Digital Strategy Vision
Our vision is to make Fingal the place of choice to live, work, visit and do business in Ireland. The aim of this strategy is to encourage and support communities and businesses to reap the full rewards of a digitally enabled society.
Digital is not about technology, it’s about changing the way people live, connect and work. This strategy, therefore, is about how we will deliver and enhance our public services, infrastructure, spaces, economy and jobs for Fingal, now and for years to come.
The fundamental aim of the Fingal Digital Strategy is to support communities, businesses and citizens to leverage the full potential of broadband and digital technologies. Fingal County Council has a vision for all enterprises, communities and citizens across the County to have:
• Access to high-speed broadband infrastructure.
• Awareness of the potential uses and benefits of this infrastructure.
• Ability and skills required to realise and take advantage of the opportunities of a digitally enabled society.
• Access to online Council services.
• Enhanced job creation prospects as a result of the digital economy.
In order to create an inclusive Digital Strategy for Fingal, a comprehensive consultation and engagement process was undertaken. This process involved a number of measures, including the development of a public issues paper, design thinking workshops with strategic community and enterprise groups and the development of a consultation survey to stimulate engagement within the community. Further detail on the Digital Strategy consultation process can be found in Chapters seven and eight of this document.
We have identified four key pillars to support this vision and to inform the development and digital transformation of Fingal.
Digital Infrastructure
Develop a world-class digital infrastructure across Fingal, ensuring that both rural and urban Fingal are equipped with a fit-for-purpose digital infrastructure.
Digital Community
Empower citizens and communities to participate in the development of their communities and enable them to promote and support those communities to access digital skills, digital services and unlock opportunities for all.
Digital Business
Make Fingal the best place to start and grow a business. We will con- tinue to support the digital economy by providing vital supports and facilities to businesses and entrepreneurs.
Digital Government
Transform key public services, focusing on driving efficiencies and accessibility for all as well as designing digital public services that are inclusive by default.
These pillars developed and evolved through the strategy consultation phase.
The pillars are closely aligned to Ireland’s National Digital Strategy Framework and Local Digital Strategy Framework developed by Indecon Economic Consultants.
Fingal’s thematic framework is also closely aligned to Fingal County Council Local Plans and Strategies and the framework reflects best international practice in respect of digital strategies, as referenced in Chapter Seven of this document.