Creative Ireland Fingal Programme 2017
Creative Ireland Fingal Programme 2017
Fingal is defined by a unique natural heritage of coastline, waterways, landscape and wildlife, and a rich cultural heritage of local history, music and folklore. The county has strong traditions of horticulture, agriculture and fishing coupled with a rich heritage dating back thousands of years, from the passage tombs of Bremore to medieval settlements such as Swords and Lusk, and castles like Malahide and Ardgillan. With an 88km coastline stretching from Howth to north of Balbriggan, three large protected estuaries and salt marsh habitats with 13 major beaches, our natural heritage has a strong conservation and amenity value.
Our greatest resource is our people. Fingal has the third biggest, fastest growing and youngest population in Ireland. The vibrancy and diversity of our culture is one of our greatest assets.
Under the Creative Ireland Programme 2017-2022, local authorities have a crucial role in the overall local delivery of the entire Creative Ireland Programme and are exclusively mandated, through their culture teams, to deliver Pillar 2 of the programme – Enabling Creativity in Every Community. This devolution of responsibility for Creative Ireland to local authorities is inspired by the extraordinary impact of collaborative local authority co-ordinated projects for the centenary of 1916. This Plan sets out the beginning of Fingal’s part in this five-year journey, a truly important national policy initiative centred on culture and wellbeing.
Read more about the Creative Fingal Programme

As part of the Creative Fingal Programme, Fingal County Council will support individuals and groups to develop initiatives that support culture and creativity in the community. The scheme is open for applications from June 2017 with €20,000 made available in the current year to fund this partnership approach spanning the county.
This scheme will consider funding projects that develop bodies of work that creatively explore and support natural heritage (including biodiversity, geological and landscape) and cultural heritage (including archaeological and architectural heritage); Citizen Engagement; Sense of Place; Wellbeing ; STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics); Irish Language, Literature & Writing; Performances, Theatre Music & Dance; Festivals, Events, Seminars, Workshops & Exhibitions; Sports or other creative forms.
For further information please email one of the following:
- Heritage Officer, [email protected]
- Sports Officer, [email protected]
- Arts Officer, [email protected]
- Community Officer, [email protected]
Alternatively contact [email protected] .
Creative Ireland National Programme
Creative Ireland is the Government’s Legacy Programme for Ireland 2016 – a five-year initiative, from 2017 to 2022, which places creativity at the centre of public policy. It is a high-level, high-ambition, all-of government initiative to mainstream creativity in the life of the nation so that individually and collectively, in our personal lives and in our institutions, we can realise our full creative potential.
To view the programme click
Creative Ireland Fingal Consultation
Over the period of the Creative Fingal Programme, Fingal County Council are keen to facilitate an on-going dialogue on creativity in Fingal among the community, creative practitioners and across a broad range of stakeholders in the arts, culture, heritage, sports, STEM and business sectors. Through the medium of film, these diverse conversations about creativity in Fingal will be recorded and shared online and in stakeholder communications over the course of the five year programme. This will build a digital repository of the developing, dynamic and unique creative culture of Fingal and reflect the views of the diverse range of people involved in our creative conversation.
Public Information Session – Carlton Hotel, Dublin Airport 24 April 2017
The consultation process started in April with a Public Information Session which was recorded and can be viewed through the three links on this page.
- Creative Ireland National Perspective – Speaker: Michael O’Reilly (see link above)
- Creative Ireland Fingal Perspective – Speakers: Mayor of Fingal, Councillor Darragh Butler & Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, Paul Reid (
- Creative Ireland Public Information Session Audience Feedback (
Fingal Commemoration Programme 2018-2023
Fingal County Council is developing a Commemorations Programme for the period 2018-2023, when there will be many aspects of our past which need to be remembered and commemorated. These may form part of the Decade of Centenaries in which we will remember significant historical events that took place between 1918 and 1923, or may relate to other aspects of Fingal’s history and heritage. The Council is now embarking on a consultation process so that the people of Fingal can have their say on what we should remember and commemorate. This process will also encourage a discussion on how such commemorations can develop a deeper and more lasting engagement with our past.
While many events, persons and themes related to the struggle for independence in the period 1918-1923 will be commemorated during the period 2018-2023, the Council also wishes to consider other significant events, persons or themes of relevance to Fingal and its communities, including from outside the Irish experience, which should be commemorated during the period 2018-2023.
So why not give us your input on the Fingal Commemorations Programme 2018 -2023? Visit and complete the survey by 24 January 2018.