Lines - Bringing a line for a walk with illustrator Niamh Sharkey and violinist Megan Churcher.
What do you imagine when you hear music being played? How do you feel when you make marks on a page? Niamh and Megan will introduce you to the different ways artists create lines both in music and in art. Megan will demonstrate how musicians make different sounds using friction between her bow and violin strings, and Niamh will show you how to make a variety of marks on paper. Then it’s your turn! Led by our creative team, you will be invited to bring a line for a walk. Our walls will be wrapped with paper, awaiting your drawings. This unique family workshop is a playful introduction to music, literature, and art. Suitable for ages 6+.
Millennium Park, Blanchardstown |
Saturday, 10th June |
2:00pm – 2:45pm |
To reserve a space, please follow the QR code.