Economic, Enterprise & Tourism Development Frequently Asked Questions


The Events Unit specialises in Event Management throughout Fingal.  They organise and oversee both large-scale and smaller scale events throughout the county.  The planning and organisation of large-scale events (DBO – design, build, operate) involves consultation amongst statutory agencies and various stakeholders.


Events are a key driver of economic growth with highly successful events such as the Flavours of Fingal.  Events in Fingal are growing in size, frequency and visibility. The economic benefit of events to the local economy can be evidenced and weighted through increased visitor numbers, spend etc.


Our mission is to promote tourism and economic sustainability through events and making Fingal an attractive, vibrant and sustainable destination, delivering a distinctive experience for local residents, domestic and international visitors.  We do this by:-



Supporting the Fingal economy by engaging with local businesses and where possible by using local suppliers/ contractors


Working with Fingal Tourism promotion of the rich portfolio of natural and cultural assets including our heritage properties as locations for our events


Promoting and supporting community development by assisting local groups in the organisation and planning of their own events by way of funding and knowledge sharing


Promoting our heritage properties, regional parks and open spaces


Profiling and engagement through the Council’s social medial channels


Collaborating with the LEO, Chamber of Commerce and business associations to promote and facilitate start-up businesses



Flavours of Fingal County Show


Howth Maritime & Seafood Festival


St. Patrick’s Day Parades – 7 locations


Swords Castle Concerts


D15 Family Fun Events


7 Village/ Town Festivals – Rush, Skerries, Donabate/ Portrane, Malahide, Swords, Baldoyle, Balbriggan


Festival of Fire – Balbriggan, Blanchardstown & Swords


Blanchardstown Christmas Lights


Swords Christmas Market & Lights


Balbriggan Christmas Market & Lights


European Cross-Country Championships


This scheme is to enable and assist a variety of commercial and non-commercial events. 


With over 140 events and festivals supported since the introduction of the scheme, listed below are a sample of some of the events that we fund.


Some of the events supported are as follows:


Baldoyle Mayfest


Blanchardstown Safer Together Summer Festival


Balbriggan Summerfest


Leinster Pipe Band Championship


Donabate/ Portrane Summer Festival


Rush Harbour Festival


European Cross-Country Championships

The criteria for financial assistance are published every year following the announcement of the events funding.

Yes, Fingal County Council through its Safety Advisory Group offers a variety of supports in planning your event.  One of these supports is the suite of Safety Advisory Documents.



The Safety Advisory Documents suite of documents supplied to all event holders are as follows:



Fingal Events Management Guide


Event Application Form


Event Management Plan


Safety Inspection Checklist


Missing Person Report Form


Accident Incident Report Form


Event Briefing Form


Fingal Mayor Protocol


Guide To Gas


These can be accessed here:

Local and Rural Development and Enterprise Centres

The LEADER Programme in Dublin Rural provides support to communities and enterprises across the administrative areas of Fingal, South Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Rathdown in County Dublin. The main aim of the LEADER Programme is to strengthen the rural economy and to improve the quality of life in rural areas. The Dublin Rural Local Action Group (LAG) has been established to deliver the LEADER element of the Rural Development Programme for the period 2014–2020 in the Dublin rural region. €4.83 million will be available for local projects in the region during this period.

The Rural Development Programme 2014 – 2020 is split into three themes that reflect the overarching needs of rural Ireland. An application must fit with one or more of the themes to be eligible. These include Economic Development and Enterprise, Social Inclusion and Rural Environment.

The Dublin Rural Leader Programme can provide up to €200,000 grant-aid per project, as LEADER funding is not intended for major projects. The maximum grant amount for analysis and Development projects is €30,000. Exceptional community projects can qualify for a higher grant up to €500,000.

Dublin Rural Leader Programme helps several different groups of people. Applications are sought from:

1. Individuals or a group of promoters with a viable rural enterprise idea

2. Rural Businesses/Micro Enterprises or SME’s; wishing to expand, diversify or a new start-up business

3. Farm Families wishing to diversify into new activities including Artisan Foods, Rural Tourism, Farm Shop

4. Community Groups

5. Voluntary Groups

6. Social Enterprise groups promoting community enterprise

LEADER funding is area specific and only applications from within the defined geographical boundary of each LAG area are accepted. The rural areas of Fingal, South Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Rathdown in County Dublin are covered by the Dublin Rural LEADER area LAG.

