Road Opening Licence
Road Licences and Permits
You need a Road Opening Licence to open the public road, footpath or grass verge for:
- Water/Sewer Connections
- Lowering of Footpaths
- Footpath reconstruction
- Pipelaying etc.
All road opening licenses are now applied for through the RMO’s (Road Management Office) online system MRL (MapRoadLicensing) which is used nationwide by Local Authorities. The fees are generated by this system in response to the information provided in the application.
The application is then inspected and conditioned by our engineers and is granted after the payment is made by the applicant barring any issues with the application. The license, invoice and any receipts or other documents will be published onto the online system.
The RMO provides registration and support to users of the MRL system.
The following information and support is available on the RMO website (
- A link to the MRL system
- A link to the registration page for new users
- Support contact details
- A set of user guides for common MRL procedures
- Access to the revised Guidelines for Managing Openings in Public Roads, issued by the Department of Transports, Tourism and Sport in April 2017.
Road Opening licence link Fingal County council
You can email cont%[email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected] if you have any queries about registration.