Electric Vehicles
Fingal County Council is Chair of the Dublin Region EV Charging Working Group, supporting Dublin's transition to low emission mobility. 15% of Fingal County Council's commercial fleet also consists of Electric Vehicles which are used to reduce impact on our climate while carrying out Council business.
Find out more below about Electric Vehicle projects and how we are planning for the future.
Dublin EV Charging Strategy
Dublin’s Local Authorities are taking steps to decarbonise our city region through provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCPs). Electric Vehicles (EVs) play a key role in enabling the transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy powered mobility.
Suggest an EVCP location
Tell us where you want EVCPs (Electric Vehicle Charging Points) to be added and help us inform our plans.
Electric Fleet
15% of Fingal County Council's commercial fleet consists of Electric Vehicles which are used to carry out Council business with a reduced impact on our climate.
Lamp Post charge point trial
Fingal County Council and Ubitricity have partnered to test new EV charging options for motorists in Fingal.
Community Car
The Community Car service was introduced in 2020 and is now operational in Lusk, Howth and Skerries. Two electric Vehicles have been provided for this pilot initiative which recognises Fingal’s commitment to Climate Change Action.