as well as communal and private open space; all associated landscaping and drainage works (including attenuation) with public lighting, planting and boundary treatments, including regrading/re-profiling of site where required; C) Provision of Class 1 Public Open Space (c. 0.65 hectares), with play equipment (accessed from Hamlet Lane) located to the west of Bremore Pastures and Hastings Lawn, south of Flemington Lane, (proposal includes alterations to part of the Class 1 public park and associated works approved under Reg. Ref. F15A/0550); D) Provision of roads and services infrastructure (surface water, foul and water supply) to facilitate the development of the remainder of Phase 3 lands (Phases 3A, 3C & 3D) including public lighting, SuDS drainage and services infrastructure, as well as vehicular and pedestrian connections to the "Boulevard Road" and all associated landscaping and ancillary site development works; E) Signalised upgrade of the junction of Boulevard Road and the Clonard Road (R122) as well as pedestrian crossings along Boulevard Road; An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application.
AI received 01/02/23
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 28-Mar-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F22A/0526 in the planning reference field.
FW22A/0204 - Application by Kilshane Energy Ltd
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW22A/0204 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Kilshane Energy Ltd was for a development at Kilshane Road, Kilshane, Finglas, Dublin 11..
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The proposed development will consist of the following:
1. The construction of a new Gas Turbine Power Generation Station with an output of up to 293 Megawatts. The proposed station will consist of 1 no. Gas Turbine and 1 no. 28 m high Exhaust Stack partially enclosed by a 12 m high acoustic wall. 1 no. single storey Admin Building and Warehouse (c. 926 m2), 1 no. single storey Packaged Electronic/Electrical Control Compartment (PEECC) (c. 72 m2), 1 no. single storey Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Shelter (c. 14.8 m2), 1 no. 16.2m high x 024.4m Fuel Oil Tank, 1 no. 15.3m high x 09.2m Raw/Fire Water Tank, 1 no. 16.2m high x 018.3m Demin Water Tank, and miscellaneous plant equipment.
2. The demolition of a detached residential dwelling (c. 142 m2 GFA) and associated farm buildings (c. 427 m2 GFA) located in the north west corner of the subject site to facilitate the proposed development.
3. Road improvement works to 493.34 m Kilshane Road (L3120), including the realignment of a portion of the road (293.86 m) within the subject site boundary and the provision of new footpaths, off-road cycle ways, together with the construction of a new roundabout linking the proposed realignment of Kilshane Road back to the existing road network to the northeast of the subject site and to the proposed internal road network to serve the proposed development.
4. The construction of entrance gates, low wall and railings fronting the realigned Kilshane Road and a private internal road network providing for vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian access to serve the development. Construction of 3 m high security fencing within development.
S. Total provision of 26 no. car parking spaces including 1 no. disabled persons parking space and 2 no. EV electrical charging points.
6. Provision of security lighting columns to serve the development and the installation of Closed-Circuit Television System (CCTV) for surveillance and security purposes.
7. Provision of 20 no. sheltered bicycle parking spaces.
8. Provision of hard and soft landscaping works, tree planting and boundary treatments including 3 m high security fence along Kilshane Road and the perimeter of the subject site boundary.
9. Provision of new on-site foul sewer pumping station to serve the development.
10. Provision of underground surface water attenuation areas to serve the development.
All associated site development and excavation works, above and below ground, necessary to facilitate the development.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development. This application relates to a development that will require an Industrial Emissions Directive licence from the Environmental Protection Agency. A subsequent application will be submitted for an Above Ground Installation (AGI) compound, underground gas supply installation and a subsequent Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) Application will also be submitted for a Gas-Insulated Switchgear Substation (GIS), Air Insulated Switchgear Substation (AIS) and grid connection to serve the development.
AI received 11/01/23
SAI received 18/01/23
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to SEEK CLARIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL INFO. for the above development on the 13-Mar-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW22A/0204 in the planning reference field.
FW23A/0013 - Application by Firth Developments Unlimite Company
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW23A/0013 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Firth Developments Unlimite Company was for a development at Zone 6 within the Hansfield SDZ Planning Scheme 2006, Formerly part of St. Joseph's Hospital, Clonsilla, Dublin 15.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
Permission for development at a site (c. 3.06 Ha) located in Zone 6 as identified within the Hansfield SDZ Planning Scheme 2006, formerly part of St. Joseph's Hospital, Clonsilla, Dublin 15 bounded generally by the Hansfield Road to the east, St. Joseph's Avenue to the north, Pipers Court to the west and permitted canal side cycle/pedestrian path associated with St. Joseph's Phase 1 (FCC Reg. Ref. FW17A/0234) to the south, all in the Townland of Clonsilla, Dublin 15. The development will consist of 419no. residential apartment units, consisting of 167no. 1-bed units, 199no. 2-bed units and 53no. 3-bed units and residential amenity space (c. 359.6 sq. m) in 4no. Blocks ranging in height from 4 to 6 storeys including:
- Block 1 comprises a 5 - 6 storey building accommodating 120no. apartments (55no. 1-bed, 46no. 2-bed and 19no. 3-bed) and residential amenity area (c. 100.9 sq. m) with part of the ground level accommodating an undercroft car parking area;
- Block 2 comprises a 5 - 6 storey building (with ground floor undercroft car parking) accommodating 108no. apartment (50no. 1-bed, 41no. 2-bed and 17no. 3-bed) and residential amenity area (c. 100.9 sq. m) with part of the ground level accommodating an undercroft car parking area;
- Block 3 comprises a 4 - 5 storey building accommodating 51no. apartments (23no. 1-bed, 20no. 2-bed and 8no. 3-bed);
- Block 4 comprises a 4 - 6 storey building accommodating 140no. apartment (39no. 1-bed, 92no. 2-bed and 9no. 3-bed) and residential amenity area (c. 157.8 sq. m);
Private patios/terraces and balconies are provided for all apartment units. Upper-level balconies are proposed on elevations of all multi-aspect apartment buildings;
A 2-storey childcare facility (c. 440 sq. m) (including associated children's play area and car and bicycle parking).
And, all associated and ancillary site development and infrastructural works, including, hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatment works, including - Class 2 public open space (c. 2, 535 sq. m) including small plaza to the north of Block 4 adjacent Hansfield Road;
5no. new vehicular access points from existing roads permitted under FCC Reg. Ref. FW17A/0234 including 4no. entrances from St. Joseph's Avenue and 1no. entrance from St. Joseph's Grove; 2no. pedestrian access points to the east of the site off Hansfield Road; 213no. car parking spaces (undercroft and on-street); 1, 445no. bicycle parking spaces in total (1, 209no. long-term spaces, 212no. short-term spaces and 24no. childcare facility parking spaces); 21no. motorcycle parking space; Communal bin storage and plant provided at ground floor/undercroft and roof level and additional plant provided at roof level; 3no. ESB Sub-stations; Class 1 public open space (c. 8, 500 sq. m) provided on separate lands at, Beechpark, Clonsilla Road, Dublin 15.
This development comprises amendments to permitted site development works at St. Joseph's Phase 1 (FCC Reg. Ref. FW17A/0234), including: - Omission of permitted single storey childcare facility (including associated children's play area and car parking) to be replaced with a 2-storey childcare facility (including associated children's play area and car and bicycle parking) (c. 440 sq. m); Omission of 1no. permitted apartment building (Apartment Block 2) containing 56no. residential units, including associated car parking and single level basement (replaced by proposed Block 3 of this proposal); Revisions to permitted road layout to omit access point northwest of proposed Block 4, Revisions to permitted road layout and public open space/attenuation area to the west of St. Joseph's Grove to facilitate new vehicular access to proposed Block 4. The proposed development will take place within the boundaries of the Hansfield Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) as defined by Statutory Instrument No. 273 of 2001. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) accompanies this application.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION for the above development on the 09-Mar-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW23A/0013 in the planning reference field.
F16A/0505/E1 - Application by Gannon Properties
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F16A/0505/E1 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Gannon Properties was for a development at Three parcels of land adjacent to the approved Watermill Park, at lands south of Rathbeale Road, Mooretown, Swords, Co. Dublin..
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The construction of 188 houses and 50 apartments. The proposed houses comprise 72 no. four-bedroom two storey houses, 19 no. three-bedroom three storey houses and 97 no. three-bedroom two storey houses. The proposed apartments are in two blocks (A & B). Core A1 comprises 3 no. one-bedroom apartments, 17 no. two-bedroom apartments and 1 no. three bedroom apartment in four storeys plus penthouse. Adjoining Core A2 comprises 3 no. one-bedroom apartments, 14 no. two-bedroom apartments and 1 no. three-bedroom apartment in three storeys plus penthouse. Block B comprises 2 no. one-bedroom apartments and 9 no. two-bedroom apartments in three storeys plus penthouse. The site area includes minor amendments to the site area of adjacent permission Reg. Ref. F15A/0183. The development includes all associated site works and infrastructure which includes landscaped open space, internal roads, paths, cycle-paths, public lighting, utilities, a reserved site for future ESB mast, drainage and surface water attenuation. This site is accessed from previously approved Swords Western Distributor Link Road (approved under Reg. Ref. F12A/0270, PL 06F.241634) and roads permitted under previously approved residential development Reg. Ref. F15A/0183. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which will be available for inspection or purchase for a fee not exceeding the reasonable costs of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council during its public opening hours.
