Swords Women’s Shed and One Voice Singers Swords 

One town singers swords

Swords Women’s Shed will celebrate their first birthday on March 8th. They are also hosting an evening of invaluable talks and interactive sessions for women in St. Colmcille's GAA, Hollybanks, Swords. Nurse Maureen O’Dwyer will discuss menopause, nutrition, skincare, personal safety, anti-bullying, and women in politics. The evening will finish with One Voice Singers Swords singing from their songbook covering hits from the 60’s, right up to date. 

One Voice Singers Swords is a multi-cultural community singing group piloted by the Community Department in collaboration with One Town One Voice in Swords.  The group formed in November and have performed at the Christmas Craft Market in Swords Castle.  The group have formed their own committee and are now registered with the PPN.  They have several performances lined up including an event with Swords Women’s Shed to celebrate International Women’s Day and Swords St. Patrick’s Day Parade.  The group continue to grow with over 50 members living in Swords, many from around the world. 

Swords Women's Shed IWD