Fingal Thatch Project and Report

Historically, North County Dublin was renowned for its thatched buildings which are an important part of this heritage; they are a physical connection between past and present-day generations and represent a vernacular tradition in which knowledge of building techniques, local materials, skills and craftmanship was passed down along an unbroken chain for centuries.
As is the case across Ireland, Fingal’s thatched buildings have been in decline since at least the 1950s. Despite this, there is a strong appreciation of the heritage of thatch amongst local Fingal communities and heritage groups. In recognition of this, the Fingal Thatch Project 2022 was designed to capture and preserve the story of thatch in Fingal for future generations, from the thatched dwellings past and present to those who lived in them and all the traditions associated with thatch in Fingal. Through videos and a Storymap, the Fingal Thatch Project also aims to share the thatcher’s and communities memories, photos and documentation relating to this particular vernacular heritage.
Fingal Thatch Project 2022 Report Fingal Thatch Project 2022 Report
Fingal Thatch Project Storymap Fingal Thatch Project Storymap
See the Fingal Thatch Video here and below
The Fingal Thatch Project 2022 was supported by the Heritage Council