Irish Legends
Professional theatre makers Sean and Niall McDonagh will guide the children of Scoil an Duinninigh and Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe (Swords) in the creation of their very own unique theatre sketches based on old Irish legends. Children will be invited to explore storytelling and performance through a series of creative workshops delivered through Irish and during school hours. The children and artists will present a collective showcase of their work in the Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords, on Saturday 10th June for Cruinniú na nÓg. This event will be open to the participating children’s family and friends. These workshops are aimed at 5th/ 6th class primary school children.
Irish Legends is a project by Sean and Niall McDonagh of High Rock Productions. Commissioned by Fingal Arts Office on the occasion of Cruinniú na nÓg 2023.
‘Finscéalta na hÉireann’
Treoróidh déantóirí amharclainne gairmiúla Sean agus Niall McDonagh ó High Rock Productions leanaí Scoil an Duinnínigh agus Gaelscoil Bhrian Bóroimhe (Sord) chun sceitsí amharclainne uathúla dá gcuid féin a chruthú bunaithe ar sheanfhinscéalta na hÉireann. Tabharfar deis do leanaí scéalaíocht agus taibhiú a fhiosrú trí shraith ceardlann cruthaitheach a chuirfear ar fáil trí Ghaeilge agus le linn uaireanta scoile. Cuirfidh na leanaí agus na healaíontóirí seóthaispeántas dá saothar le chéile i láthair san Óstán Carnegie Court i Sord ar ócáid Chruinniú na nÓg, Dé Sathairn 10ú Meitheamh. Beidh an imeacht seo oscailte do mhuintir agus do chairde na bpáistí a bheidh rannpháirteach. Tá na ceardlanna seo dírithe ar pháistí bunscoile rang a 5/6.