Additional Information lodged 15/06/2017 Deemed Significant.
Revised Public Notices lodged 28/06/2017 - Irish Independent 26/06/2017
AI rcvd re Extension of duration 10/02/23
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to REFUSE EXT. OF DURATION OF PERMISSION for the above development on the 09-Mar-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F16A/0505/E1 in the planning reference field.
F11A/0473/E2 - Application by Gannon Properties
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F11A/0473/E2 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Gannon Properties was for a development at Lands North Of The Rathbeale Road And On The Glen Ellan Road, Oldtown, Swords, Co. Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
Construction of 224 dwellings and 1510sqm - gross of commercial development on lands north of the Rathbeale Road and on the Glen Ellan Road. The residential development comprises 73 four-bedroom houses, 83 three-bedroom houses and 7 two-bedroom houses ranging in height from two to two and a half storeys, and 4 three-bedroom own door maisonettes, 8 three-bedroom common-access duplex units, 45 two-bedroom apartments and 4 one-bedroom apartments in blocks ranging in height from two to four storeys. The commercial element is all located at ground level around a new public square and comprises a convenience foodstore with ancillary off-licence of 830sqm, a shop of 180sqm, a shop of 122sqm, a restaurant with hot-food take-away of 185 sqm and a creche of 193sqm. The development includes all associated site works and infrastructure which includes a new road connection and ancillary works to the Rathbeale Road, landscaped open space, internal roads, paths, cycle-paths, public lighting, utilities, drainage and surface water attenuation. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT FURTHER EXT. OF DURATION OF PERM. for the above development on the 28-Feb-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F11A/0473/E2 in the planning reference field.
F22A/0460 - Application by DAA PLC
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F22A/0460 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen DAA PLC was for a development at Townlands of Collinstown, Coultry, and Hunstown Co. Dublin, and in the townland of Pickardstown, Co. Dublin, and in the townland of Portmellick.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
We, daa plc intend to seek planning permission for development on 4no. sites located entirely within lands in the ownership of Dublin Airport, including 2no. sites at the Airfield in the townlands of Collinstown, Coultry, and Huntstown, Co. Dublin, 1no. of which incorporates part of Pier 3 and surrounding aircraft stands, aircraft stands to the south of Pier 2, Apron Taxiway 4, Taxiway F-2, Runway 16/34 (the crosswind runway), Taxiway W1 and W2, West Apron; and 1no. of which incorporates an existing airside site compound, south of the West Apron; 1no. area of land to the west of the existing Western Compound, south of the R108, north-west of the Airport, in the townland of Pickardstown, Co. Dublin, also to be known as the Western Compound; and 1no. an area of existing hardstanding to the south-west of the Airport, north of the R108, to be known as the Southern Compound, in the townland of Portmellick, Co. Dublin.
The proposed development will consist of the construction of a subterranean Underpass of Runway 16/34, a critical airfield operational safety project, which will comprise:
a) A twin-cell enclosed tunnel with 2 no. lanes in each direction, linked to the surface by ramps, portals, and light attenuation screen (1.8m in height above existing ground level at the west ramp and 3.3m in height above existing ground level at the east ramp). The enclosed section will be approximately 0.7 km long, with an overall alignment of approximately 1.1 km in length from top of ramp to top of ramp. It will be approximately 24m in external width, and approximately 5.5m in internal height from road to tunnel ceiling. It will be up to 17.5m below existing ground level;
b) Plant room, of approximately 625m2, which will comprise housing for transformers, pumps, controls and communications equipment, located underground at the portal of the east ramp, a parking layby and utilities corridor crossing;
c) Demolition (approximately 23, 741m2) and reinstatement (approximately 16, 216m2) of part of the pavement surfaces of Apron Taxiway 4, Taxiway F-2, Runway 16/34 (the crosswind runway), Taxiway W1 and W2, and the West Apron;
d) Access roads to tie in with the existing airside road network at each end of the proposed Underpass (at Pier 3 on the Eastern Campus and the West Apron on the Western campus respectively), and 31no. car parking spaces at surface level at Pier 3;
e) Demolition (approximately 97m2) of fixed links (elevated enclosed passenger walkways leading from the Pier to Aircraft Nodes) and Nodes (structures which provide support for the fixed links and internal pedestrian access cores to ground level) serving 3 no. aircraft stands and associated airbridges (passenger boarding bridges) at Level 20 (departure gates) of Pier 3. To the south of Pier 3, an existing airbridge is to be removed and an existing fixed link is to be adjusted to service existing stands in that area;
f) Replacement of the demolished fixed links and nodes with 3no. new fixed links, A (approximately 356m2), B (approximately 227m2) and C (approximately 170m2) and of approximately 150m, 95m and 70m in length respectively and approximately 2.2m in width and approximately 3.2m in height, at a maximum height of approximately 7.1m above the surrounding apron; 3no. two-storey Nodes A, B and C, approximately 157m2, 154m2 and 148m2 in area respectively; and 2 no. airbridges (1no. at Node A and 1no. at Node B).
g) Modifications to the elevations of Pier 3 at Level 20 to accommodate the links and airbridges, including part replacement of the existing glazing with new glazing/cladding, and a new cladded portal with new doors and access control at each new fixed link location; rearrangement of part of the internal floorspace of Level 20, including a new partition between the entrance/ exits of proposed fixed links A and B; new surface water drainage network; and 31no. car parking spaces at surface level;
h) Realignment of stands on the Eastern Campus resulting in the net loss of three Narrow Body Enabled (NBE) stands and net gain of one Wide Body (WB) stand at Pier 3;
i) Realignment of aircraft stands in the West Apron (involving rearranging /relocating stands by way of new paint markings on the apron pavement) to accommodate the portal and Underpass access roads (no net change in number of stands);
j) Modifications to existing drainage network in the vicinity of the proposed Underpass including replacement of existing attenuation system, and construction of a new drainage network for the proposed Underpass, including sump pit with pumps, interceptors, and new attenuation tank;
k) Temporary diversion of the Airfield Trunk Culvert during construction and its reinstatement at the existing alignment and level;
I) Construction of a new underground pipe network (6no. new pipes) to allow for future drainage infrastructure/surface water management measures;
m) Realignment of stands at Pier 2 on the Eastern Campus (no net change in number of stands);
n) All ancillary airport infrastructure including additional apparatus/equipment including jet blast fencing, Fixed Electrical Ground Power (FEGP), Advanced Visual Docking Guidance System (AVDGS), Stand Number Indicator Board (SNIB), Fuel Hydrants, High Mast Lighting (HML), electrical charging facilities, and miscellaneous ground service equipment (GSE) parking and storage areas;
o) The proposed development also includes (i) a new Western Compound adjacent to the existing Western Compound located south of the R108, north west of the Airport, with a new access off the R108, to be used for pre-screening for deliveries going airside, and to include an airside pass office, parking for construction staff, as well as storage areas, and general logistics; (ii) the provision of a new Southern Compound to the north of the R108, to the south west of the Airport, to be utilised as a lorry waiting area for HGVs. No works are required at this Southern Compound; and (iii) the use of an existing airside site compound adjacent to the proposed Underpass, south of the West Apron, for concrete crushing, batching plant, the storage of non-hazardous materials and equipment, as well as offices, workshop, welfare facilities, and parking.
The proposed development does not propose any increase in passenger, cargo or operational capacity at Dublin Airport.
The planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura lmpact Statement (NIS). The planning application, EIAR and NIS may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority, Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin, during its public opening hours of 9.30 - 16.30 Monday - Friday (Cash Office opening hours are 9.30 - 15.30), and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.
AI Received 22/12/2022
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 27-Feb-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F22A/0460 in the planning reference field.
FW22A/0167 - Application by IPUT plc
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW22A/0167 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen IPUT plc was for a development at Lands comprising c. 26.8ha to the north of the Cherryhound, Tyrrelstown M2/M3 Link Road and south of the R121, Cherryhound, Spricklestown and Killamonan, The Ward, Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The development will consist of: the provision of c. 72, 753sq.m of logistics and associated office uses across 5 no. buildings (Building 1, c. 23, 936sq.m and a height of c. 17.25m, Building 2, c. 16, 999sq.m and a height of c. 17.2m, Building 3, c. 13, 472sq.m and a height of c. 17.25m, Building 4, c. 10, 058sq.m and a height of c. 17.25m, and Building 5, c. 8, 195sq.m and a height of c. 17.63m), within a business campus setting; associated yard areas, trailer and truck parking together with car and bicycle parking spaces at surface level; a single storey campus management building (c. 93sq.m) with an adjacent canopy and seating area to facilitate outdoor dining / social space; revised and new pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular entrances; internal pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular circulation including a new pedestrian and bicycle link to the R121; associated landscaping, parkland area and public open space, boundary treatments, lighting, signage, CCTV; associated drainage, attenuation and services; and all associated construction compounds and site works. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report accompanies the planning application.
