National Heritage Week 2020

Rather than focusing on the organisation of in-person public events, local heritage groups and organisers, families and communities were invited to develop projects around this year’s theme of ‘Heritage and Education: Learning from our Heritage’. Coordinated by the Heritage Council since 2005, National Heritage Week has become one of Ireland’s largest cultural events, and will run this year from Saturday, 15th – Sunday, 23rd August. For more information see

Snapshots of Fingal’s Past
Snapshots of Fingal’s Past presents photographs that capture Fingal’s past and the stories that lie behind them. This heritage project takes the form of an online exhibition featuring the stories of people, places, sports and traditions submitted by the people of Fingal. Members of the Fingal Heritage Network will also present stories from their areas.
To view the Snapshots online exhibition go to
To see Fingal Heritage Network pieces:
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Eamon Madden, Kettles Heritage Society
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Pat Kelly, Lusk Heritage Group
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Jim Lacey, Blanchardstown/Castleknock Historical Society
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Brendan Grimes, Skerries Historical Society
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Peader Bates, Donabate Historical Society
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Eamonn Grogan, Donabate Historical Society
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Jim Cullen, Howth Peninsula Heritage Society
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Cloghran Historical Society
Snapshots of Fingal's Past: Swords Historical Society

Fingal’s Heritage from Above
The first is a series of films featuring the heritage sites of Fingal will be launched during Heritage Week 2020. A collaboration between Mark Broderick, Digital Officer and Christine Baker, Heritage Officer the series begins with the intriguing stories of the Skerries Islands.
To view go to

Colouring Fingal’s Heritage
This colouring book depicts wonderful illustrations that capture the essence of Fingal's exceptional heritage. By matching cultural heritage with creativity this publication aims to introduce these sites and stories to new and varied audiences, both young and old(er)! Drawings are of varied detail to encourage all levels of colouring enjoyment. The majority of the sites included are open to the public and are there to be enjoyed by all the family. The project was undertaken by the Christine Baker, Heritage Officer in conjunction with Sara Nylund of Abarta Heritage. Copies can be collected from Fingal Libraries during Heritage Week or you can download the individual pages here
A Year in the Life of Swords Castle
Fingal Events have put together a Year in the Life of Swords Castle to showcase the vibrant and varied events that bring together the local community in the wonderful surroundings of Swords Castle. Swords Castle acts as the focal point for heritage in the Swords area and is enjoyed by a wide cross section of the community. The castle has served as a backdrop for various films and TV shows such as ‘The Vikings’, has provided wonderful acoustics for the likes of Kodaline and the Hot House Flowers, is the centrepiece for Christmas and Halloween celebrations and the beautifully restored chapel is now an acclaimed civil wedding venue. Charity events, recitals and the plein air painting festivals have all enjoyed the tranquil And atmospheric space. To view go to
A Gentle Amble through some of Ireland's Tree Heritage
Barry Smith of Fingal Libraries writes and narrates this podcast that explores the role of trees in ancient Irish society. We will look at how trees became integral aspects of our ancestors’ world. How myths and legends were woven around their complex meaning and symbolism. How trees influenced our early society and became the inspiration for our first alphabet, objects of veneration, focal points in the landscape, proprietors of medicine and even filled precious vellum pages of brehon law texts. The dramatic decline of the importance of trees will be discussed but also the modern day attempts to restore Ireland’s woodlands.
This is the link:
Teacht le chéile fíorúil do Sheachtain Oidhreachta ar Zoom
The Irish Language is very important in Fingal and enthusiasts can get together online to chat share stories, poems or songs in Heritage Week Zoom chat as Gaeilge hosted by Fingal County Council Irish Officer Bernie Kelly. These will take place on Wednesday 19th from 7pm (Meeting ID 822 3835 7119 password 143415) and Saturday 22nd from 12 midday (852 9829 7432 Password 116058). Email [email protected] for more information.