Sutton to Malahide Pedestrian and Cycle Scheme leaflet

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Sutton to Malahide Pedestrian & Cycle Scheme
Public Consultation on Preferred Route
This scheme will provide a pedestrian and cycle route from Sutton to Malahide, through Baldoyle and Portmarnock. The scheme is funded by the National Transport Authority and will form a key part of the Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network.
The scheme design will allow people of all ages and mobility levels to travel safely between these coastal towns while enjoying the scenic coastline along the route. Following a previous feasibility study and route option public consultation, Fingal County Council is now seeking your feedback as we finalise the preliminary design in advance of a planning application in 2023.
We want your feedback as we finalise the preliminary design in advance of a planning application in 2023.
Why is this scheme needed?
The scheme will benefit the local community, businesses and the environment:
- Connects local communities;
- Provides attractive recreation space;
- Creates a safer sustainable transport route to schools and businesses;
- Provides tourism amenity to benefit the local economy;
- Promotes positive climate & health options;
- Links the wider pedestrian & cycle network.
How can I get involved?
Fingal County Council is inviting everyone to view and comment on the Preferred Route as part of a Public Consultation, taking place from 24 March to 09 May.
Tell us what you think. Make a submission online or by post. Visit
where you’ll find our plans, drawings and a questionnaire.
Postal submissions should be addressed to: Senior Executive Officer,
Planning & Strategic Infrastructure Dept,
Fingal County Council, County Hall,
Main Street, Swords, Co Dublin, K67 X8Y2
When making a postal submission please make it clear that it is for the Sutton to Malahide Pedestrian & Cycle Scheme. State your name, address and where relevant, the body or organisation you represent.
Submissions must be received no later than 23.59hrs, 09 May 2022.