AI received 12/12/22
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 14-Feb-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW22A/0167 in the planning reference field.
LRD0008/S3 - Application by Glenveagh Living Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number LRD0008/S3 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Glenveagh Living Limited was for a development at Ballymastone, Donabate, Co. Dublin..
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
To view details of this application please visit
A ten-year permission for a Large Scale Residential Development (LRD) at this site at Ballymastone, Donabate,
County Dublin. The application site, of 15.02ha, comprises a land parcel dissected by the Donabate Distributor Road (DDR). The site is bounded by existing residential development of The Links and St. Patrick's Park to the west, the wider undeveloped Ballymastone lands and The Priory to the north, greenfield residential development lands (as permitted under F17A/0373 and F20A/0510) and New Road to the South, and St. Patrick's GAA Club and Donabate Golf Club to the east.
The proposed development will consist of the construction of a residential development, which represents Phase 1 of the wider development of the Ballymastone Lands (as identified in the Donabate Local Area Plan 2016 (as extended)), ranging in height from 2 to 6 storeys to accommodate 432 no. residential dwellings (including a mix of apartments, duplexes and houses), a crèche and public open space. The site will accommodate 554 no. car parking spaces, 831 total no. bicycle parking spaces, new pedestrian/cycle links, road improvements, storage, services and plant areas. Landscaping will include communal amenity areas, and a significant public open space provision. The development is set out as follows:
1. The Construction of 432 no. new residential dwellings consists of 93 no. Apartment units, 126 no. Duplexes and 213 no. Houses set out as follows:
- Construction of 2 no. Apartment blocks, ranging in height from 3 to 6 storeys, with balconies on all elevations, green roofs, and external amenity courtyards, providing a total of 93 no. units (42 no. 1-beds, 41 no. 2-beds & 10 no. 3 beds).
- Construction of 213 no. 2-storey houses (75 no. 2-beds, 130 no. 3-beds & 8 no. 4-beds).
- Construction of 126 no. 2 to 3 storey duplex units, with balconies on all elevations (10 no. 1-beds, 55 no. 2-beds & 61 no. 3-beds).
2. The scheme provides 15.6% public open space of the net site area comprising of two small parks and two pocket parks which total c. 15,417 sq.m. The two small parks, referred to as Baile Uisce Park and Ballisk Park are located centrally within the scheme, either side of the DDR, and are organized around existing archaeological features.
3. Provision of 1 no. crèche, located to the south of the site of c. 909 sq.m and will cater for c.182 no. child places with an external play space of c.430 sq.m.
4. A total of 544 no. car parking spaces are provided (in-curtilage for the houses and in a mix of both on-street and communal courtyard parking areas for apartments/duplexes and visitor parking) and a total of 10 no. spaces for the crèche. A total of 791 no. cycle parking spaces are provided for the residential units (comprising 717 no. long stay/resident spaces in secure locations and 74 no. short stay/visitor spaces at surface level) and 40 no. spaces for the crèche.
5. The development provides vehicular access from New Road via the Donabate Distributor Road, Portrane Road via The Links Road and directly from the Donabate Distributor Road as well as pedestrian links to all surrounding access points. Upgrade of the existing junction at the Portrane Road/The Links Rd is included for. An east-west pedestrian cycle route is proposed, with associated landscaping, connecting the DDR to the Links Road to the north of the site. The site also connects, via the DDR, to the proposed Ballymastone Recreation Hub. The development includes for the proposed alterations of the permitted routing of the connection from New Road to the Links Road, within the site boundary, as permitted under F17A/0373 (PL06F.249206).
6. The proposed application includes all site enabling and development works, landscaping works, PV panels, bin stores, plant, boundary treatments, ESB substations, lighting, servicing, signage, surface water attenuation facilities and associated and ancillary works, including site development works above and below ground.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement have been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 11-Nov-2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. LRD0008/S3 in the planning reference field.
F22A/0491 - Application by Iarnrod Eireann
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F22A/0491 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Iarnrod Eireann was for a development at From south of Railway Bridge UBB37 ( north of Rogerstown Estuary at Balleally East/ Rogerstown, Lusk), to north of Railway bridge UBB29 ( south of Malahide Estuary at Strand St/ Bissett's Strand,, Malahide), Co. Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The proposed works include the following:
13 No. cable percussion boreholes off track, with sampling and in situ testing, to approximately 10m depth below ground level or refusal, whichever occurs first;
10 No. follow-on rotary core boreholes off track, to depths of 13m below ground level (at cable percussion borehole locations) into rock;
12 No. window samples to a maximum depth of 8.0mBGL located on-track; and
12 No. dynamic probes to a depth of 8.0BGL of which are located on-track (at window sample locations).
A Natura Impact Statement accompanies the planning application.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 04-Nov-2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F22A/0491 in the planning reference field.
F22A/0240 - Application by Scafftex Ltd.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F22A/0240 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Scafftex Ltd. was for a development at Junction of R132 and Old Turvey Avenue and including works to the Tee junction to the east of the site at the intersection,of Old Turvey Avenue and New Turvey Aveneue, Donabate, Co. Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The development will consist of a scaffolding storage and distribution yard comprising of 2 no. office containers, 6 no. car spaces, a new vehicular entrance, on-site wastewater treatment unit and percolation area and all associated site works. Works to the junction to the east of the site will include realignment and widening of the existing Tee junction at the intersection of Old Turvey Avenue and New Turvey Avenue and all associated site works. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared and is submitted to the Planning Authority with the application.
AI received 14/9/2022
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to REFUSE PERMISSION for the above development on the 11-Nov-2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F22A/0240 in the planning reference field.
F22B/0129 - Application by Lorraine Carey
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F22B/0129 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Lorraine Carey was for a development at Cois Farraige, South Shore Road, Rush, Co. Dublin, K56 F306.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
Planning permission is sought for 2 storey rear extension to existing semi-detatched dwelling comprising a lounge, bedroom, 2 ensuites and internal alterations to layout.
AI received 29/8/2022
AI deemed significant **
Revised public Notices received 14/9/2022
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 08-Nov-2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F22B/0129 in the planning reference field.
F15A/0390/E2 - Application by Gannon Properties
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F15A/0390/E2 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Gannon Properties was for a development at Lands north of the Glen Ellan Road,, accessed from the Glen Ellan Road & the new Millers Glen to which this is an extension, Oldtown, Swords, Co. Dublin..
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The development comprises 16 no. four-bedroom two storey houses, 6 no. four-bedroom three storey houses and 112 no. three-bedroom two storey houses. The proposed duplex units comprise 41 no. three-bedroom and 3 no. four-bedroom units, with 11 no. two-bedroom and 11 no. three-bedroom apartments overhead on the second floor, plus 3 no. three-bedroom end of terrace triplex units. There are 13 no. two-bedroom two storey townhouses forming part of the duplex complex. There are two four-storey pavillion blocks of apartments comprising 8 no. one-bedroom apartments and 22 no. two-bedroom apartments. The development includes all associated site works and infrastructure which includes new road connection and ancillary works to the Millers Glen development, landscaped open space, internal roads, paths, public lighting, utilities, drainage and surface water attenuation. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which will be available for inspection oC
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT FURTHER EXT. OF DURATION OF PERM. for the above development on the 07-Nov-2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F15A/0390/E2 in the planning reference field.
FW22A/0079 - Application by HPREF Dublin Office devCo 1 Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW22A/0079 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen HPREF Dublin Office devCo 1 Limited was for a development at Lands at Horizon Logistics Park (Known as Sites C and E), Off the R108, Townlands of Harristown, Sllogue and Ballymun, St. Margaret'S, Swords, Co. Dublin..
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The proposed development consists of the following at Site C:
The construction of 1 no. light industrial/warehouse (including wholesale use) / logistics building (Unit C) with a gross floor area (GFA) of c. 6,627 sq.m (including welfare and reception areas over two levels and c. 216 sq.m of ancillary office space). The proposed building will have a maximum height of c. 15.2 metres.
Provision of 58 no. car parking spaces and 14 no. bicycle parking spaces.
Provision of an ESB substation and switchroom.
Provision of a service yard and HGV loading/unloading areas, with associated loading bays to the west of the proposed light industrial/warehouse/logistics building.
Provision of access arrangements to the proposed development including an access from the permitted roundabout to the southwest of the site, and from the main estate access road to the east of the site.
The proposed development consists of the following at site E:
The construction of 2 no. light industrial/warehouse (including wholesale use) / logistics buildings (Units E1 and E2) with a gross floor area of 12,578 sq.m and 11,457 sq.m. respectively (including welfare and reception areas over two levels for each building and ancillary office space of c. 565 sq.m. and c. 497 sq.m respectively). The proposed buildings will have a maximum height of c. 15.6 metres.
