
Work Matters @ Balbriggan Library and Blanchardstown Library

Business, Enterprise and Employment Support Centre

Work Matters

The Business, Enterprise and Employment Support Centre, in Blanchardstown and Balbriggan Library, is a workspace available for anyone seeking employment or career development as well as entrepreneurs of all levels.

Be it an idea for a start-up or a business in growth, we offer a free workspace that perfectly fits the requirements of our digital age. 

Work Matters provides business, job seeking and career advancement information, books and reference materials, newspapers, journals and online resources.

You can also avail of networking events and various workshops.

Business Advice Clinics are also held in Blanchardstown Library with LEO business mentors.

Our staff, who are all fully trained information professionals, are at hand to ensure a welcoming and supportive environment to carry out your research.

Business Advice Clinics in Blanchardstown Library

The Work Matters service hosts fortnightly Business Advice Clinics in conjunction with the Local Enterprise Office Fingal.

The clinics have been developed to assist those who are thinking about starting out in business or those who have an existing business and are at a stage where they need some direction and advice. 

The advice clinics are 45 minute appointments, provided free of charge.

Clinics are run on a one-to-one basis with experienced business advisors.

To book a session or to enquire about further dates contact the Local Enterprise Office Fingal - Phone: 01 8900 800 Email:  [email protected] .%69e" rel="nofollow"> [email protected]

Start Your Own Business Courses in Blanchardstown Library

Developed for those who are thinking of starting a small business or those who have a business that is running less than 2 years, the Work Matters services regularly hosts a Start Your Own Business Course delivered through the Local Enterprise Office Fingal.

It is a 10 week, part-time course consisting of a series of workshops designed to give an excellent foundation for starting a new business.

For information about upcoming courses contact the Local Enterprise Office Fingal - Phone: 01 8900 800 Email:  [email protected]

Business & employment related books, newspapers, magazines and information leaflets 

Topics covered include job seeking, CV preparation, interview skills, entrepreneurship, digital marketing, business planning, marketing & PR, HR, accounting and health and safety.

  • Free Wi-Fi & WiFi printing
  • Meeting rooms – pre bookable
  • Business talks and events
  • Public Pcs with Internet access and Microsoft Office
  • Online business database: Vision Net
  • Digital newspapers & magazines
  • Online selection of business & employment related eBooks and eAudiobooks
  • Free access to online courses - Library members can register with Universal Class and start a course within minutes.
  • Online Language Learning 
  • Free Computer Classes
  • Driver Theory Test PC (including car, bus and truck theory tests)
  • CV, invoice, receipt and letter templates on our PCs
  • iMac with Retina 5K display featuring design apps for brochures, posters and flyers
  • Send prints from your home or business and collect in Balbriggan Library using our Surfbox technology

Additional Services at Blanchardstown Centre

Europe Direct Information Centre

Den booth that can be used for group research and meetings

1 Microfilm computer for historical and business research (microfilm going back to the 1800s)

Vision-net and Mintel: Business databases which are as useful to jobseekers researching for interviews or job applications as they are to business people researching their industry, competitors and consumers.

Vision-net can be accessed in the library as well as on your PC, laptop or mobile device by clicking into the above link and inputting your library card number.

Vision-net is an internet based service which gives you immediate online access to information on every Irish and UK company registered. allows you to search documents filed by all Irish companies with the Companies Registration Office (since 1998).

These documents can be viewed, printed and saved.

Mintel can be accessed in Blanchardstown library on all public PCs through by clicking on Client Login then clicking Mintel Academic and agreeing to the terms and conditions.

Mintel tracks product innovation and conducts market and consumer research.

Mintel’s up to date Irish database contains a wealth of analysis and is an excellent resource for business people and those seeking to develop their career.

Its comprehensive market analysis looking at past and current performance allows it to forecast future trends.

This in-depth market analysis and consumer data covers thirteen industries in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The Work Matters Library is located in the reference section of both Blanchardstown and Balbriggan Library.

Business Websites


Local Enterprise Office (Fingal)                                                             

Local Enterprise Office Business Plan                                                

The LINC Institute of Technology Blanchardstown                                                        

Base in Mulhuddart and Fingal Community Enterprise Hub                    

Fingal Chamber of Commerce                                                              

Fingal  Enterprising Women Network                                                                                                                                                                                                          


Enterprise Ireland                                                                                                        

Supporting SMEs                                                                                                      

Citizens Information – starting a business 

Companies Registration Office     

Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation                                                                                   

Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association

Patents Office 


Small Firms Association

Plato Dublin  

Micro Finance Ireland

Employment Websites


Blanchardstown Area Partnership


Department of Social Protection

The Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed

Social Inclusion and Community Action Programme

Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation 

SOLAS Further Education and Training Authority



The Business, Enterprise and Employment Support Centre is located on the second floor of Blanchardstown library.


Monday to Thursday 9.45am – 8pm

Friday and Saturday 9.45 – 5pm

Closed Saturday and Monday on Bank Holiday Weekends

Contact us at

[email protected]

01 890 5534 or 01890 5784

Fingal’s 24-hour eServices and library catalogue can be accessed through