Roundabout After

Auburn Avenue to 12th Lock Walking and Cycling Route

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Fingal County Council has proposed a new walking and cycling route for the Castleknock area. Designed to improve safety for those walking and cycling in the area, the route includes Auburn Avenue, continues along the Old Navan Road and links to the Royal Canal at the 12th Lock.

This scheme will provide safe pathways and segregated cycle lanes so that people of all ages and abilities can avail of walking and wheeling for local journeys to school, sport and shopping. The route will also connect to public transport routes by bus and train for longer journeys.

Public Consultation on this scheme began on Friday 16 August 2024 and ended Friday 13 September 2024, the Post Consultation report is now available:

Auburn Avenue to 12th Lock Walking and Cycling Route - New Active Travel investment in Castleknock | Fingal County Council Online Consultation Portal

What’s Next

Planting will soon begin in Castleknock of thirty-two trees to compensate for the eight trees due to be removed to facilitate the new protected Active Travel infrastructure.

The eight trees are scheduled to be removed in February 2025 before the bird nesting season begins.

Detailed Design is progressing to incorporate the feedback we received during consultation, and it is expected that a contractor will be in place and upgrade works shall begin in Q3 2025.

Updates will continue to be posted on this website as the scheme progresses.