Provision of 239 no. car parking spaces (125 no. for Unit E1 and 114 no. for Unit E2) and 76 no. bicycle parking spaces (38 no. for each unit).
Provision of an ESB substation and switchroom, 2 no. sprinkler tanks and 2 no. pumprooms.
Provision of service yards and HGV loading/unloading areas, with associated loading bays to the south of the proposed light industrial/warehouse/logistics buildings.
Provision of access arrangements to the proposed development including accesses from the main estate access road to the north, and the provision of a new estate road along the eastern side of Unit E2, proceeding to the rear of both buildings and providing access to the service yards.
The proposal includes landscaping and planting, 3 no. bin stores/recycling structures, PV panel zones at roof level, boundary treatments, signage zones, site lighting, security fencing and gates and all associated site services and development works, including underground foul and storm water drainage network and sustainable urban drainage systems (including the provision of an integrated construted wetland to the south of Site E).
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with this application.
AI received 19/8/2022
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 10-Oct-2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW22A/0079 in the planning reference field.
FW22A/0047 - Application by Blanch Retail Nominee Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW22A/0047 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Blanch Retail Nominee Limited was for a development at Site B (Library Car Park) and Site C (Blue Car Park), At Road C, and Road D, Blanchardstown Town Centre, Coolmine, Dublin 15.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The application site comprises the existing surface car park known as the library car park to South East of the Blanchardstown library and offices building. The existing surface car park a multi-story carpark site known as the blue car park located to the South East of the Blanchardstown centre, a section of road C and road D including the associated roundabout junction a section of the road and roundabout junction to the West End retail park and associated verges and footpaths.
The proposed mixed use development consists of the construction of 352 no apartments (comprising 44 no. studios, 132 no 1 bed apartments, 155 no. 2 bed apartments, and 21 no. 3 bed apartments) and ancillary resident amenity floor space, 5 no commercial units(for class 1- shop, or class 2- office/professional services or class 11, Gym or restaurant/Café use including ancillary takeaway use), and 1 no. community facility, in six no buildings (Blocks A,B,C,D,J, and K), ranging from 5no. to 13 no. storeys in height. The development includes for an extension of the existing multi storey car park from 4 no. levels to 6 no levels and associated alterations to the existing multi storey carpark to facilitate the development. Blocks J and K are proposed on the Library Car Park (site B) and Blocks A, B, C and D are located on the Blue Car Park site (Site C).
The detailed description of the development is as follows:
Block A comprises 20 no. residential units, including 1 no. studio, 4 no. 1 bed, 10 no. 2 bed and 5 no. 3 bed units in a part five and part six storey building. Block A includes 2 no. commercial units at ground floor level.
Block B comprises 44 no. residential units, including 2 no. studio, 15 no. 1 bed, 24 no. 2 bed and 3 no. 3 bed units in a part five, part seven and part ten storey building. Block B includes 2 no. commercial units and 1 no. community facility at ground floor level.
Block C comprises 32 no. residential units, including 2 no. studio, 15 no. 1 bed. and 15 no. 2 bed units in a part seven and part nine storey building
Block D comprises 31 no. residential units, including 3 no. studio, 13 no. 1 bed, and 15 no. 2 bed units in a part seven and part eight storey building.
Block J comprises 104 no. residential units, including 14 no. studio, 44 no. 1 bed, 38 no. 2 bed, and 8 no. 3 bed units in a part five, part seven and part nine storey building. Block J includes 1 no. commercial unit at ground floor level.
Block K comprises 121 no. residential units, including 22 no. studio, 41 no. 1 bed, 53 no. 2 bed units and 5 no. 3 bed units in a part six, part eight, part ten and part thirteen storey building.
Resident amenity space and under croft parking is provided at ground floor level of Block J and K. 2 no. communal courtyards are provided at first floor level of Blocks J and K and 2 no. communal courtyards are provided at first floor level of Blocks C and D. 1 no. external roof terrace is located on the fifth floor level of Block J. 1 no. external roof terrace and a resident amenity space is located on the eight floor level of Block K.
Balconies / private terraces are provided for all apartments.
The construction of 2 no. additional levels, with a total of 458 no. additional car parking spaces (increasing from 4 no. levels to 6 no. levels), is proposed on the existing multi storey car park (located in the Blue Car Park) to provide replacement car parking for the surface car parking to be removed from the application site and associated car parking provision for Blocks A, B, C, D, J and K. The proposals include a new entrance, reconfiguration of parking spaces and internal circulation routes, reconfiguration of cores and associated alterations to the existing multi storey car park. The proposal also includes new walls and elevations treatment to the south and east elevations of the existing multi storey car park to facilitate the adjacent residential blocks. 2 no. surface parking spaces are provided adjacent to Block A, 4 no. surface parking spaces are provided adjacent to Block K and 109 no. car parking spaces are also provided in an under croft floor level within Blocks J and K to serve the residential units within those blocks.
Provision of telecommunications infrastructure at roof level comprising of 6 no 0.3m microwave link dishes enclosed within GRP radio friendly shrouds, mounted on 3 no. steel support poles (2m in height above the lift shaft overrun) together with all associated equipment
The proposal includes road, pedestrian and cycle upgrades cycle upgrades and associated alterations to the road infrastructure within the application site boundary. The proposal includes vehicular accesses, a loading bay, and new road infrastructure he adjacent to Block J and K up to the site boundary.
The proposed development includes public open space, landscaping and public realm improvements, cycle parking, 2 no, ESB Substations and associated switch rooms, bin stores and plant rooms, green roofs and PV panels at roof level. The associated site and infrastructural works include site clearance and excavation, provision of utilities and associated civil works, foul and sun drainage and public lighting, along with all ancillary works.
An environmental impact assessment report EIAR will be submitted to the planning authority with the planning application.
AI received 29/7/2022
AI deemed significant
SAI (revised public noties) recieved 09/08/22
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 03-Oct-2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW22A/0047 in the planning reference field.
F21A/0368 - Application by Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F21A/0368 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine was for a development at Howth Fishery Harbour Centre, Howth, Co. Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
Proposed development works will consist of the following;
(i) Dredging of the harbour.
(ii) Stabilisation of dredge material.
(iii) Reclamation of land on the west side of the West Pier using dredge material.
(iv) Construction of an embarkment and rock armour revetment around the perimeter of the reclaimed area.
(v) Landscaping of the reclaimed area and provision of pavements, including footways, roadways and parking areas.
(vi) Construction of a slipway access to the water.
(vii) Provision of storage areas for harbour activities; and
(viii) Provision of services, including surface water drainage, mains water supply, lighting, and associated underground ducting.
The proposed development consists of work to the West Pier at Howth FCC, a protected structure (RPS 0595b/NIAH 11359040)). The proposed development will require an Industrial Emissions (IE) licence or waste licence from the Environmental Protection Agency. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) has been prepared and will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application.
AI received 2/6/2022
AI deemed significant **
Revised public notices received 13/6/2022
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 05-Aug-2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F21A/0368 in the planning reference field.
FW22A/0066 - Application by Earlsland Corporation Unlimited Company
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW22A/0066 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Earlsland Corporation Unlimited Company was for a development at A site (known as site A), located to the north of Northwest Logistics Park, (NWLP), Ballycoolin, Dublin 15.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The proposed development consists of the following:
Construction of a high technology manufacturing unit (for the manufacturing of high technology electrical components), with a total gross floor area (GFA) of 23,6000 sq.m (including ancillary office space of 2,318 sq.m. at ground and first floor levels), and with a main parapet height of c. 12 metres and maximum height of 14.5 metres. The proposed unit will be known as Unit 901;
Provision of a link corridor between the proposed high technology manufacturing unit and Unit 900 to the south (logistics/warehouse unit permitted under Reg. Ref. FW21A/0146);
The provision of 562 no. car parking spaces, dedicated bus drop off and 275 no. bicycle parking spaces along with HGV loading bays and a service yard to the west of the proposed unit.
The vehicular access to the unit will be provided via two entrances from the roundabout proposed under Reg. Ref. FW21A/0146, which provides access to Kilshane Avenue to the east.
The development also includes rooftop plant for the proposed unit, an ESB substation with switchroom, 2 no. emergency generators, 2 no. sprinkler/water tanks and 2 no. pumphouses, 2 no. smoking shelters, bicycle shelters, landscaping, boundary treatments, entrance gates, site lighting, all associated site development works, underground foul and storm water drainage services and attenuation areas including connections to existing/permitted services infrastructure and all ancillary works.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the planning application and the EIAR will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority.
The application site (with an area of c. 5.9 hectares) is located to the north of the warehouse/logistics development (Unit 900) permitted under Reg. Ref. FW21A/0146, to the northeast of Kilshane Avenue, to the south of Bay Lane and is bound by greenfield lands to the west.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 01-Jun-2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW22A/0066 in the planning reference field.
