Advisory notice Malahide Beach and Prohibition notice Claremont Beach, Howth lifted.

Please be advised that following a return to excellent water quality the Advisory notice at Malahide Beach and the Prohibition notice at Claremont Beach, Howth have been lifted.

Malahide Beach

Please be advised that following a return to excellent water quality the Advisory notice at Malahide Beach and the Prohibition notice at Claremont Beach, Howth have been lifted.

In Bathing water quality results received today for resamples taken on Thursday 19th August 2021 Malahide Beach and Claremont beach met the standard for ‘excellent’ water quality.

All other identified bathing waters met the standard for “excellent” water quality in testing on August 17th. The next scheduled seawater sampling date is Tuesday the 31st August 2021.

Members of the public can check for water quality at any of the monitored bathing waters in Ireland in advance by accessing the EPA website at or by checking the notice board at the entrance to each beach.

To view  an explanation of the standards used for reporting results of bathing water (i.e. What are the standards used in bathing water) and the assessment of risk to bather health deemed to meet “Poor” standard (risk circa >10% of contracting gastro-intestinal illness) please got to

