Píosa Spraoi le cupán Focail(s)! (Have fun with Cup of Focals) le Áine Gallagher

Practice Leaving Cert Irish with Áine Gallagher

‘Is fearr Gaeilge briste ná Béarla cliste’ seo é an sprioc don ceardlann seo le Áine Gallagher, aka ‘the queen of offbeat’. Is ealaíontóir í Áine agus tá sí i gconaí ag déanamh rudaí nua agus cruthaitheach cun Gaeilge a cur cun cinn agus inspioráid a thabhairt do dhaoine cun an teanga a labhairt. San ceardlann dhá theangach seo, beidh an aidhm cun píosa spraoi a fháil agus Gaeilge a cleactadh gan brú. Má cheapann tú nach bhfuil do chuid Gaeilge ró mhaith, ach ba mhaith leat í a feabhsú, seo é an ceardlann duit. 

In this fun family, pop up event, children will play games to practice their cúpla focal and turn them into a simple story. ‘Queen of Offbeat’, Áine Gallagher, uses her ‘cup of focals’ (cup full of words) to encourage people to give Irish a go, even if it’s not perfect. She lives by the saying, ‘is fearr Gaeilge briste ná Béarla cliste’ (broken Irish is better than clever English) 

Fáilte roimh chách/ All Welcome


For more information, please ring Blanchardstown Library at 01 890 5563 or email  [email protected]