National Enforcement Priorities Progress Reports

Illegal treatment and disposal of waste includes tackling End-of-life vehicles

Waste Enforcement Priorities are set by the National Waste Enforcement Steering Committee which includes representatives from a wide range of regulatory authorities. This helps drive consistency at a central level and ensure that an effective system is in place to protect our environment and the health of our citizens. Local authorities are responsible for regulating permitted waste facilities and collectors and for implementing a wide range of enforcement priorities. Nationally in 2021, they carried out approximately 140,000 waste-related inspections; received over 72,800 waste and litter related complaints; initiated almost 17,900 waste enforcement actions and over 578 prosecutions relating to waste.

A National Enforcement Priorities (NEP) Progress Report has been produced by Fingal County Council detailing the extensive work undertaken by the Waste Enforcement Section, Water Pollution Section and the Air & Noise Monitoring Section during 2023. The NEP report gives a full overview of all national enforcement priority activities and tells the story behind the various inspections, patrols, investigations and enforcement actions that were undertaken during 2023 and how key criteria were met.

A copy of the latest progress report is here: National Enforcement Priorities Progress Report for 2024