More information can be found at

Social Inclusion and Community Action Participation.

SICAP is a funded programme to support socially excluded and disadvantaged groups and individuals.

To support communities and target groups to engage with relevant stakeholders in identifying and addressing social exclusion and equality issues, developing the capacity of local community groups and creating more sustainable communities

To support disadvantaged individuals to improve the quality of their lives through the provision of lifelong learning and labour market supports

The current programme began on 1st January 2018 and will run till the end of 2022.

The annual SICAP fund in Fingal is €1,246,141.

SICAP is co funded by the Government of Ireland, through the Department of Rural and Community Development and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020.

SICAP is managed by the Fingal Local Community Development Committee.

Empower CLG implements the programme in Fingal.

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme is a key initiative under the Action Plan for Rural Development and is part of a range of measures to support the revitalisation of rural Ireland under the Government’s Project Ireland 2040 Rural Regeneration Programme. The Town and Village Renewal Scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered through the Local Authorities. This funding helps to promote rural and community development and to support vibrant, inclusive and sustainable communities throughout Ireland.

The Town and Village Renewal scheme is targeted at the following two categories of Towns/Villages in the Fingal rural area:



Category 1: Towns and villages with a population of up to 5,000 people.


Category 2: Towns with a population of 5,001 to 10,000 people.


Selection of projects under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme is by means of a competitive process. However, an objective is always to ensure that a reasonable level of funding becomes available to areas that most require it. Final project selection is made by the Department of Rural and Community Development.

The Scheme is announced by the Department of Rural and Community Development, once a year, generally during the months of April-May.

Once the scheme has been announced by the Department of Rural and Community Development, it is advertised by Fingal County Council through  and in local newspapers outlining the scheme details and seeking Expression of Interests from eligible towns/villages.

The Local Authority reviews all Expression of Interests and decides which will be submitted as an application to the Department of Rural and Community Development for consideration. Only one application can be submitted by the Local Authority in respect of any individual town; however, the application may include several linked components to support the rejuvenation of the town/village.

Up to 80% of the total cost of a project under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme will be provided for any individual project. The remaining 20% match funding must be contributed by the Local Authority and/or the community. The minimum grant which is available is €20,000 and the maximum is generally €100,000.


A higher maximum of €200,000 will be considered for a small number of projects where a robust case can be made demonstrating exceptional benefit to a town. It is proposed that an indicative 20% of the overall funding available will be ring-fenced for such projects, subject to a sufficient number of good quality projects of this nature being submitted for consideration to the Department.

Up to 10% of the total cost may be provided in the form of “in-kind” contributions (e.g. land lease or voluntary labour4); a minimum cash contribution of 10% will also be required.


The Community Enhancement Programme (CEP) provides funding to community groups across Ireland to enhance facilities in disadvantaged areas.

The CEP is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered by the Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) in each Local Authority area. 

The Department provides funding to each Local Authority (LA) area and the LCDCs then administer this funding locally to ensure funding is targeted appropriately towards addressing disadvantage in the areas that need it most.

  • Any not-for-profit community or voluntary group can apply.
  • Commercial organisations and individuals are not eligible for funding.

The funding covers capital projects only.  In cases where both current and capital works are carried out together, only the capital element can be funded through this Programme.  

The Department of Rural and Community Development have as of yet not announced any funding in 2020

If the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) receives Community Enhancement Programme (CEP) funding from the Dept. of Rural & Community Development (DRCD) in 2020 details of the programme will be advertised on all Fingal County Council social media sites.

If your organisation is a member of the Public Participation Network (PPN) you will be notified if funding becomes available

If your group applied for Community Enhancement Programme funding in 2019 your group will automatically be notified by email

If your group did not apply for funding in 2019 but would like to be notified if funding becomes available in 2020 please email <span>[email protected] quoting CEP, with your group name, phone number and email, and your group will be added to our contact list.

Match funding is not a requirement under this programme.

The Men’s Shed Fund is a ring-fenced fund under the existing Community Enhancement Programme which provides funding to all Men’s Sheds in Ireland that are affiliated with the Irish Men’s Shed Association.

The CEP Men’s Shed Fund is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered by the Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) in each Local Authority area. 