FW21A/0209- Application by Ipsen Manufacturing Ireland Ltd
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW21A/0209 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Manufacturing Ireland Ltd was for a development at Blanchardstown Industrial Park, Snugborough Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The construction of a new two storey extension of 1,360m2, to the east elevation of the building previously granted planning application No. FW15A/0115 ( and now constructed) for use as a pharmaceutical manufacturing building, together with the re-alignment of an existing access road. 1 no. external stairs and 1 no. external platform linking existing stairs, external ground floor plant equipment. And all ancillary and assoicated site development works. Permission for the continuation of the use of the existing single storey contractors compound (site area 1616m2), for a further period of 5 years pursuant to condition 10 of Pa Ref: FW15A/0115. The build out of the extension may be constructed in a single phase or over two phases. The application relates to a development which comprises of an activity requiring an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence. IED Licenece no. PO-117-02 The application is also accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Report and an Appropriate Assessment Screening Report.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to Grant permission for the above development on the 7th June 2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by the Board by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW21A/0209 in the planning reference field.
FW21A/0185 - Application by Guerbet Ireland ULC
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW21A/0185 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Guerbet Ireland ULC was for a development at Damastown Road, Damastown Industrial Park, Dublin 15, D15YE36.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
1) Process/Dryer Building extension 30.82m x 34.36m x 20.50m high.
2) Reactor hall building extension 19.30 x 10.50m x 19.60 m high
3) Warehouse Building extension 21.60m x 13.30m x 8.80m high.
4) Utilities/Maintenance Workshop Building extension 32.10m x 25.00m 7.78m high.
5) Electrical Transformer Room and Switchgear Room extension 11.80m x 8.20m x 4.20m high to the north side of
the existing Utilities/Maintenance Workshop Building.
6) Expansion of the existing WWTP comprising of 3 No aerated anoxic reactor tanks, 3 No balance tanks, 2 No clarifier tanks, associated bunded structures, pipe racks, and supporting plant/equipment.
7) Upgrade works to the existing fire water retention pond including the provision of a new fire water retention pond to supplement the existing storage capacity.
8) 1,289m2 extension of the existing contractor carpark to the west side of the WWTP.
9) A permanent contractors construction compound including a fenced and hard-cored area of 20,569m2.
10) Alterations to the existing site access, internal access roads and staff/visitors carpark to facilitate the construction of the new contractors construction compound.
11) And all associated works including alterations and additions to the existing external tanks, vessels, plant, equipment, external pipe bridge, underground services, internal access roads, footpaths, laydown/hardstanding areas, external lighting, etc.
The development is to be carried out within the 12.221 hectares of lands containing the Guerbet Ireland ULC facility at Damastown Industrial Park. This application is accompanied by an Appropriate Assessment Screening Report. The proposed development involves the modification of an establishment to which the European Communities (Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations, 2015 (SI 209 of 2015) apply and is also subject to a granted revised Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) licence, Register No. PO050-02, now deemed an Industrial Emissions Licence (IEL).
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to grant permission for the above development on the 5th May 2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by the Board by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW21A/0185 in the planning reference field.
FW21A/0151 - Application by Huntstown Power Company Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW21A/0151 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Huntstown Power Company Limited was for a data hall at lands adjacent to Huntstown Power Station, North Road, Finglas, Dublin 11.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
- Demolition of 2 no. existing residential dwellings and ancillary structures to the east of the site (c.344qm total floor area);
- Construction of 2 no. data hall buildings (Buildings A and B) comprising data hall rooms, mechanical and electrical galleries, ancillary offices including meeting rooms, workshop spaces, staff areas including break rooms, toilets, shower/changing facilities, storage areas, lobbies, outdoor staff areas, loading bays and docks, associated plant throughout, photovoltaic panels and screened plant areas at roof levels, circulation areas and stair and lift cores throughout;
- External plant and 58 no. emergency generators located within a generator yard to the east and west of Buildings A and B at ground level. The area is enclosed by a c.6.5m high louvred screen wall;
- The proposed data halls (Buildings A and B) are arranged over 3 storeys with a gross floor area of C.37,647sqm each;
- The overall height of the data hall buildings is c28m to roof parapet level and c32m including roof plant, roof vents and flues. The total height of Buildings A and B does not exceed 112m OD (above sea level);
- The proposed development includes the provision of a temporary substation (c.32sqm), water treatment building (c. 369sqm and c.7.7m high), 7 no. water storage tanks (2,800m3 in total and c.6.4m high each), 2 no. sprinkler tanks (c.670m3 each and c.7.9m high each) with 2 no. pump houses each (c.40sqm and c. 6m high each);
- The total gross floor area of the data halls and ancillary structures is c.75,775sqm;
- All associated site development works, services provision, drainage upgrade works, 2 no. attenuation basins, landscaping and berming (c.6m high), boundary treatment works and security fencing up to c.2.4m high, new vehicular entrance from the North Road, secondary access to the south west of the site from the existing private road, all internal access roads, security gates, pedestrian/cyclist routes, lighting, 2 no. bin stores, 2 no. bicycle stores serving 48 no. bicycle spaces, 208 no. parking spaces including 10 no. accessible spaces, 20 no. electric vehicle charging spaces and 8 no. motorcycle spaces;
- Existing electricity overhead lines traversing the site will be undergrounded under concurrent application Ref. FW21A/0144;
- A proposed 220kv substation located to the south west of this site will be subject of a separate Strategic Infrastructure Development application to An Bord Pleanála under section 182A of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to grant permission for the above development on the 20th April 2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by the Board by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW21A/0151 in the planning reference field.
FW21A/0144 - Application by TLI Group Ltd.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW21A/0144 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by TLI Group Ltd. was for a development consisting of the installation of electrical infrastructure between Finglas substation and Huntstown Power Station at the townlands of Johnstown, Huntstown, Coldwinters & Balseskin, at Blanchardstown and Finglas, Co. Dublin. Planning permission had been sought for the following development:
The installation of electrical infrastructure between Finglas substation and Huntstown Power Station to facilitate the retirement of existing Electricity Supply Board overhead powerlines and facilitate site clearance for the future development of a data centre and substation (subject to separate planning applications). This will include (i) the installation of approximately three underground cable circuits of 1.2km length (110kV) and one circuit 1.2km length (38kV) and associated underground ducting, joint bays and infrastructure between the existing ESB Finglas substation and an agreed location within Huntstown Power Station (ii) installation of one c.28m double circuit 110 kV cable end tower and one c.17 single circuit 110kV angle mast (iii) removal of 10Nr. existing 110kV timber polesets, 9 Nr. existing 38kV timber polesets, 3 Nr. 38kV lattice steel tower & associated overhead line electrical infrastructure; all associated and ancillary site development, landscaping and construction works, all within the townlands of Johnstown, Huntstown, Coldwinters & Balseskin at Blanchardstown & Finglas, County Dublin.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to grant permission for the above development on the 5th October 2021.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by the Board by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW21A/0144 in the planning reference field.
FW20A/0187 - Application by HPREF Dublin Office DevCo1 Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW20A/0187 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by HPREF Dublin Office DevCo1 Limited was for a development consisting of 8 no. light industrial/warehouse (including wholesale use) / logistics units at Horizon Logistics Park (Site N), Off the R108, Harristown, St. Margarets, Swords, Co. Dublin. Planning permission had been sought for the following development:
- 8 no. light industrial/warehouse (including wholesale use) / logistics units including ancillary office use and entrance/reception areas over two levels, with maximum height of c. 15.5 m and combined total gross floor area (GFA) of 39,732 sq.m. (units N1-N8);
- The demolition of 2 no. existing agricultural sheds and the construction of a link road (Estate Road No. 4), extending south from the proposed development to connect with existing road infrastructure (Sillogue Green);
- The implementation of a new internal road network with all access points, internal access roads and footpaths, service yards and access roads, cycle paths and landscaping;
- The construction of 2 no. new roundabouts on Estate Road No. 4, the construction of Estate Road No. 3 branching west and the extension of Estate Road No. 2 which currently serves Horizon Logistics Park;
- The development includes 2 no. ESB substation buildings and switchrooms (with a combined GFA of 68 sq.m.), service yards including loading bays, bin storage areas and a total of 395 no. car parking spaces, 8 no. motorcycle parking spaces and 202 no. cycle parking spaces;
- The proposal includes landscaping and planting, boundary treatment, lighting, security fencing and all associated site services and development works including underground foul and storm water drainage network and sustainable urban drainage systems, all on a site of 14.64 hectares.
- A Natura Impact Statement was submitted with the planning application.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to grant permission for the above development on the 23rd June 2021.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by the Board by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW20A/0187 in the planning reference field.
FW20A/0083 – Application by Chemco (Ireland) Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW20A/0083 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Chemco (Ireland) Limited was for a development consisting of warehousing within 6 No. units for the storage and distribution of materials including chemicals at Damanstown Rise, Damanstown Industrial Estate, Macetown North, Dublin 15. Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
- 19,151 sqm of warehousing within 6 No. units for the storage and distribution of materials including chemicals within a proposed secure 33 Acre site. The height of which does not exceed 16.0m. This is inclusive of MHE (Mechanical Handling Equipment) areas, clean rooms, warehouse office, link corridors and associated amenities.
