D15 Youth Theatre Auditions 2019

Sun 6 Oct 2019 11AM-1PM Draíocht Workshop Room // Age 14-18 Yrs

Auditions will be held for new members for Draíocht’s highly successful Youth Theatre (D15YT), for those aged between 14-18 years with a love of theatre and trying new things. D15YT runs on Tuesday evenings, 7pm-9pm, during schools term times, starting in October. All are welcome to auditions, please visit www.draiocht.ie or drop into Draíocht to pick up an application form. If you are interested in finding out more about D15YT, contact [email protected] or on 01 8098029.

Before the Auditions, why not dip your toe into a Free Youth Theatre Workshop on Culture Night on 20 September?