Stage 1 Documents
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The publication of the Strategic Issues Paper is the first step in the plan making process and it sets out some of the key issues for Fingal.
The Development Plan process encourages public engagement and we want to start the conversation on the issues that affect you.
The publication of the Strategic Issues Paper was the first of three opportunities for the public to contribute to the creation of the new Fingal Development Plan.
You can download the full Strategic Issues Paper here.
The Development Plan will address strategic issues under the following seven key themes:
THEME 1: People and Place

The Development Plan seeks to promote compact growth, the delivery of high quality public realms and well-designed neighbourhoods while ensuring that Fingal’s important heritage and rural areas are preserved and safeguarded.
THEME 2: Climate Action

Climate Action must be a central theme throughout the next Development Plan. The Plan will play an important role through the implementation of its policies and objectives to help move towards a low-carbon, resilient County.
THEME 3: Connectivity & Movement

The Plan aims to promote ease of movement throughout Fingal by integrating and enhancing existing developed areas and those areas identified for growth, with high quality connectivity through the delivery of footpaths, segregated cycling facilities, public transport systems, and roads.
THEME 4: Employment, Economy & Dublin Airport

Fingal’s Development Plan will strive towards achieving growth that is sustainable, competitive, inclusive and resilient.
THEME 5: Cultural Heritage

Sustainable management of our cultural heritage will not only protect our archaeological sites, historic houses, landscapes, coastline and traditions but will support tourism, and leisure and promote well-being.
THEME 6: Green Infrastructure & Natural Heritage

Green Infrastructure planning results in environmental, economic and social benefits by providing nature-based solutions to development objectives.
THEME 7: Infrastructure & Utilities

The Development Plan must put in place a framework that promotes and provides high-quality physical infrastructure to allow development to progress in a sustainable manner.
Environment Assessment

Environmental assessments of the Fingal Development Plan 2023-2029 are a crucial element of the process, assessing the potential environmental impacts of the implementation of policies and objectives.
Chief Executive's Pre-Draft Consultation Report

View the Chief Executive’s Pre-Draft Consultation Report.