- 917 sqm Individual standalone administration office (710 sqm) & staff amenities buildings (302 sqm)
- 230 sqm security offices (Hub),
- 1,205 sqm of associated plantrooms, stores and ancillary buildings
- Provision for 182 No. of car parking spaces for warehousing office staff
- Plus 3 No. disability access car parking spaces
- Including provisions for 8 No. Electric Vehicle car parking spaces
- An external ISO tank & container storage pad complete with associated circulation space (the area of which is circa 9.5 Acres or 38,450 sqm)
- A perimeter attenuation channel (the area of which is circa 3,045 sqm with a capacity of over 5,045 cum)
- A perimeter security fencing 2.4m high.
- Associated landscaping
- 6 No. access points
- Facility identification signage
- Associated ancillary site and civil works
at Damastown Rise, Damastown Industrial Estate, Macetown North, Dublin 15, all located within the boundaries of the secure 33 Acre site. This is a site to which the Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 (S.I. 209 of 2015) applies.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to grant permission for the above development on the 28th January 2021.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by the Board by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW20A/0083 in the planning reference field.
FW20A/0021 - Application by Dublin Port Company
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW20A/0021 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Dublin Port Company was for a development consisting of storage and logistic facilities comprising yards, warehouses, workshops and ancillary offices at Plots 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 and amendment to permitted development (Reg. Ref. FW19A/0101 and F18A/0139) at Plot 8 and internal road network at Dublin Inland Port, South of Dublin Airport Logistics Park, Off Maple Avenue, Coldwinters, St Margarets, Co Dublin. Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
Plot 1 (c.1.54ha) comprising a warehouse building including an ancillary office of c.2433sqm and c.10m in height with 1 no. sign on building and c.280sqm photovoltaic panels on roof and storage yard with approx. 50 no. lorry spaces.
Plot 3 (c.0.87ha) comprising an office building of c.144sqm and c. 4.6m in height with 1 no. sign on building and c.60sqm photovoltaic panels on roof and storage yard with approx. 24 no. lorry spaces and approx. 205 no. car storage spaces.
Plot 4 (c.2.99ha) comprising a warehouse building including workshop, store, substation and ancillary office of c.8,061sqm and c.15m in height and c.680sqm photovoltaic panels on roof and storage yard with approx. 70 no. lorry spaces and approx. 96 no. car storage spaces.
Plot 5 (c.1.16ha) comprising a warehouse building including workshop and ancillary office of c.735sqm and 10.2m and an office building of c.300sqm and c.5.8m in height with 1 no. sign on building, and storage yard with approx. 28 no. lorry spaces and including vehicle washing area and fuel storage area.
Plot 6 (c.0.31ha) comprising a warehouse and store building including ancillary office of c.569sqm and 10.2m in height with 1 no. sign on building and c.92sqm photovoltaic panels on roof and storage yard with approx. 7 no. lorry spaces.
Plot 7 (c1.2ha) comprising a warehouse building including ancillary office of c.1,293sqm and c.10m in height with 1 no. sign on building and c.220sqm photovoltaic panels on roof and storage yard with approx. 42 no. lorry spaces.
Plot 9 (c.0.47ha) comprising a warehouse building including ancillary office of c.569sqm and 10.2m in height with 1 no. sign on building and c.92sqm photovoltaic panels on roof and storage yard with c.8 no. lorry spaces.
The proposed development across the 7 no. plots will also include: 134 no. car staff parking space and 112 no. bicycle parking spaces; high strength surface treatment including underground drainage, attenuation, water services and electricity infrastructure including 2 no. substations of c. 14sqm and c.26sqm respectively; 3m high wall and internal 4.5m electrified fence along the boundary of Plot 4 and 2.4m high fences along other internal plot boundaries; gated vehicle and pedestrian accesses to each plot; 3m high fencing along the external site boundaries; CCTV poles (approx. 7.5m) and new lighting (including 8 no. lighting towers (approx. 30m)); and all associated landscaping, plant, site and construction works.
The application seeks to amend Plot 8 as permitted under Reg. Ref. FW19A/0101. The yard within Plot 8 will be extended to the north and east and the plot will increase in area from 3.1 to 3.5ha.
The application also seeks to amend the internal road network as permitted under Reg. Ref. FW19A/0101 and Reg. Ref. FW18A/0139. The permitted (Reg. Ref. FW18A/0139) Plot 1 entrance has been moved further south and the permitted (Reg. Ref. FW18A/0139) entrance to Plot 4 to the west is now removed. The permitted (Reg. Ref. FW19A/0101) Plot 4 entrance to the east has been widened. All development to take place on a site of c. 10.4 ha. The application is for a 10 year planning permission.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to grant permission for the above development on the 7th April 2020.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by the Board by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW20A/0021 in the planning reference field.
FW22A/0147 - Application by Alanna Homes LTD
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW22A/0147 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Alanna Homes LTD was for a development at townland of Clonsilla, Dublin 15, , and is partially occupied by buildings formerly, associated with St. Joseph's Hospital. The site is bounded to the south-west by Park Heights road, to the north-west by Park Crescent road, to the north-east by Hansfield.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
A residential development comprised of 181 no. apartments and duplex units, together with a childcare facility, on a site measuring c. 3.6 Ha which is part of Zone 5 "Hospital" of the Hansfield Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) Planning Scheme 2006. The application site is in the townland of Clonsilla, Dublin 15, and is partially occupied by buildings formerly associated with St. Joseph's Hospital. The site is bounded to the south-west by Park Heights road, to the north-west by Park Crescent road, to the north-east by Hansfield Wood Lawn estate, and to the east and south by St Joseph's Hospital.
The proposed development includes for the demolition of existing buildings on site (c. 2, 791 sq.m total) and the construction of 181 no. apartments and duplex units, together with a childcare facility, in 8 no. three to six storey blocks. A breakdown of the proposed blocks is as follows:
Block A is a five to six storey building consisting of 40 no. apartments and duplex units comprised of 4 no. 1 bed units, 30 no. 2 bed units & 6 no. 3 bed units.
Block B is a four to five storey building consisting of 44 no. apartments and duplex units comprised of 2 no. 1 bed units, 40 no. 2 bed units & 2 no. 3 bed units.
Block C is a three to four storey building consisting of 29 no. apartments and duplex units comprised of 3 no. 1 bed units, 23 no. 2 bed units &
3 no. 3 bed units. Block C also includes for a one storey childcare facility (c. 350 sq.m) located on the ground floor of the block. Block D1 is a 3 storey building consisting of 8 no. apartments and duplex units comprised of 4 no. 2 bed units & 4 no. 3 bed units. Block D2 is a 3 storey building consisting of 4 no. apartments and duplex units comprised of 2 no. 2 bed units & 2 no. 3 bed units.
Block E is a 3 storey building consisting of 16 no. apartments and duplex units comprised of 6 no. 1 bed units, 8 no. 2 bed units & 2 no. 3 bed units.
Block F is a 3 storey building consisting of 16 no. apartments and duplex units comprised of 8 no. 2 bed units & 8 no. 3 bed units. Block G is a 3 storey building consisting of 24 no. apartments and duplex units comprised of 12 no. 2 bed units & 12 no. 3 bed units.
The proposed development includes for a basement level car park, located below Blocks A, B & C, which provides for 148 no. car parking spaces (inclusive of 6 no. disabled parking spaces), 184 no. bicycle parking spaces, 5 no. plant rooms and 2 no. bin storage areas. The basement level provides for internal stair core and lift access to Blocks A, B & C, with vehicular access being from the existing Park Crescent road to the north-west. Vehicular access to the proposed development will be via 2 no. access points as follows: (i) off the existing Park Heights road to the south-west, and
(ii) off the existing Park Crescent road to the north-west. The proposed development includes for all associated site development works above & below ground, surface level and basement car parking (Total: 267 no. car parking spaces), surface level and basement bicycle parking (Total: 217 no. bicycle parking spaces), soft & hard landscaping and boundary treatments, public, communal and private open spaces, pedestrian and cyclist connections, public lighting, foul and surface water drainage, attenuation, roads, infrastructure connections etc. all on a site of c. 3.6 Ha.
The proposed development is located on lands within the boundaries of Hansfield Strategic Development Zone {SDZ) as defined by Statutory Instrument No. 273 of 2001. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report, which also constitutes an Environmental Impact Statement for the purposes of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and the Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2022, has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report accompanies this application. The planning application, together with the Environmental Impact Assessment Report, may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority at Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, County Dublin, K67 X8Y2, during its public opening hours of 09.30-16.30 Monday to Friday {Cash office opening hours are 9.30 to 15.30).
AI received 17/10/2022
AI deemed significant **
Revised Public Notices received 24/10/2022
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 14-Dec-2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW22A/0147 in the planning reference field.
FW22A/0156 - Application by Earlstand Corporation Unlimited Company
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW22A/0156 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Earlstand Corporation Unlimited Company was for a development at Mooretown and Northwest Logistics Park, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The application is bound to the south, southwest, and to the east by existing, permitted and proposed development within Northwest Logistics Park situated on Kilshane Avenue, to the north and noethwest by undeveloped greenfield lands and to the west by the Ratoath Road.
