Silver Lining Virtual Music Appreciation Sessions with The Forget Me Nots Choir

These weekly sessions are offered to senior community members as a recreational outlet, both educational and social. The sessions include the following elements:
A presentation of a particular musical topic (genre of music, artist, seasonal theme, instrument, musical organisation). Other topics can include poetry, and the arts generally.
Audio and visual clips, discussion, music analysis, live performance, occasional guest including performers in that field.
Friendly discussion among the participants covering their knowledge/experience/anecdotes on the subject and inclusion of all participants through general questions and chat.
Occasional open mic singing.
Rotating host for variety in topics and presentations.
These sessions proved to be a great success in 2023. On average, 75 members of their Forget-me- Not choir, their families, friends and caregivers have attended each session. One participant described the sessions as “a lifeline”.
They provide a regular social, educational and fun creative outlet for members on various musical and other artistic topics. This can help combat social exclusion on a weekly basis and solidify relationships and networks for those with limited possibilities for social engagement. The sessions also provide a forum for enjoying music, film and poetry from various eras, with a leaning towards participants’ favourite eras and genres.