Learn a language in 2021!

Would you like to learn a foreign language or brush up on your school French? Maybe 2021 will be the year you set about achieving this goal. Whether you want to learn a language or improve your skills, Fingal Libraries can help you on your linguistic journey.
Proficiency in a foreign language has become increasingly important in an interconnected world, creating better employment opportunities and travel experiences. New friendships can grow from speaking with people in their own language. Knowledge of a foreign language opens up a world of literature, film and music from different cultures. Engaging with foreign language media can provide greater insights into world affairs. Not least, learning a new language is an achievement of which anybody can be proud.
According to Eurostat, over one third (35.4%) of working-age adults (defined as 25–64 year-olds) in the EU reported that they did not know any foreign languages. A similar proportion (35.2%) reported that they knew one foreign language, while just over one fifth (21.0 %) knew two foreign languages, and fewer than one tenth (8.4 %) of all working-age adults knew three or more foreign languages. The extent of multilingualism differs considerably between the EU Member States. For example, the share of the adult working-age population who reported that they knew three or more foreign languages peaked at 51.2% in Luxembourg. In Ireland, however, 29.9% of working-age adults reported knowing one foreign language, which is below the European average of 35.2%.
Fingal Libraries offers access to free online language-learning resources from Transparent Languages Online. You can choose from over 100 languages (including English as a foreign language). There are materials to suit every level, ranging from beginners to intermediate and more advanced options. Practice listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills from the comfort of your own home. All you need is your library card!