Keep Well - Managing Your Mood

Keep Well Manage Your Mood

Life is quite difficult and stressful for a lot of us right now, and it’s important to reach out and get help when you feel everything is getting too much.

We’ll all get through this together by helping each other where and when we can.

Living Well: Cancer Thriving and Surviving

Living Well: Cancer Thriving and Surviving Autumn 2021

LiLiving Well: Cancer Thriving and Surviving is a free online group programme delivered over 7 workshops. It helps individuals who are cancer survivors to better manage their health and daily lives. For more information or to register contact Leah Harrington: 0873654392 or email %6ceah.%68a%[email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected] .

Jigsaw logo

Jigsaw Fingal

Jigsaw Fingal offering a range of services to adolescents and young adults aged 12-25 years old who live, work or go to school in the North Fingal area and wish to speak to someone about concerns to mild mental health issues. They are located at 1 St. George’s Square in Balbriggan. To make an appointment contact (01) 960 3020 or email [email protected] . For more information on the range of services provided visit link below .

Living Well with Mutiple Sclerosis

Living Well with Multiple Sclerosis Autumn 2021

Living Well with Multiple Sclerosis is a free online group programme delivered over 7 workshops. It is delivered by trained leaders, most of whom are also living with long-term health conditions and/or pain. The workshops can help you develop skills and confidence to manage your health conditions. For more information or to register contact Leah Harrington: 0873654392 or email   [email protected]                 

Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing Dublin 15

The provision of non-medical supports for people to improve their health and wellbeing. It’s an easy-going, fun and interactive programme for anyone aged over 18yrs in Dublin 15

Stress Control September

HSE Stress Control

Stress Control is a free programme which teaches you how to manage stress. It is for anyone over 15 years of age.

your mental health graphic

Your Mental Health

Visit for advice on how to mind your mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic.

suicide prevention

Living Works Suicide Prevention

HSE’s National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP) offer a free online Suicide Prevention Skills programme. LivingWorks Start is a 90 minute online interactive training programme that will give you the skills and knowledge to keep others safe from suicide. This programme is suitable for anyone over the age of 18 who wants to help prevent suicide and is prepared to become more suicide alert.


Community Call

Community Call

The COVID-19 Fingal Community Response Forum established the dedicated helpline to assist at risk members of the public in accessing non-emergency and non-medical supports and advice during the current public health emergency.

Irish Hospice Support for Grieving in Exceptional Times

Support for Grieving in Exceptional Times

The Irish Hospice Foundation free bereavement resource pack called Support for Grieving in Exceptional Times, contains resources for anyone grieving in these very difficult times.

minding your wellbeing

Minding Your Wellbeing Programme

This evidence-based programme provides a unique opportunity for people to learn more about mindfulness, gratitude, self-care and resilience.

Rewarding reads 2

Rewarding Reads

'Start a new story’ and discover lots of rewarding reads through your library.

Fingal Libraries

Libraries Online

Visit the Fingal Libraries youtube channel and checkout videos on mindfulness, resilience, stress busting and lots more! 

Bereavement Support Line

Bereavement Support Line

The Irish Hospice Bereavement Support Line is a national freephone service 1800 80 70 77 available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday

Seamus Ennis Centre

Seamus Ennis Arts Centre

The SEAC might be closed but it is running a fantastic online programme of activities including Concerts, Singing Sessions, Music Tuition, Seasonal Competitions & Art Exhibitions


Draíocht Arts Centre

Draíocht has a fantastic online programme including Jess Rowell - Dance Artist in Residence, Printing Workshop, Artist Show and Tell Zoom Sessions for Schools, The University of Wonder and Imagination and Creative Resources for Families and Schools

Turn to me

Turn to Me

Frontline Workers Peer Support Instant Chat service. Free, Anonymous, Professional Chat Support 


Fingal CYPSC connecting with children and young people through consultation

In 2019 Fifteen services, active in youth participation in Fingal came together to understand, document and strengthen youth participation across Fingal. The initiative was led by the Outcome 5 sub group of Fingal Children and Young Peoples Services Committee (FCYPSC).

Youth Counseling service flyer

North Dublin RDATF

The North Dublin RDATF works across North County Dublin and provides a free confidential counselling service for young people over 12yrs.

Living well

Living Well with Chronic Health Conditions

Living Well with chronic pain is a free online group programme delivered over 7 workshops. It is delivered by trained leaders, most of whom are also living with long-term health conditions and/or pain.

For more info & to register contact - Leah Harrington: 0873654392

Email: %6cea%68.ha%72ri%6egt%[email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected]


LW Caregivers

Living Well Building Better Caregivers

Living Well Building Better Caregivers is a free self-management programme for caregivers with the aim of improving your quality of life to better manage your daily health.

For more info & to register contact - Leah Harrington: 0873654392

Email: [email protected]  

LW with Chronic Pain Poster 2021 jpg

Living Well With Chronic Pain

Living Well With Chronic Pain is a 7 week free online group programme. It is delivered by trained leaders, most of whom are also living with long-term health conditions and/or pain. For more information & to register contact - Leah Harrington: 0873654392.

Living Well after a Diagnosis of Coronavirus. Are you living with Long Covid  Post Covid-19 Syndrome jpg

Living Well After a Diagnosis of COVID-19

Or Living with Post COVID-19 Symptoms? - Living Well is a free 7 week group online programme developed to help you manage your health conditions. For more information and to register contact - Leah Harrington: 0873654392.