Environmental Issues

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Batteries Regulations Enforcement


You can bring batteries for recycling into any shop that sells a similar type of battery. You don’t have to buy anything you can just give them the old batteries free of charge.

You can bring batteries to our Recycling Centres (The Estuary, Swords and Coolmine,Dublin15), where they also are accepted free of charge. Please check the Recycling Centres page for opening hours.

WEEE is Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment – the likes of old TV’s, fridge freezers, cookers, VCR, DVD Players, hair dryer etc. If it has a plug or battery it’s WEEE.

You can bring your WEEE(households only) to our recycling centres free of charge.

When you buy new equipment, you can take the old one back to the shop where you bought it- it has to be the same equipment. For example you can take an old toaster back to the shop when you buy a new one and they’ll have to take the old one back from you, at no cost. But if you buy a toaster, they wouldn’t have to take back a TV. If your new equipment is delivered to you, the delivery person takes the old one back at no cost, as long as it is ready for collection( ie. Disconnected and ready to take away).

Sometimes you may get a leaflet in the door advertising a free electrical collection the next day- asking you to leave your items in the front garden. Most of these collections are likely to be illegal, as the vans do not have a waste collection permit. You should not leave anything out for collection when you get these leaflets.