Balbriggan Musical History Project

Balbriggan Community Council (BCC), in partnership with long-established local musicians from Balbriggan who have written a collection of new original songs commemorating seminal elements of the local history of Balbriggan, and its districts, present a Musical History of Balbriggan. The goal of this Community/Arts/History
project is to have these songs professionally recorded and published as a community resource for the people of the town and villages, and indeed for local schools. The authors of the project believe it offers a strong template for other communities to develop similar community/arts/history projects. The songs have a very strong commemorative theme, and also celebrate the growth and industrial development of our town and its districts right up to modern times e.g. the world renowned hosiery industry that became established and prospered right through the historical period currently being commemorated in national and local Centenary
events – including the infamous Sack of Balbriggan in 1920. The songs also look at the period when the local Bracken river was the life's blood of the town of Balbriggan, powering the various milling and textile industries
that thrived for nearly two centuries. In the case of Balrothery, its rich mediaeval heritage features in the songs. Similarly the history of Balscadden right back to the time of St Patrick and its place on the road to Tara features in the songs. Not least by any means, the songs also reflect the diversity and inclusion for
which the modern town of Balbriggan and its districts is recognised nationally. All of the local musicians involved are volunteering their time and skills towards delivery of this project, as are the members of Balbriggan Community Council (BCC). A sample of the songs was uploaded to You tube and they were really
well received with 3,700 reviews.