Temporary Advisory Notice Issued for Rush North Beach

The EPA has advised Fingal County Council to issue a temporary advisory notice at Rush North following today’s confirmation of elevated bacteria detected in a sample collected on the 22nd of May 2024.

Rush North Beach

The EPA has advised Fingal County Council to issue a temporary advisory notice at Rush North following today’s confirmation of elevated bacteria detected in a sample collected on the 22nd of May 2024.

Fingal County Council are currently investigating the cause of pollution with the most likely source been animal/birds.

Fingal County Council are resampling the designated bathing area tomorrow and hope to have the advisory notice lifted by the 30th of May 2024.

The Advisory Notice states that to reduce the risk of illness, beach users should take the following precautions:

  • Avoid swallowing or splashing water
  • Wash your hands before handling food
  • Avoid swimming with an open cut or wound
  • Avoid swimming if you are pregnant or have a weakened immune system

Please note that this is pre-season sampling and the Bathing Season begins on June 1st. 

Rush North Beach remains open but beach users are asked to respect the Advisory notice as it has been put in place to ensure that the health of bathers is not compromised.

Members of the public can check for water quality at any of the monitored bathing waters in Ireland in advance by accessing the EPA website at www.beaches.ie or by checking the notice board at the entrance to each beach. 

To view  an explanation of the standards used for reporting results of bathing water please go to  https://www.fingal.ie/bathing-water-quality-monitoring-faqs

For further information on beaches and bathing water see Beaches and Bathing Water