Ten-year permission for development that will consist of the following:
- Construction of 6 no. warehouses/logistics units including ancillary office/administration use and entrance/reception areas over two levels (Units 1-6) with a combined total floor gross area (GFA) of 50, 934 sq.m;
- Unit 1 is located within the south-western portion of the site (with a GFA of 16, 457 sq.m.). Unit 2 is located in the southern portion of the site (with a GFA of 5, 612 sq.m), Unit 3 is located in the south-eastern portion of the site (with a GFA of 5, 621 sq.m), Unit 4 and Unit 5 are located in the centre of the site (with a GFA of 8, 550 sq.m and 8, 535 sq.m respectively), and Unit 6 is located in the northern portion of the site (with a GFA of 6, 159 sq.m).
- Unit 1 will have a parapet height of 17.59 metres, while all other units will have a parapet height of 17.49 metres.
-Ancillary ESB substations (6 no. in total) are included for each of the proposed warehouses/logistics units. The gross floor area (GFA) of each substation is 25 sq.m. Unit 1 includes a sprinkler tank, valvehouse and pumphouse.
- The proposal includes a new estate road entrance from Kilshane Avenue, access arrangements and internal road network to serve the proposed units., and pedestrian and cycle infrastructure. The units are served by a total of 501 no. car parking spaces, 230 no. cycle spaces, 80 no. heavy goods vehicle parking spaces (including loading bay parking), loading bays and service yard areas.
- The proposed includes PV panels at roof level, hard and soft landscaping and planting, boundary treatments , public open spaces and woodland areas, security gates, cycle shelters, lighting, entrance signage, signage zones for each of the proposed units and all associated works including underground foul and storm water drainage network, attenuations rea, SUDS features and utility cables.
An Environmental Impact Report (EIAR) Will be submitted to the Planning Authority, with the planning application and the EIAR will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy with the Planning Authority.
The application is bound to the south, southwest and to the east by existing permitted and proposed development within Northwest Logistics Park situated on Kilshane Avenue, to the north and northwest by undeveloped greeenfield lands and to the west by the Roatoath Road.
AI received 24/11/22
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 26-Jan-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW22A/0156 in the planning reference field.
FW22A/0177 - Application by Clarochem Ireland Ltd
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW22A/0177 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Clarochem Ireland Ltd was for a development at Clarochem Ireland LTD, Damastown Industrial Park, Damastown Rd, Damastown, Dublin 15, D15 DP73.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The development will consist of: 1) Ste works comprising of the following; widening of existing site entrance, expansion and alterations of the site road network including relocation and expansion of staff / visitor's car parking; 2) A single storey expansion of the existing Raw Materials warehouse (Goods-in) to the North of the existing warehouse building, 455m2 x 11.3m high; 3) A single storey expansion of the existing Finished Goods warehouse (Dispatch) to the west of the existing warehouse building, 494m2 x 11.25m high; 4) A two storey R&D Laboratory building to the north of the proposed Finished Goods warehouse, 333m2 x 11.25m high; 5) A single storey expansion of existing offices, canteen and locker rooms to the east, 263m2 x 4.4m high; 6) A three storey Product Finishing building to the west of the existing production building, 1.053m2 x 16.0m high; 7) A two storey expansion of the existing Engineering Offices and tool room to the south of the existing Building. Area, 282m2 x 6.45m high; 8) The additional of a 30m3 chemical storage tank in the existing tank farm; 9) The provision of a Contractors compound area to include contractor car parking area to the West of the site; 10) And all associated works including alterations and additions to the existing external plant equipment, underground services, external site works such as internal access roads, footpaths, laydown areas , hardstanding areas, external lighting, etc; 11) Provision of a temporary Construction entrance from the Damastown Road. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application. The proposed development involves the modification of an establishment to which the Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 (SI 209 of 2015) applies and to an activity requiring an Industrial Emissions Licence (IEL).
AI received 28/10/2022
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 14-Dec-2022.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW22A/0177 in the planning reference field.
LRD0010/S3 - Application by The Noonan Construction Co. Ltd
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number LRD0010/S3 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen The Noonan Construction Co. Ltd was for a development at Ballygossan Park, Golf Links Road, Skerries, Co Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The development will consist of:
• 33 no. houses (28 no. 3 bedroom and 5 no. 4 bedroom) House Types A, B, E
and F (2 storey) House Types C and D (2.5 storey) in a mixture of semidetached, detached and terraced units;
• 95 no. apartments (in a part 3/part 4 storey building with Blocks A, B and C
located over a basement) consisting of 31 no. 1 bedroom apartments, 62 no. 2
bedroom apartments and 2 no. 3 bedroom apartments and includes an ancillary
gym as a separate structure within the courtyard (for residents 84.3 sq.m);
• 16 no. duplex apartments in 2 no. 3 storey blocks consisting of 6 no. 1 bedroom
simplex, 8 no. 2 bedroom duplex and 2 no. 3 bedroom duplex units; (all
apartments and duplex apartments to have terrace or balconies);
• Open space comprising c. 2.89 hectares (which includes 1.24 hectares class 1
open space), 2 no. playing pitches to the south of Ballygossan Park, communal
and private open space, and pedestrian path along western boundary to the
north, ancillary children's play areas, as well as provision of 2 ESB substations;
• The proposal includes the provision of 214 no. car parking spaces 100 no.
spaces located at basement level under the apartment block and 114 no.
spaces located at surface level) and 292 bicycle spaces (122 no. spaces
located in the basement of the apartment block and 170 no. spaces located at
surface level).
• Provision of a creche (3 storeys) c. 355.4 sq. m to replace the creche permitted
under Register Reference F11A/0309 & An Bord Pleanála Reference
PL06F.240639, as extended by Register Reference F11A/0309/E1;
• Access to the site will be from Ballygossan Park and Golf Links Road with
temporary construction access from a haul road south of the existing junction
of Golf Links Road and Ballygossan Park, and a second haul road to the south;
• Provision of landscaping and infrastructure (surface water, foul and water
supply) to facilitate the development of the application lands and lands to the
south including "Regional Drainage Facility" (RDF) for the surface water
management of the Hackettstown residential lands; Planting & Landscaping of
open space areas, including provision of footpaths and viewing point and
diversion and undergrounding of existing overhead power lines, where
• The proposal includes associated siting, boundary changes, boundary
treatment and site lighting, all associated landscaping and drainage works
[including attenuation], planting and boundary treatments, including
regrading/re-profiling of site where required;
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 20-Jan-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. LRD0010/S3 in the planning reference field.
FW23A/0004 - Application by Firth Developments Unlimited Company
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW23A/0004 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Firth Developments Unlimited Company was for a development at c. 3.06 Ha) located in Zone 6 as identified within the Hansfield SDZ Planning Scheme 2006, formerly part of St. Joseph's Hospital, , Clonslla, Dublin 15.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The development will consist of 419no. residential apartment units, consisting of 167no. 1-bed units, 199no. 2-bed units and 53 no. 3-bed units and residential amenity space (c. 359.6 sq. m) in 4no. Blocks ranging in height from 4 to 6 storeys including: - Block 1 comprises a 5 - 6 storey building accommodating 120no. apartments (55no. 1-bed, 46no. 2-bed and 19no. 3-bed) and residential amenity area (c. 100.9 sq. m) with part of the ground level accommodating an undercroft car parking area; Block 2 comprises a 5 - 6 storey building (with ground floor undercroft car parking) accommodating 108no. apartments (50no. 1-bed, 41no. 2-bed and 17no. 3-bed) and residential amenity area (c. 100.9 sq. m) with part ofthe ground level accommodating an undercroft car parking area; Block 3 comprises a 4- 5 storey building accommodating Slno. apartments
{23no. 1-bed, 20no. 2-bed and 8no. 3-bed); Block 4 comprises a 4- 6 storey building accommodating 140no. apartments {39no. 1-bed, 92no. 2- bed and 9no. 3-bed) and residential amenity area (c. 157.8 sq. m); Private patios/ terraces and balconies are provided for all apartment units. Upper-level balconies are proposed on elevations of all multi-aspect apartment buildings; A 2-storey childcare facility (c. 440 sqm) (including associated children's play area and car and bicycle parking).
And, all associated and ancillary site development and infrastructural works, hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatment works, including:
- Class 2 public open space {c. 2, 535 sq. m) including small plaza to the north of Block 4 adjacent Hansfield Road; 5no. new vehicular access points from existing roads permitted under FCC Reg. Ref. FW17A/0234 including 4no. entrances from St. Joseph's Avenue and lno. entrance from St. Joseph's Grove; 2no. pedestrian access points to the east ofthe site off Hansfield Road; 213no. car parking spaces (undercroft and on street); 1, 445no. bicycle parking spaces in total (1, 209no. long-term spaces, 212no. short-term spaces and 24no. childcare facility parking spaces); 21no. motorcycle parking space; Communal bin storage and plant provided at ground floor/ undercroft and roof level and additional plant provided at roof level; 3no. ESB Sub-stations; Class 1 public open space (c. 8, 500 sq. m) provided on separate lands at, Beechpark, Clonsilla Road, Dublin 15.