The Department provides funding to each Local Authority (LA) area and the LCDCs then administer this funding locally to ensure funding is targeted appropriately towards addressing disadvantage in the areas that need it most.

All Men’s Sheds in Ireland that are affiliated with the Irish Men’s Shed Association.

The funding covers capital projects only.  In cases where both current and capital works are carried out together, only the capital element can be funded through this Programme.  

The Department of Rural and Community Development has not announced any funding in 2020.

If the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) receives Community Enhancement Programme (CEP) Men’s Shed Funding from the Dept. of Rural & Community Development (DRCD) in 2020 details of the programme will be advertised on all Fingal County Council social media sites.

If your Men’s Shed is affiliated with the Irish Men’s Shed Association, you will be notified by email.


If your Men’s Shed applied for Community Enhancement Programme Men’s Shed funding in 2019 you will automatically be notified by email.

If your Men’s Shed group is newly set up but would like to be notified if funding becomes available in 2020 please email span>[email protected] quoting CEP Men’s Shed, with your group name, phone number and email, and your group will be added to our contact list.

Match Funding is not a requirement under this programme.

Healthy Ireland is a government led initiative aimed at Improving the health and wellbeing of everyone living in Ireland.

The aim of the fund is to support innovative, cross-sectoral, evidence-based projects and initiative’s that support the implementation of key national policies in areas such as obesity, smoking, alcohol, physical activity and sexual health.

The Government of Ireland.

The current fund is for two years 1st July 2019 – 31st June 2021. Fingal County Council has been allocated €334,360 for this period.

This is a fund for the joint application of Fingal County Council and Fingal Children & Young Persons Services Committee.

The Fingal Local Community Development in Fingal manages the Healthy Ireland Fund in Fingal.

Fingal County Council supports three Enterprise Centres in the County, the Drinan Enterprise Centre in Kinsealy, the BASE Enterprise Centre in Mulhuddart, and the Beat Enterprise Centre in Balbriggan.

Start-up and developing businesses with employment growth potential. Training Companies who require training rooms to run courses.

Incubator units

Office units

Shared office space

Food Units

Training Facilities

Light manufacturing

Ware housing / Distribution

Flexible licence arrangements available at all three Enterprise Centres.

Each of Fingal’s three Enterprise Centre’s are fully equipped with training rooms, broadband, white boards, projectors, kitchen facilities and full disabled access, and after-hours training facilities also available.

Full range of office services

Full time reception

Postal addresses

Meeting rooms

Broadband / phone services

Business start-up advice  

Training facilities

Canteen /kitchen facilities  

Disabled access

24 hours access to own door units

Free car parking

CCTV cameras in operation

Each unit equipped with central fire alarm

Meeting room and Board room available

Projector & flipchart hire

Book Keeping


Access Enterprise Support Advice and Information

Networking Opportunities

Business Development Supports

Specialist Advice and Expertise

Links to enterprise support agencies

Links to third level institutions

Links to research and development opportunities

Monitored Alarms

Drinan Enterprise Centre, Swords Enterprise Park, Feltrim Road, Swords, Co. Dublin

Phone: 01-892 8000   

Fax: 01-892 8050 

Email: [email protected]</span>


BASE Enterprise Centre, Damastown Road, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15

Phone: 01 8203020

Fax: 01 8209469

Email: span>[email protected]


Balbriggan Enterprise & Training Centre  (BEaT) Ltd, Robert Beggs Building, Stephenstown Industrial Estate, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin

Phone: 01 8020400

Email: <span>[email protected]


Local Enterprise Office Fingal

Local Enterprise Office Fingal aims to promote entrepreneurship, foster business start-ups and develop existing micro and small businesses to drive job creation and to provide accessible high quality supports for your business ideas.

It provides a broad suite of services to small businesses and micro-enterprises with ten employees or less. 

LEO Fingal is one of 31 LEOs around the country operating within each Local Authority. LEOs are operated on a partnership basis by Enterprise Ireland and the Local Authorities and their parent Departments – the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, and the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. 

They are funded by the Government of  Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund.

Whether you are interested in setting up a new business, or already have an established business, we have services and supports to help you, including:

If you are thinking of starting your own business: 

If you are an established business and would like support in growing or expanding your business:

To keep fully up to date on the services and supports available to you through LEO Fingal, you can sign up for our newsletter on the homepage of our website here: