
26 Sep 2022
Active Travel

ESB Bleeper eBikes Roll into Fingal Locations

ESB and Fingal County Council came together this week to officially launch the ESB eBike pilot project across three Fingal locations in conjunction with leading micro-mobility provider Bleeper, research partner Trinity College Dublin, innovation partner Dogpatch Labs and co-funding partner Interreg North-West Europe. 

23 Sep 2022

EU Commissioner visits Swords Castle

The EU Commissioner for Cohesion and Reform, Elisa Ferreira, visited Swords Castle this week to view first hand the conversion project that was supported under the European Regional Development Fund through the Southern and Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020.

22 Sep 2022

Front Strand Balbriggan Do Not Swim Notice Lifted September 15th, bathing season results listed

The Prohibition Do Not Swim Notice that had been in place at Front Strand Balbriggan was removed and replaced with the All Season Advisory on September 15th.The following table gives full details of results of sampling from the beginning of the bathing season and is followed by some background information to give context to the decision making regarding the Prohibition Notice in place from July 26th to September 15th.

22 Sep 2022

Fingal film set for October launch

Echo’s Bones is an ambitious two-year collaborative filmmaking project, led by artist Sarah Browne, with a group of autistic young people, in north county Dublin, commissioned by Fingal County Council under the Infrastructure 2017 – 2021 Public Art Programme and will be launched on October 8th 2022.

20 Sep 2022

Fresh Air Success in Balbriggan

Fingal County Council, Balbriggan Tidy Towns and Our Balbriggan joined forces this week to host Balbriggans first ‘Fresh Air Friday’ of the new School term. Schools and businesses in the town were invited to participate by asking their pupils and employees to leave the car at home for the day and choose Active Travel for their commute.