This development comprises amendments to permitted site development works at St. Joseph's Phase 1 (FCC Reg. Ref. FW17A/0234), including:
- Omission of permitted single storey childcare facility (including associated children's play area and car parking) to be replaced with a 2-storey childcare facility (including associated children's play area and car and bicycle parking) (c. 440 sq. m); Omission of lno. permitted apartment building (Apartment Block 2) containing 56no. residential units, including associated car parking and single level basement (replaced by proposed Block 3 of this proposal); Revisions to permitted road layout to omit access point northwest of proposed Block 4; Revisions to permitted road layout and public open space/ attenuation area to the west of St. Joseph's Grove to facilitate new vehicular access to proposed Block 4.
The proposed development will take place within the boundaries of the Hansfield Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) as defined by Statutory Instrument No. 273 of 2001. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) accompanies this application.
located in Zone 6 as identified within the Hansfield SDZ Planning Scheme 2006, formerly part of St. Joseph's Hospital, Clonsilla, Dublin 15 bounded generally by the Hansfield Road to the east, St. Joseph's Avenue to the north, Pipers Court to the west and permitted canal side cycle/ pedestrian path associated with St. Joseph's Phase 1 (FCCReg. Ref.
FW17A/0234) to the south, all in the Townland of Clonsilla, Dublin 15.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to INVALID PLANNING APPLICATION for the above development on the 17-Jan-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW23A/0004 in the planning reference field.
F22A/0670 - Application by Glenveagh Homes Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number F22A/0670 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen Glenveagh Homes Limited was for a development at (on lands of c. 6.29 ha.) relating to: 'Phase 3' to be known as 'Ladywell', within the townlands of, 'Clonard or Folkstown Great', 'Clogheder' & 'Flemingtown Balbriggan, Co. Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
The development will consist of Phase 3C as well as roads, services and public open space relating to the overall Phase 3 Ladywell lands as follows:
A) 75 no. dwellings comprising 68 no. houses consisting of 22 no. 2 bedroom dwellings (House Types E1, E2, E4, E6, E7, E8, E9, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5], 41 no. 3 bedroom dwellings (House Types D1, D2, F1, F2, F3, F4, F4A, F5, F5A, N1, N2, N3], 2 no. 4 bedroom detached dwellings (house type M1] - all 2-storey), & 3 no. 5 bedroom detached dwellings [House Type K1 - 2.5 storeys - 3 floors), (in a mixture of semi-detached, terraced, end of terrace and detached units); all with associated private open space; B) 7 no. 1 bedroom apartment units consisting of 3 no. 1 bedroom triplex units (T1, T2, T3] in a 3-storey building, 4 no. 1 bedroom Maisonettes [Apartment Types P1 & P2] in 2 no. 2-storey buildings, (all with private open space); provision of single storey cycle parking; bin stores; and ESB substations, solar panels on roofs; as well as 238 no. surface car parking spaces;
C) Public Open Space of c. 1.34 hectares (Phase 3C -c. 0.38 ha), (with additional 0.48 hectares of incidental open space) as well as communal (c. 0.06 ha) and private open space; all associated landscaping and drainage works (including attenuation] with public lighting, planting and boundary treatments, including regrading/reprofiling of site where required;
D) Provision of Class 1 Public Open Space (c. 0.65 hectares), with play equipment (accessed from Hamlet Lane) located to the west of Bremore Pastures and Hastings Lawn, south of Flemington Lane, [proposal includes alterations to part of the Class 1 public park and associated works approved under Reg. Ref. F15A/0550];
E) Provision of roads and services infrastructure (surface water, foul and water supply) to facilitate the development of the remainder of Phase 3 lands (Phases 3A, 3B & 3D) including public lighting, SuDS drainage and services infrastructure, as well as vehicular and pedestrian connections to the 'Boulevard Road' and all associated landscaping and ancillary site development works;
F) Signalised upgrade of the junction of Boulevard Road and the Clonard Road (R122) as well as pedestrian crossings along Boulevard Road;
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application.
Glenveagh Homes Limited, intend to apply for a 10-year planning permission for development (on lands of c. 6.29 ha.) relating to: 'Phase 3' to be known as 'Ladywell', within the townlands of 'Clonard or Folkstown Great', 'Clogheder' & 'Flemingtown', Balbriggan, Co. Dublin - (Phase 3 lands bounded generally by undeveloped lands to the north, undeveloped lands to the south, Boulevard Road to the east, and undeveloped lands to the west (to the rear of local road L1130). The proposal includes a separate site of Class 1 Public Open Space of c. 0.65 hectares in the adjoining townland of Flemington to the north (accessed from Hamlet Lane, Bremore Pastures Drive, Balbriggan).
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION for the above development on the 02-Feb-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. F22A/0670 in the planning reference field.
FW23A/0067 - Application by HPREF Dublin Office DevCo 1 Limited
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Part II, Amendment of Miscellaneous Enactments of S.I. No. 352, Section 10 of the European Communities (Public Participation) Regulations 2010, Section 34(1A) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Section 172(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), that planning reference number FW23A/0067 was required to have been accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The application by Ipsen HPREF Dublin Office DevCo 1 Limited was for a development at On lands At Horizon Logistics Park ( Known as site F1), Off The R108, At the townland of Silloge, Swords, Co. Dublin.
Planning permission has been sought for the following development:
Planning permission for development on lands at Horizon Logistics Park (known as site F1), off the R108, at the townland of Silloge, Swords, Co. Dublin. The site is primarily located south of permitted Units E1 and E2 (permitted under Reg. Ref.: FW22A/0079), to the southwest of the Dublin Bus Harristown Depot and an existing residential property, and to the west and north of Silloge Park Golf Club. The site also takes in a portion of the existing Horizon Logistics Park Access Road, and adjacent lands to the east of permitted Unit E2. The application site has an area of c. 9, 426 hectares.
The proposed development consists of the following:
-The construction of 1 no. light industrial / warehouse (including wholesale use) / logistics building (Unit F1) with a gross floor area (GFA) of c. 14, 561 sq.m (including 1, 644 sq.m of ancillary welfare, reception, and office space over three levels). The proposed building will have a main parapet height of c. 12.3 metres.
-The proposed light industrial / warehouse (including wholesale use) / logistics building will accommodate (in addition to the main light industrial/ warehouse (including wholesale use) / logistics floorspace), a 2 storey goods / customs warehouse, ancillary welfare, reception, and office floorspace over three levels, with 5 no. projecting van loading / unloading wings projecting from the main warehouse structure to the northwest and southeast.
-Construction of a driver's canteen building (with a GFA of c. 160 sq.m and a parapet height of 4.4 metres), to the north of Unit F1.
-Provision of 230 no. car parking spaces, 14 no. pick up / drop off car parking spaces, 50 no. HGV parking spaces, 14 no. tractor parking spaces, 28 no. motorcycle parking spaces, and 72 no. bicycle parking spaces.
-Provision of an ESB substation and switch room (with a GFA of c. 36 sq.m), along with associated access arrangements from the permitted estate road to the north of Unit F1.
-Provision of a bin store structure (with a GFA of c. 11 sq.m), recycling store structure (with a GFA of c. 19 sq.m),
sprinkler tank, and pumproom (with a GFA of c. 28 sq.m) to the south/ southeast of proposed Unit F1. A gate house (with a GFA of c. 18 sq.m) will be provided at the entrance to the service yard.
-Provision of service yard and HGV and van loading / unloading areas, with associated loading bays to the facades of the proposed light industrial / warehouse / logistics building.
-Provision of access arrangements to the proposed development including an access from the estate road permitted under Reg. Ref.: FW22A/O079 to the north of the site (including upgrades to the permitted junction from the Horizon Logistics Park Access Road).
-The proposal includes landscaping and planting, PV panel zones at roof level, boundary treatments, signage zones, site lighting, security fencing and gates, and all associated site services and development works, including underground foul and storm water drainage network and sustainable urban drainage systems.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the planning application and the EIAR and NIS will be available for inspection or purchase for a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority.
AI received 7/7/2023
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The Planning Authority is informing the public that Fingal County Council made a decision to GRANT PERMISSION for the above development on the 28-Aug-2023.
The applicant and any person who made submissions or observations in writing to the Planning Authority in relation to the planning application in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) may appeal such a decision to An Bord Pleanála.
A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A person may question the validity of any decision on an appeal by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No 15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
Practical information on the appeal and review mechanisms can be found on the Citizens Information website. The Citizens Information Service is a statutory public authority responsible for a variety of information to members of the public. Practical information is also available on the website of An Bord Pleanála, and on the website of the Courts Service of Ireland
Details with regard to the planning reference referred to in this notice may be viewed on this website on the online planning system by entering the planning reference no. FW23A/0067 in the planning reference field.