Digital Strategy Principles

The development of the digital strategy for Fingal and associated actions, plans and policy initiatives will be underpinned by the following principles:

Citizen focus

Initiatives are designed with the citizen at the centre.

Inclusive by default

All digital services must be inclusive by default, alternative channels must be provided while training and assistance must be supplied when needed.

Stakeholder collaboration

Stakeholder engagement and collaboration is essential to deliver successful project outcomes.


Digital Strategy initiatives will be open by default, using open architectures, open data and open standards, ensuring that they enable unrestricted collaboration, sharing and transparency.

Strategic alignment

All initiatives must be aligned to the County Development Plan and share its core vision.


Initiatives will ensure they meet the EU Commission Data Ethics guiding principles.

Value for money

We will ensure that we spend smarter for smart initiatives, using partnerships to share costs and define projects that create value for all partners involved. We will work with academic institutions in finding new solutions to citizen problems.