Fingal wants everyone to put their #HandsUpForKindess

Hands up for Kindness

- “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop

On the back of a recent motion passed by Councillors to promote greater kindness, Fingal County Council is reminding people across the county to be friendly and helpful to everyone ahead of International Random Acts of Kindness Day this Friday (17 February).

Being considerate, thoughtful, and generous is something we should all be, which is why the Council is running a #HandsUpForKindness campaign this week, encouraging people to be kind and compassionate. Simple things like saying hello or offering help to someone who may be struggling can go some way to boosting wellbeing, helping people to feel less isolated or alone and is a great way to connect us to one another. It is also a wonderful way to improve your own self-esteem.

Acts of kindness encourage us to reach out and socialise, as well as strengthening our sense of belonging. In doing so this type of interaction can help reduce isolation and loneliness. Numerous studies have also shown that acts of kindness, have equally positive effects on happiness for both those giving and receiving.

Mayor of Fingal Cllr Howard Mahony said: “It’s never too early to reach out and be kind to those around us. We know that as a county, Fingal is very responsive to the needs of other and we want everyone to show just what a big-hearted community we are by joining our #HandsUpForKindness campaign.”

Cllr Joan Hopkins, Chair of Fingal’s Community Development, Heritage Culture & Creativity Strategic Policy Committee, said: “Generosity and kindness really is a simple way to show we care and can be particularly important at a time when loneliness can be a challenge for many around the County. Kindness has the power to transform the world for the better - it feels great to show that kind of warmth to others and it feels good when such thoughtfulness is shown to us.”

It costs nothing to be kind and the and benefits can be long-lasting. You can be kind, generous and compassionate to someone you know, to a stranger and it’s important to also remember to be kind to yourself. The list of what you can do are endless, but here are some ideas:

  • Buy someone a tea or coffee in a café
  • Offer your seat to someone on the train, bus or LUAS
  • Give out cupcakes to strangers on the street or at a community centre
  • Carry shopping bags for people
  • Pass on your paid parking ticket to someone when you’re leaving a space
  • Say hello to people you meet whilst out walking
  • Call friends, family and your neighbours to see how they’re doing
  • Have a friendly word to others while you wait
  • Share some generosity – home cooked meal, deliver some flowers
  • Check on the elderly in your neighbourhood and ask if they need any help
  • Pop a card, letter or handwritten note to someone in the mail or through a letterbox

As part of the Council’s campaign, they are asking people to leave a message on the hotline of community radio station Phoenix FM (01 524 0288) or via WhatsApp (0857823016) about what your random act of kindness of the week is. Messages will be played on Phoenix FM across this week. To coincide with International Random Acts of Kindness Day, some lucky callers will win an annual Family Pass to Fingal Heritage sites, One4All vouchers and more.

So, whatever it is you do, please share your random acts of kindness on social media using #HandsUpForKindness.

Hands up for Kindness